July 26, 2011

Sorry, my peeps. It’s been too long since I updated my blog.

Let’s blame it on the summer. Hot, lazy days rushing kids around, pool hopping, summer vacationing, and staying up way too late.

For my fellow writers, I had the distinct honor to be a visiting professor at Romance Univerrsity. Please check out my post at the following link entitled, Should You Make Your Romance Erotic?  http://bit.ly/q7oDJI

For my fellow mommies out there, I would love to share my summer vacation story. I am blogging today at my other site, 4badmommies. Check it out at: http://4badmommies.com

The post is entitled, Heat, Hershey, and Hell. That should give you a good idea and make for lots of laughs.

And finally, I am quite thrilled with some new reviews that have come in for my book, The Tantric Principle, and my children’s book, Buffy and the Carrot. The Tantric Principle is averaging five stars and is now avaialble for download on Amazon Kindle and B& N Nook.  Here is a quick excerpt from Just Erotic Reviews:

“Bravo to The Tantric Principle. Jennifer Probst must be a yoga practitioner herself because this book was beautifully balanced. This is what contemporary romance is all about. Situations and characters you can identify with make it easy to put yourself within the pages of this book. Arianna and Grant are two normal people dealing with real life, real emotions and real love.” Read whole review right here.   http://bit.ly/mTbjQY

I will be doing a book signing with my niece on Thursday, July 28th at the Walden Public Library in NY. Stop by for fun and giveways and check out the review from BiblioReads listed below.


And finally, please don’t forget my new short story A Life Worth Living, avaialble for .99 on Kindle download.  Proceeds donated to Pets Alive so please make a purchase and leave a review on the Amazon site. Your support is always appreciated more than you can ever know!

I hope everyone is having a fantastic summer!

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  1. Awesome review and having bought and read The Tantric Prinicple on my Kindle, I can testify that review is well deserved!

  2. Great review, Jen! I can’t wait to read The Tantric Principle – waiting patiently on my Kindle! (I am using it as incentive to finish my book!) Great blog posts on Romance University and 4badmommies! You are quite entertaining!

  3. Jen, I hope everyone will read The Tantric Principle… it rocks!
    Take care,

  4. jennifer121 says:

    Thanks so much, Regina! I am so glad you liked the book!

  5. jennifer121 says:

    HI Wendy! Thanks for stopping by – you are my blog tour Queen! I have never seen anyone post so many entertaining blogs over the past few months!

  6. jennifer121 says:

    Hi Lisa! Aww, so glad you liked the book – I never get tired of hearing from a reader who likes me stories – thank you!

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