Writing Secrets Revealed…

October 30, 2013

First off, thank you for helping me make the release day for Executive Seduction a success! I’ve picked the winners and emailed them so congratulations to all who helped me spread the word!

I thought it would be fun to take a break from announcements and share some secrets with you. 

When I tell people I’m a full-time writer, I get various reactions. Most are impressed. The career seems quite glamorous, and I get lots of questions regarding my office, how I get my ideas, how many hours I write, and how many books I publish.

Many give a dreamy sigh. “I wish I had the time to write a book,” they murmur. “I have this great idea. Maybe it’s time I get published too.”

Umm, dude, it took me twenty years to make a living out of this.


“Isn’t it wonderful to work from home and have so much time for your children and house?”

Umm, dudette, my house is a pigsty, and I never see my children anymore.

But back to my original intention of this post. I want to share some inside information behind the screen of the glamorous writer. It’s a term we know well in our career. It’s a term we fear and dread and if you say it, it’s worse than a curse word or the devil and encompasses every monster hidden in our mental closet.


A deadline is an actual date you must deliver our manuscript to your editor. My kids know the term editor very well, too. They whisper it, like she is a fierce Goddess of power, able to yank our house away or bestow a trip to Disneyland in one fell swoop. I have trained them well to know when DEADLINE is near and that my EDITOR will be very, very angry if I don’t deliver on time.

Let’s discuss what happens during deadline. It’s a sad, desolate, scary time in my house. There is no food. There is no cleaning. There is no social conversation or laughter. People tiptoe, and are generally cranky, starting with me and I share the joy until it trickles to each of my family members. Peanut butter and jelly, pasta, and soup are our only meals, unless of course, my husband cooks, which he does because if he didn’t everyone would starve. Wine is plentiful.

I make brief appearances, stomping through the house, muttering under my breath, occasionally wiping away a tear from sheer frustration and fear. This is a time when I get dates wrong. I once showed up for a reading event on the wrong day in my children’s school. My older son used the word deadline to his teacher. I don’t think she understood.

This is a time I get ugly. Really, really ugly. I don’t have time to wash the two pair of comfortable, baggy writing pants because I can’t wait for them to go through the cycles, so I just keep wearing them. I don’t brush my hair – just stick it up in a clip on top of my head. Make-up doesn’t exist. I usually end up breaking out from lack of skin care and sport them with wrinkles.

I smell. I really forget to shower until my husband announces I’m not sleeping in the bed until I do. My legs are porcupines. I get fat, from missed meals and then making up for it with gallons of cheese, bread, chocolate, wine or munchies.

I never sleep. Nearing the end, the voices get louder, insisting me to finish, so I moan and tell them to go away but they talk louder until I stare at the ceiling wondering if I got enough conflict stuck in chapter three, if they should have sex sooner, and if I even have a plot to fix.

Some real events that have occurred in my house at deadline:

1. I washed an entire load of laundry but forgot to put in the detergent

2. I drove to the wrong school and tried to drop my kids off at middle school. They are in elementary.

3. I missed my exit and drove to the next town, several miles away. I was brainstorming.

4. I showed up at a kids birthday party on the wrong day and my children cried.

5. I bought my children expensive Nintendo DS games for absolutely no reason except to keep them away from me until after the book.

6. I wore my shirt inside out to the bus stop. TWICE.

So, there it is. The unvarnished truth of what is behind closed doors during this time.

When the book is delivered, everybody is happy. We go to dinner, and laugh and play board games. We go to the movies. We cuddle and read stories at night, and do fun things on the weekends, and have gourmet meals. The brainstorming begins for a new project, and we have hope we will never go through such stress again because this time the book will be started early. This time, by writing a certain amount of words each day, we will be ahead of deadline. This time, there will be no worries because we have done this before a billion times and have learned our lesson.



Drop me a comment HERE or on my FACEBOOK page (Link is on right) on what you’ve done in the pursuit of your work/career/passion/hobby and I’ll pick a winner to get a FREE copy of Executive Seduction in paperback or digital copy – your choice!



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  1. Zoey Derrick says:

    And this is why I HEART you so much! Now I know I am not alone.

    Keep up the fabulous work!


  2. Lee Clements says:

    Oh I empathize with you Jennifer. I am a part time artist who sells, teaches art classes and writes blog posts and articles for magazines, and there have been many a deadline in my household that have resulted in burnt food and saucepans burnt black because I was so into getting my project at the time finished, that I put the dinner on and forgot about it, as well as forgotten appointments, the liberal use of dry shampoo because I ran out of time to wash my hair and had to get to my ‘day job’. Before I had my own art space I used to paint on the dining room table and there were often weeks of eating on our laps because we couldn’t see the table. One time I was madly trying to get a painting done and had to stop to get ready to go out to a friends birthday party. I had my slippers on until the last minute and was going to put my heals on to match my dress except that I forgot and didn’t realise till I sat down to dinner that I had walked in, in my slippers. Well, it was a bit awkward but I just laughed it off – what could I do anyway .
    My husband would often ask if I was going to actually start a project early to avoid all this household disruption and stress, and of course, I say yes, that I will be more proactive and do little bits at a time, but you can’t tell the muse to just pop in when you need it, you can’t tell when inspiration is going to strike, so I have given up the stress of feeling ‘behind’ in any of my projects and just try to work around it. My household somewhat adjusts, realising through necessity, that my creative mind is spontaneous and not comfortable with keeping to an organised schedule, so they leave me to my studio when a deadline is close and learn to cook easy meals.
    It’s good to know I’m not the only one in this situation.
    thanks for the giveaway and sharing an insight into your life.

  3. wendy says:

    Jennifer, I can feel your stress!! However, it tells me how intense your creativity is and I thank you! I’m in the medical field and can so relate to the insanity when it was time for tests or my board exams! I once showed up 2 days early for a test and drove almost 2 hours to a wrong clinical site…yeah not cool!

  4. Carolyn Walker Rhodes says:

    Jennifer, I’m a stay at home mom and I get looks and comments about not working but it’s the hardest job I’ve ever had and it’s never ending. Wish I had the talent to write, but I do love to read! My passion is taking care of my family and seeing to there needs. I love to make them happy!

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Carolyn! What you said was absolutely beautiful! Raising children today and keeping a family together is huge, and a big challenge, and to love it is everything. Thanks so much for stopping in!!

  5. Marti says:

    I was making a t shirt quilt for my son’s birthday and had limited time to complete it. I was so smart to cut up his 20 favorite shirts from high school in 20″ squares. Then my sewing machine died and I put it all out on the pool table and sewed it by hand. Then comes the quilting (which I did each corner). I had 3 days to complete, so I didn’t do anything except sew. By Monday morning, my fingers hurt so bad, I could hardly function at work. Since I draw blood, it’s important to have the use of the fingers. In fact, I could barely work for 2 weeks.

  6. Holly says:

    What you blogged today was hilarious. I believe you should write about everyday living with a famille and being a writer. You made me think of the comedian Jeanne Robertson with your blog.
    Thanks for writing and making our day.

    • Jennifer says:

      LOL thanks so much Holly! It’s life, right, and my family knows how to laugh at all the ups and downs and craziness! thanks for stopping in!

  7. Jenn McElroy says:

    I’ve had to recruit my parents to babysit my then 6-month old while my husband took the 6 year old out so that I could finish paperwork for a grad class. Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  8. bn100 says:

    Hike up a mountain in cold weather to see the view

  9. Cindy Hamilton says:

    A couple of times I lay awake all night thinking of all the things I forgot to do at work that day and what I had to do the next day.

  10. Andre Ruiz says:

    My day after day it is graceful and mad. I wake up with my small brother of eighteen months who beats me to wake up. To it I am called it a love in brute. Then between games and fondness I begin my routine to go to the university. I must come to schedule but I never achieve it since I am an unpunctual person. I know it, it is my major fault. Then the day is normal, I study medicine, therefore I spend the day seeing and listening on human bodies. But on having returned to house it waits for his he, my small gift. And shouting “Ea” (this way it calls me with his scarcely words) it wraps me in a tender embrace. That we can have different days, but I believe that the wonderful of the this life in small things that really make us happy.
    I wait really not to overwhelm them with my history, but on having read his statement here, inspire to counting my day after day.
    Regards from Argentina.

  11. Kim Perry says:

    I’m (finally) finishing up my dissertation and I’ve frequently been up until 1-2 am writing. I’ve also missed out on many family events because I had to write or run analyses or do yet more research. I’ve also gotten out of bed to add things to write a note just to make sure I don’t forget an idea I had or something I need to work on.

  12. Veronika Spagnolo says:

    I can relate to deadlines, only mine were for grades. I decided (please don’t ask me why, I’m sure it was for a very good reason) to go back to school and get my degree. All 5 kids were in school and it sounded like fun. So off I go the the admin office of our local community college. Since many people told me I should do accounting because I’m good with numbers, I thought why not (huge mistake). And then as if that wasn’t enough, I got a part-time job at one of my kid’s school. To reward myself for the really hard classes, I took a creative writing class. Fun and easy “A” right? Right?? So my kids now hear me muttering under my breath as I drive from one school to another (did I mention 5 kids) from parent participation pre-school, elementary, middle, High and college. We had only one car (I have a husband, I’m sure I saw him occasionally, I think). My family’s foibles end up in my essays, and my oldest was my proof reader (she got A’s in English). On occasion I could hear her muttering, sheesh mom you really can’t write this like this or take this out! Me “no I like that part a lot”. What did they eat? Well spaghetti in the crockpot was easy or hot dogs, sandwiches or even pizza. However, when ever the word “deadline” came out of my mouth, not even if they were gashed and bleeding were they suppose to disturb me. “Go see your Dad” and “go away” were often heard. There were days when I went to school without any sleep but I don’t remember much about them. And it seems that the best ideas came in the middle of the night (my husband who can sleep anywhere and anytime frowned at the light coming on then) so I got a flashlight. Upside to all this madness, I got A’s (well in my writing classes at any rate). My kids cheered until they heard, “next semester I’m taking…”. Life is meant to be lived, especially in craziness.

    • Jennifer says:

      Veronika what an incredible story! I love it! It will all work out and I so admire you for going after what you want thanks for the inspiration!!!

  13. Fiona Nichols says:

    I love your books and am an avid reader since I lost my husband my children bought me a kindle and I read and read I have read all your books I live In the
    I also work as a clairvoyant medium do clairvoyant evenings for charity raised £38,000 last year I like to help,people
    Keep up,the good work enjoy your family when you are on your own you have your memories.
    Kind regards


  14. Jackie says:

    I began writing again.

  15. Ginger M. says:

    My favorite day of the week is Tuesday! I love New Release day (especially when one of my favorite authors has a new book out)!

  16. Jamie Wadowsky says:

    Ugh I feel yay. I have 4 kids ages 7,4,4,and 3. I quit teaching because “hello” 3 kids under 2. Oh I could tell you the stories…at least they make me laugh. I live for my kids

  17. Cynthia says:

    Well, I’m deployed and currently writing. Although I have no deadlines, I skip meals, I skip sleep and I lose my hair over my book.
    My days run into one another and I’m constantly either upset or overjoyed. Never an in between.
    Because I’m so caught up, sometimes I forget Skype dates with my husband! He always understands, bless his heart.
    Every day is a headache. I mean literally there is a throbbing in my head every day.

    I love it all. I would never change it for a second. Today I sent out my manuscript to my editor. Not even half the day has gone by and I started on the sequel. I just have to tell myself that I’m doing what I love on both ends. Serving my country and writing. 🙂

    • Jennifer says:

      Cynthia, you completely inspire me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for serving our country, and having the drive to go after your writing career. Good luck on the manuscript I know you will do this!!!

  18. Angie H. says:

    I’m a school teacher and I feel like by the end of the day, my own kids kinda get the short end of the stick. They get tired, cranky mom. They tend to get the mom that has no patience left and only wants a glass of wine and a good book…and most importantly quiet time. I feel so guilty some days. They are good at giving me about an hour when we get home to unwind and my husband is good at distracting them. I feel as moms, we always feel as though we have days where we fall short.

    • Jennifer says:

      Wow, Angie, you nailed it! We work so hard and always worry if there’s enough for our kids. I’ve learned there is – we are giving them so much love and worry, but we sell ourselves short. Thank YOU for everything you do!

  19. Janhvi says:

    Hahaha thank you so much for the awesome post!

  20. Penny Culberson says:

    Just rescued an abused Shih Tzu now have 5 rescue puppies. Makes my life so much richer having such unconditional love.

    Can’t wait to read another great book!

    • Jennifer says:

      Thanks Penny. And thank YOU tons and tons for helping our furry babies out there that need us so desperately. I think you’ll love my new release Searching for Someday – it has a rescue dog who becomes a big character!

  21. Natasha Griffin says:

    I work as a social worker in a very stressful medical field. To stay sane me and the nurses take turns texting the funniest and at times obnoxious yet true quotes and memes to each other. The crazy conversations created by these are enough to keep us going on the tough days.

  22. Lachic says:

    Omg. Very glamorous life:) I would never want to write but not for the reason you’ve describe ~ I have no talent for it even if I can make a good story up on the fly..lol

    Thank you for your great books!

  23. Tamicka says:

    Love kids and sadly all I ever wanted to be was a mom. Unfortunately that’s not in the cards of ,u life right now, maybe ever. So instead I’ve worked as a nanny and in daycares my whole life (I’m 28) so that I’m surrounded by children’s laughter and I help the next generation of dreamers meet there goal 🙂

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Tamicka! I bet you bring such joy to the children in your life! Not sure why our paths are a certain way, but I hope you know your footprints here are precious and I bet you have changed many kid’s lives. Tahnks so much for sharing!!

  24. Margil says:

    Hello, Miss Jennifer! I’m a big fan of you and all your wonderful books and reading this post kinds of make me scared of the future but also drives me into making the best despite the pressure and pain, because after all, you’re doing something you love.

    (idk, this is the first time I’ve ever spoken/written this out, this might be long so I apologize in advance…. and well, this is my story)
    I practically tried my damnest to learn chemistry in senior year since I wanted to be a pharmacist. I got really good at it and loved it that when I started applying for universities, I ended up applying for a slot for a BS Chemistry degree. I got accepted and it pretty much went really well for a while…. and then, when we were on our way for finals during the first semester, I think I kind of got overwhelmed by college and how demanding it is that I mastered the art of procrastinating. That was basically the time of my life that I escaped the YA fantasies and dystopians and started reading classics, NA romance, YA fiction, even non-fiction, just to have something to read at times when I’m not doing anything, and would ignore and delay studying until the last minute. It really did open my eyes to a whole new perspective. Believe me, words from these books were the first magic I experienced. I realized then and there that I wanted to spend my life in words. Be a writer, a speaker or a reader, whichever, as long as I can convey myself and hopefully let people feel the magic too. I wanted to participate in the world. I wanted to go social. I love chemistry, but I just felt like it wasn’t gonna be enough to quench my thirst of the new world that I was opened up to.
    I was still struggling to tell my mom that I wanted to shift to a different degree program, since in the first place, I was the one who chose chemistry and I was doing really well, in her perspective, performance-wise, there was no reason I should waste all the chemistry courses, money and effort I’ve taken and shift my academic interest into something else. In the end, I had to endure one more semester being a chemistry student to keep my scholarship and have more time to convince my mom. I mean, she’s a pretty supportive mom, but as I’ve said, she still sees no red flags that should wave me away from the path of being a chemist.
    I then applied and shifted degree programs. I became an economics student. I’ve decided I wanted to be a lawyer and take economics as pre-law. Economics appealed to me because of too many reasons (it was a practical choice, it was interesting and I figured, it was gonna be a pretty hard foundation in which I could build and understand the things happening around me and participate to these issues). But then, I practically had to endure all the snide and condescending remarks from everyone who knew me as a chemistry student. That was honestly the first time I ever felt like being bullied and properly underestimated. Either they would think I was giving up in chemistry because I couldn’t do it or they would just stare and wait for me to screw up and realize that I’ve made a “terrible mistake”. They have quickly dropped me off and demoted me in their “hierarchy of intelligence”. Even my mom, when I tell her about an achievement (like getting the highest grades in the whole class), she would treat it with little enthusiasm…. probably implying that I only got the highest grades because everyone in my class (and basically the econ students) are a hell lot less smart than my chemistry classmates and getting good grades was easy weezy. That was a really stupid and irrational assumption but people around me were pretty much in agreement with each other on who is better.
    It’s still a struggle until now but I’ve been constantly reading, writing and learning. I also joined the debate club in our uni to really hit up the “participate and go social” part. So far, I’ve traveled to go to debate competitions and won them. So far, I have made my ideas and stands, spoke them, wrote them, argued them, and I’ve refused to falter. It still sucks to have everyone look at you and belittle you when they could instead look at your potential and strengths. It still is hard but I’d be damned if I let them stop me from doing what I want to do. I will be something someday (hopefully a lawyer *fingers and toes crossed*) and I refuse to believe in them and look back in my life and realize I’ve given up my dreams because of people who couldn’t care less about anyone but themselves.

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Margil, Your story is so inspiring, thank you tons for sharing. You have the strength and determination in your core to go after what you want and never quit and that is what will serve you the best in this world! It sounds like you are making great decisions, and being social, and standing up for what you want. I had so many obstacles becoming a writer it was insane – many people termed it a cute little hobby and never believed I could succeed. After twenty years of writing and never giving up, I finally made my dream come true. Never give up and I’m so happy our stories and books make you happy – that is exactly how I feel when I read!

      • Margil says:

        I don’t really know how to reply to this coherently because I’m just out of words after reading your reply (and I can’t probably see straight after tearing up a bit- or maybe a hell lot) but I guess I just really want you to know that you’re one of the best (and coolest… let’s probably add strongest to that too) authors I’ve ever had the chance to enjoy reading and that I’m very very VERY grateful you continued your passion and love in writing or I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to learn from you and laugh with you – in a way an author and reader does – despite the miles of distance. You’re really amazing.

  25. leah schultz says:

    Hi Jennifer!
    I love photography and just this morning driving to the bus stop (it’s freezing). I look out the window and I realized we have a bright pink and bright like teal blue clouds around the Sun Rise. So, I ran back in my house to grab my camera and take awesome pictures. We were late to the bus stop and missed the bus. We continued on to the school, half way I realize that I was almost out of gas and forgot my phone and purse at home cause I was worried about grabing my camera. I was on pins and needles until I pulled in my driveway way, that I would run out of gas and make my 4 year old son walk in the cold for 3 miles.

    • Jennifer says:

      OMG Leah, that sounds like a story straight from my life haha!! Amazing what a passion can do to the every day details of survival, yet it was probably worth it to have those beautiful photos you’ll never forget! Thanks for stopping in!

  26. DC Stone says:

    I love this post! Number 5 is so what happens in my house, only I’m trying to do it with games on the Kindle and Mickey-D’s.
    Next time the DEADLINE is near, you should totally splurge on a mani/pedi just to take some of the stress off!
    Happy writing! LOVE YOUR BOOKS!

  27. Donna Moore says:

    I have an alphabet brain, OCD, ADD, etc. The only way I can short circuit the constant thoughts of what did I forget, why did I do (item), where is that (item), neverending lists … is to get so into a book that time, thoughts and the world stops for just one more chapter. I discovered this fix to my runaway brain, just after finishing my Associates Degree. It took me 5 years to get my 2 year degree. I didn’t realize I had become so used to having a book with me, everywhere I went. My daughter gave me the Twilight books because we had been watching the reruns on cable.

    Somehow my family decided it would be a good idea to have all three of us in college at the same time; my husband getting his Associates Degree in Electrical Tech, me working on my Accounting and our daughter working on her Bachelors of Fine Art in Photography. Well when I went back to school (at my age) I decide to do it right or not at all.

    Where things got wonky, my husband was working full time and almost full time at school and I was working and school part time and maintaining the household and still nudging the daughter-unit along her way. I can’t tell you how many times I was doing laundry whites at 1:00 am while writing a term paper or financial analysis project, just so we would finally have clean underwear the next day. Forget that we were coughing up hairballs and dustbunnies because I hadn’t been cleaning the house much. Many days I went to work on 4 hours of sleep and then class until 9:00pm. We discovered what was truly important was that we still spent time coming together in the midst of our personal struggles. Those years were mostly a blur then and now. I don’t really remember the pain, but cherish the big stuff. My husband who didn’t graduate high school, his face as he marched across the stage to most noise I’d ever heard come out of a small group of people. I loved helping my daughter install her senior photography show. And I, despite being a total screw up in high school and ADD, thanks to my OCD graduated with a 4.0.

    Oh Jennifer, you have no idea how much a great story that is well written means to me. THE only time my brain shuts off is when I read. I have authors such as you who are willing to perform their act of love/hate and supply me with a constant supply of wonderful reading material. Thank you and your family for enduring your own struggles for us fans.

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Donna! Your beautiful comments literally made me tear up! Thanks for your lovely words and I so enjoyed your story about your family. We all struggle but looking back, we truly do remember all the good times of when we are together, and concentrate on the successes, not the failures. YOu sound like you have an amazing family – I appreciate you sharing with me – hugs!

  28. Linda Brennan says:

    I worked until my oldest was 18 months old, then I quit to become a stay-at-home-mom. I haven’t regretted it for one day. Although I don’t get paid a salary, it can be the most rewarding job in the world. (Sometimes it can be the most frustrating job in the world, too! lol) I admire writers such as you, because you are able to do what I wish I could do. My passion is reading books, and thank God there are so many authors who make that passion a joy. Thanks for the chance to win!!!

    • Jennifer says:

      Thank you so much Linda, being a stay at home mom is one of the hardest jobs in the world – I’ve said many times at work I feel like a rock star lol but at home I’m running around like crazy trying to figure out the rules!! Thanks for stopping in!

  29. I have a few questions I hope you will be able to answer. If not, can you refer me to someone that can? Can you please tell me the name of the publishing house that accepted your manuscript(s)? Do you use the same publisher? Does the publishing company provide you with an agent and editor or did you get both before submitting your manuscript(s). OR Have you self published all your books (Indie Writer)? Thank you for your time and answers.
    Kristine Spencer-Lachut

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Kristine, I do have a publisher, – Gallery at Simon and Schuster – and no, you have to get your own agent, but you don’t need one to be published. I write both traditional with Gallery AND self publish/indie books on my own. Hope that answers your questions!

  30. Connie Dowell says:

    I enjoyed your deadline woes immensely~! It gave me such a tickle and a laugh feels so good. Insight into a favorite authors life makes me appreciate your books that much more!
    My passion besides reading is dolls. I am a lover and a collector. When first starting out I did not have a lot of money for show cases to display my treasures. Upon being lucky enough to be able to return to the hometown I was raised in I was also fortunate to acquire an antique showcase to show off that collection. The showcase was in sad condition and needed many months of tender loving care. At that time my son had just started to school and had an intense love of the show, “The Six Million Dollar Man.” All my son saw of his mother most of the time was his mom working in that showcase. During that time we also decided to try a new church. For a no. of Sundays I would get quite a few inquiring looks. It puzzled me somewhat. But after the 4th Sunday of picking up my son after Sunday school the teacher said, “bye Steve”. I replied his name is Robbie. I then found that he had his name listed as Steve Austin and he called himself the 6 dollar man. He also claimed that his mother lived in a box at home. He told quite a persuasive story and I had a bit of a time explaining how this little guy told how he only saw his mother through a window in a box. That story has been remembered with a great deal of humor for many years!
    Thank you so much for all the pleasure I receive when ever picking up one of your books.

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Connie! I LOVED your story! Your son sounds incredible – like a real writer who makes up stories and believes they are true – thanks for stopping by to share made my day! And thank you for your lovely words, I am thrilled my books give you some pleasure in this world.

  31. Sherri Pullar says:

    Hi Jennifer,

    I had to chuckle when I read your “secret.” I, also work from home and can totally relate. Although the word Editor does not strike fear in my house it is instead my “Boss.” I work with deadlines quite a bit and it never fails that when there is a large amount of work to be done it seems the shortest length of time is given and the most busiest time in my motherly duties as well (driver, sitter, baker, etc) Roll it all up together and you have one stressed out lady. We eat PB&J, soup, and my daughter’s favorite “Skip” night (see what you can find in the house to eat). Although it can drive me crazy at times, I really enjoy my job and enjoy working from home. The times when it is not crazy we do the same kinds of things, dinner out, movies, game night, enjoy family time. When I am really lucky I get some free time to myself and sit down and enjoy a good book. Thanks for making my me time enjoyable. Love all of the books you have shared with us so far. From one work at home mom to another, keep up the good work (and don’t worry about the dust bunnies (or in my house dust dinosaurs) they will keep for another day!)!

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Sherri – I LOVE skip night so funny! We’re all in this together right! And I so agree about the dust dinosaurs – they’ll always be waiting… Thanks tons for stopping by!

  32. lisagk says:

    I’ve done dumb things like wear one red shoe and one blue shoe at the same time. I’ve written a check to pay my electric bill for twenty three cents. Too focused on what’s happening at work.

  33. Betsy Dillon says:

    Jennifer – I have so much admiration for you it’s difficult to put into words.
    I no longer have kids at home – I’ve entered the THIRD chapter of my life. I made 13 New Years resolutions last year, and I’m determined to meet them all. I’m a teacher – math – middle school. Those 3 descriptors say it all. This year is the first year of MY LAST 5 YEARS. But I want more. I’m writing my first book. I think it’s great, but then again who knows?? I started a blog with 3 of my teacher friends which I manage and post daily. I FB, PIN, TWEET, AND use INSTAGRAM. I’m exercising everyday. DEADLINES? I have them everyday at school, and now I spend 5+ hours every night on my laptop, iPad, and iPhone!! Things are happening for me, and I love staying busy! BUT MY KIDS ARE GROWN:) AND ON THEIR OWN!!

    YOU – young kids at home??? I don’t know how you do it! Is your husband a saint??? Are you superhuman?? For the record, your books are absolutely fabulous!!! Just love them all:) You are an inspiration – thanks!!

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Betsy! I LOVE that you’re diving into the deep end and exploring your passions – it’s so inspiring! And thank you tons for your support and kind words – I’ve learned you just do what you have to, and shhh, my husband is kind of a saint but do not tell him that haha!!! Thanks so much for stopping by and I’m thrilled you love my books!!

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