Write Naked

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Learn how to transform your passion for writing into a career. New York Times best-selling author Jennifer Probst reveals her pathway to success, from struggling as a new writer to signing a seven-figure deal. Write Naked intermingles personal essays on craft with down-to-earth advice on writing romance in the digital age.

Probst will teach you how to:

   • Commit to your current work-in-progress, get focused, and complete it on schedule
   • Reveal raw emotions and thoughts on the page to hook your readers
   • Assemble a street team to promote and celebrate your books
   • Overcome writer's block with ease
   • Develop themes that tie together your books and series
   • Write the most difficult elements of romance--including sex scenes--with skill and style

Regardless of the genre, every novelist faces a difficult task. Creating authentic characters and an engaging plot are challenging enough. But attempting to break into the hotter-than-ever romance genre, which is constantly flooded with new titles and fresh faces? It can feel impossible. This is where Probst's Write Naked comes in. To survive--and thrive--you need the help and wisdom of an expert.

Written in Probst's unmistakable and honest voice, Write Naked is filled with the lessons and craft advice every writer needs in order to carve out a rewarding career.

Nonfiction: Advice for Writers

"Jennifer Probst brings something magical to her writing, and with Write Naked she gives you insight into her process. The most important thing a writer can do is hone their process, and this book is a valuable tool to use in doing that. Highly recommend!" --Bob Mayer, New York Times best-selling author

My writing career has been such a gift, and nothing gives me more joy than sharing my experience and knowledge with others!

Nonfiction for Writers

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