Big News!

May 18, 2020

I’m thrilled to say I’ve been working hard on some brand-new surprises for my readers. This includes my Sunshine Sisters series, a new nonfiction writing book called, Write True, an updated holiday novella, and my first women’s fiction novel, Our Italian Summer.

New books sometimes call for other changes, so after careful consideration, I decided I needed a brand-new home to reflect an updated, fresh, and real feel to my website. Something with sass and warmth and positivity. A place readers will love to visit regularly for updated pictures, stories, extras, and a breath of beauty.

Welcome to my new website at

It comes with an updated logo that makes me smile. There are book trailers, a special place for writers, info on my speaking engagements, and plenty more.

Please go take a peek, look around, and let me know what you think.

I truly hope you love it as much as I do.

2020 has been one of the hardest years for most, and I’m doing my best to try and bring as much new content and positivity to the world on a daily basis. Love to all of you!

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  1. Gina Seymour says:

    Jennifer can’t wait for some Probst reading. You are a talented author and anything you create I’m sure will be amazing!

  2. Cheryl Bodo says:

    Love your new website! Great job! So colorful and bright, makes you just want to visit you /it!

  3. Rhonda Brant says:


  4. Viviana Varona says:

    Congratulations and how wonderful!

  5. Cari says:

    A fan beginning with the Marriage series and Searching Series. You cannot write fast enough for me! While Eagerly waiting For Temptation on Ocean Drive am rereading the Builder series. Your characters are strong and worth revisiting . Thank you.

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