#WW – Writer’s Wednesday

May 23, 2012

Happy Hump Day!

I love to mix up #WW with different genres and various authors so I’m so happy to announce the wonderful Cindi Madsen is visiting today! She’s talking about her exciting new YA coming out this year. Give her a big welcome!

While I do enjoy and sometimes write adult romance, my first book that will be out is a young adult gothic mystery (with plenty of romance thrown in, of course). ALL THE BROKEN PIECES comes out with Entangled in December.

When I first started writing this book, I wanted it to be about two broken characters who come together, and sort of become unbroken together. I’m used to writing heroines who don’t take crap from anyone and hold everything in, so it was hard at first to write one who’d just come out of a coma and was so vulnerable. On top of healing from the car wreck that almost ended her life, she’s got two voices in her head who constantly argue. Spencer’s had some things in his past that keep him on the fringe, too. He tries to avoid Liv, but he finds himself more and more drawn to her. I’ve been through a lot of ups and downs and rewrites with this book, but every time I tried to give up, it was like the characters were whispering to me, telling me their story needed to be out there. Apparently, I have arguing voices in my head, too J

One of my biggest inspirations is music. I love the way it can transport you and make you feel emotions with the lyrics. When I write, I try to put that kind of emotion into my books and hope that readers will feel them, too, especially that tingly butterfly feeling you get when you’re falling in love alongside the characters.

So here’s the blurb:

What if your life wasn’t your own?

Liv comes out of a coma with no memory of her past and two distinct, warring voices inside her head. Nothing, not even her reflection, seems familiar. As she stumbles through her junior year, the voices get louder, insisting she please the popular group while simultaneously despising them. But when Liv starts hanging around with Spencer, whose own mysterious past also has him on the fringe, life feels complete for the first time in, well, as long as she can remember.

Liv knows the details of the car accident that put her in the coma, but as the voices invade her dreams, and her dreams start feeling like memories, she and Spencer seek out answers. Yet the deeper they dig, the less things make sense. Can Liv rebuild the pieces of her broken past, when it means questioning not just who she is, but what she is?

You can learn more on Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13425135-all-the-broken-pieces  Or at: http://cindimadsen.com

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  1. jermaine says:

    Hi Jennifer,

    Just finished the Marriage Bargain. Loved loved loved. A group of us read at work and now im recommending to all my clients. We just want more. Will we be seeing more of Nick and Alexa or is this it. What wondeeful characters.

    • Jennifer says:

      Thank you so much! I’m absolutely thrilled you loved it – made my day! Maggie and Michael’s story is coming out June 15th – The Marriage Trap – and you will be seeing Alexa and Nick again – promise. Thanks again for letting me know!

    • Aleasha says:

      OMG wasn’t it soooo good?! I can’t wait for The Marriage Trap…cmon 6/15!

  2. Lacey Devlin says:

    I LOVE the sound of All The Broken Pieces. December is SOOOO far away!! Why’s it so far away? *wails*

  3. Lacey Devlin says:

    I LOVE the sound of All The Broken Pieces. December is SOOOO far away!! Why’s it so far away? *wails*

  4. This novel sounds facinating. I don’t normally read YA, but I might have to start!

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