The Blog Takeover…

November 30, 2012

Hello!  Before you get too comfortable, I need to disclose that I’m not Jennifer. We have taken over each other’s blogs today, so while I’m here entertaining you, she’s over at my blog doing some entertaining of her own.  We’ve decided to share some mommy writer stories with each other’s readers. Because Jennifer is hilarious and also a “bad mommy” blogger, I have a feeling her stories will be funnier than mine, but I will do my best to keep you amused!

Writing and parenting are very much alike. You toil for what seems like an eternity and you never quite know if you’re getting it right—until you receive feedback from critics. Or as I like to call them: my children. They let me know when I’m getting it right, and when I’m getting it wrong.

I’m fortunate that my kids are all hyper-articulate (with a writer as a mom, who would have figured?), which makes it easy to communicate with them, despite their ages (2, 4, and 5). I am already amazed by the subtlety of their language (From my 5-year old: I had a tough day at school today. Everyone has tough days sometimes, and today it was my turn.).  I am fortunate to have plenty of time to speak with them every day—like many moms out there, I am also an amateur chauffeur, driving kids to and from pre-school and other activities every day.  As a result, we have a ton of time together in the car—lots of time to talk, listen to music, and of course, fight.

A typical conversation in the Barrett car:

DD: Mommy, I want to listen to music.

Me: Okay, honey. What do you want?

DD (age 2): Yellow Bird.

DS2 (age 4): Nooooo —that’s a baby song!

DD: Yes! Yellow Bird, Mommy!

DS2: I hate Yellow Bird!

Me: Well, what do you want?

DS2: Born in the USA.

DS1 (age 5): We listened to that two times yesterday. I’m sick of that. I want Shout!

DS2: Born in the USA!

DS1: Shout!

DD: Yellow Bird!

Me: Okay, first we’ll listen to Yellow Bird, then Born in the USA, then Shout.

DD: [Screaming]

DS2: [Screaming]

Me, trying to pay attention to the road: Guys, we’re not going to listen to anything if you keep screaming.

DS1: You’re both babies.

DS2: You’re the baby.

DS1: [Screaming]

Me: Quiet or I’m going to pull the car over!


DD: Yellow Bird now, Mommy.

DS1 and DS2: Noooo!

Me: [Puts head on the wheel]

The constant fighting is surreal.  Sometimes I want to scream, and sometimes I just want to laugh at the absurdity.  Of course I do my best not to laugh in these situations because (as every parent knows) if you laugh, you have broken form and ruined the lesson. And then the kids know they’ve won.

Or something like that.

So for all you mothers out there, what’s your favorite story about kids fighting in the car? I’m giving away one autographed, paper copy of my latest book, Blaze of Winter to one lucky commenter.


Just a quick note…I was lucky enough to blurb Elisabeth’s first book in the series, Deep Autumn Heat, and it’s amazing so go check it out! As one writing mama to another, things can get crazy here, and we thought it would be fun to share some of our mommy experiences! Make sure you check out my blog post at Elisabeth’s site. And stay tuned tomorrow for the beginning of the huge 12 Days of Christmas giveaway contest!

About Elisabeth:

Raised in a sleepy little Connecticut town, Elisabeth draws on her upbringing to write small-town romances. Her summers spent living and working on Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard were the inspiration for the Star Harbor series, which kicked off with Deep Autumn Heat and continues with Blaze of Winter. Currently, Elisabeth lives in Northern California with her husband and three children. Find her online: Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads



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  1. Kelly says:

    That is so funny. Been there done that. Now I have teenagers doing the same thing just different songs and they still scream. Gotta love it or you will kill them! I always think of Bill Cosby who said “I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it”

  2. Holly Epperson says:

    My ultimate car ride story was driving to Tazewell TN before the 4 lane highway was built. I was driving a dodge intrepid with my two small kids in car seat and booster seat. The roads are quite hilly and curvy. I was afraid my kids whom were used to the flat lands of SD would get sick on the roads. So every time we went up and down the mountain I would say kids were on a roller coaster. Hold your hands in the air as we go down the mountain. I never heard so much laughter in my life from my kids. They would scream make it go faster mommy!

  3. […] yourselves for something a little different. Today, I am taking over Jennifer Probst’s blog and she is taking over mine. Who is Jennifer Probst, you might ask? Well, I’ll tell you: […]

  4. Kelly, are you telling me it never ends? Okay, I knew it did, I think I was just in denial about it. Sigh.

  5. Liz says:

    I so remember those days! Wait until they are all teenagers – it only gets more fun!! LOL!

  6. Sarah Amos says:

    I got an early lesson on how fast kids are growing up nowadays. My son was about 8 and I had picked him up after school. As we were driving down the road, he wanted to know if he could get some gum out of my purse. Well, it just happened to be one of the days I had some “female” items in there. I told him that I would get it because I had somethings in there that he didn’t need to see. As cool as a cucumber he asked “oh, is it your time of the month?” I almost ran off the road…….

  7. bn100 says:

    Fun story. Don’t have any stories about kids fighting.

  8. Kris says:

    First — Note to self, do not let kids have chance to pick music in car..

    My girls are 8, 5, and 3. So two are in harnessed car seats, and the oldest in a backless booster. So 8 year old in middle, because putting the 5 and 3 year old anywhere close to each other reduces both to tears in seconds because they can’t help but antagonize each other.

    Anyways almost all of our car trips result in my saying to all three girls “Do not talk to, look at, breathe on, sing to, touch, whisper, glare, kick, hit, or anything that remotely resembles any of the above to your sisters.”

    My middle daughters favorite thing is to hold her finger a half inch away from her sister while declaring “I’m not touching you”

    Then we get the “Mom, she’s breathing on me” “Mom, she looked at me funny.” “Mom she’s singing and I don’t want to hear it”

    Of course my favorite semi-argument from the backseat was when my 5 year old told her sister she was going to autograph her notebook. 8 year old says “I don’t want your autograph” 5 year old responds “Well one day you will. And then I won’t give it to you.”

    Loads of fun with these 3.

    • Jennifer says:

      Oh, Kris, please visit me more often! You could be on stand up that is so typical of three children together. My boys’ conversations are off the charts ridiculous. My oldest once sniped to my youngest that he would never be a superhero because they weren’t real. My youngest sniffed and said, “Well, when I become Batman and kick your butt you’ll regret that.” Priceless! Thanks for stopping in!

      • Kris says:

        I will totally be back. LOL

        Aww. I love that story. I nannied twin boys who sniped at each other stuff like that all the time. Then I had all girls.

        My middle daughter insists she’s going to be Famous someday. She has yet to inform any of us what she’s going to be famous for though.

    • OMG – Kris, we have the exact same carseat breakdown and this is the *exact* reason we got a car with a third row. We put DS1 in the back row and separate the other two in the second row so no one can touch each other. They still find ways to do it – with the seatbelts, with toys, with whatever – but it’s much more difficult. One time we had to put DS1 back in the second row because we had too much luggage in the trunk (long road trip), and I nearly drove off the road numerous times because they were screaming so much!!

      • Kris says:

        I can only imagine how great it is to be able to do that Elisabeth.

        When we go for a new vehicle, the very first thing I am demanding is a 3rd row. It is SO blissful when the older two are in school and I’m only driving around with one! I try to do most of my running around while they are at school so I can avoid these little incidents.

  9. Lucinda cope land says:

    I love your books

  10. Lucinda cope land says:

    Lovey or books

  11. Maybelline says:

    I can totally relate to the mommy stories… I have two boys ages 5 and 6 and they can either make me feel like pulling my hair out or extremely happy. Their shenanigans are epic. I honestly think my 5 y/o might be a lawyer when he grows up, he has an argument for everything. One time, as we were pulling out from the garage he asks my husband, “Papi, where are we going?” My husband (using the guy answer) says: “we are going in the car”. Our son replied: “I know we’re going in the car, Papi, but ‘where’ –as in a place–are we going”? Needless to say, it was very hard for me to keep a straight face and not laugh at his comment.

    • We have one like that t0o. When you ask him to do something, it’s not the final word; it’s the start of a negotiation. Us: DS2, please wash your hands for dinner. Him: 5 more minutes. Us: Now. Him: 3 more minutes. Us: Now! Him: Fine. Just one more minute.

  12. Karen Pietrusinski says:

    My fond memories of the girls growing up and car rides was the question we all have heard, “Are we there yet”? Memories of the arguments in the car were and have matured into teen and adult years….what music we will listen to and who is singing off key.

  13. Kim Brooks says:

    I had to laugh..Guess I am lucky with only one child in the home. He only tells me to either turn the music up or down depending on his grumpiness for the day.

  14. Franca Federico says:

    One of my favoite memories of a road trip was when my son asked me ” mom how old were you when you had me?” Well I answered ” I was 24.” Know everyone should know I’m always telling everyone that I’m 29. So then my 7 year old daughter asked ” how old were you when you had me?” Of course I answered ” I was 29.” My daughter turns around and looks at her brother with a big great smile on her face and says ” see you made mommy old I didn’t.”

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