Random Acts of Kindness

May 20, 2012

The lovely Angela Ackerman began a movement entitled Random Acts of Kindness for Writers to celebrate her new release, The Emotion Thesaurus.

In a week long event, writers post in their blog a shout-out to someone they want to celebrate who have helped in their writing journey.

I didn’t want to miss out on this special event for many reasons.

I’m a huge proponent of random acts of kindness. When I first discovered the movement years ago, I made sure to practice what was preached because I know how one tiny gesture can make a huge difference. I know this because it happened to me.

When I had completed my first full length novel, I received some rejections that could have either broken my spirit or strengthened my character. The road ahead was long and torturous and I became concerned I didn’t have enough to keep going. I sunk into a bit of a depression as I struggled.

A few days later, I received a beautiful bouqut of red roses. No note. No signature. Nothing. There was no man in my life at the time, and I called the flower shop to see who would have sent me such expensive flowers. They said it was a man, but they couldn’t tell me who. Now, of course to my romantic soul, I spun a tale of a secret admirer, and my imagination went full bloom.

And I started my second novel. It began with a flower delivery with no card. It is still one of my favorite manuscripts today, but was never published. But receiving those roses helped me turn a corner. I committed myself and found in some way, it was the universe telling me not to give up.

Years later, I found out my best friend’s husband sent me those roses. He heard from his wife that I was going through a rough time, and had read a little book called Random Acts of Kindness. So he decided to send my flowers.

And that could have made all the difference.

So, on the final day of writing acts of kindness, I want to give a shout out to two special writing friends in my life. Wendy S. Marcus and Aimee Carson.

They both write for Harlequin and are amazing writers. I adore their books so much and wish they could write faster. But my shout out has nothing to do with their talent.

I met both of them and bonded at the RWA conference in Orlando almost three years ago. Wendy had been in the Hudson Valley Writer’s chapter with me, but we had only been able to exchange some casual conversation. During that conference, we clicked in a special way, and couldn’t stop talking. At the same time, we met Aimee Carson, and as we went from workshop to workshop, we spent most of the time whispering furiously and laughing our asses off. It was like discovering two long sought out writing soul sisters. I felt complete.

We decided to work on a special project together and put together an email loop. Throughout the last few years, whenever I needed a quick opinion on a cover, a critique, or a pick me up, they respond immediately. When I hit the USA Today bestselling list, they sent me a bottle of pink champagne to celebrate, and it meant as much to me as my own family celebration. We share problems in and out of writing, twitter, and see each other at conferences. It is the type of relationship that doesns’t need constant contact because the seeds have been planted and taken root. I can pick up the phone and know they are there if I need them. They have made my writing journey a better place.

So thank you. Thanks for inspiring me with your talent and good heartedness and character.

Visit the Bookshelf Muse and celebrate Writing Random Acts of Kindness.

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  1. Hi Jen!
    This post made my day! It’s so nice to really click with someone in person and not just online. You and Aimee are so wonderful and I am blessed to call both of you my friends.

  2. What a lovely story–I’m glad you got to find out down the road who sent them and say thank you! I love that a book on RAOK inspired him to act. Such small, simple kindnesses…we often never know just how much they can change the course of someone’s day but they do!

    Thanks so much for getting involved. It’s great to see people find writing support, because we really do succeed together. 🙂


  3. Aimee Carson says:

    Jen!!! You just made me cry, in a good way! I honestly would never have made it to where I am today in writing career without you and Wendy. As a matter of fact, the two of you are what keep me sane – and we both know what a big job that is LOL.

    Soul sisters to the end!


  4. Absolutely beautiful story of the roses, Jen. Thanks for sharing it. 🙂

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