Writing and Blogging News!

June 28, 2011

Hello my peeps!

I am thrilled to be off to Manhattan this week for the annual Romance Writer’s of America conference. I will be meeting new writing buddies, editors, workshopping and learning from the masters so I can be a more prolific writer.

In the meantime, please check out my post at http://4badmommies.com

It’s a good one – about forcing your children to have fun at any cost…let me know what you think!

I also have fantastic news to share…my new novella will be issued early 2012 with Red Sage entitled: Sex, Lies and Contracts. Stay tuned for blurbs and more giveaways and blog fun!

And please help support me by checking out my new short story available on Kindle for only .99 – A Life Worth Living. Donations go to Pets Alive animal shelter who do great work.

Check out the new Romance Trading Card for my current novella, The Tantric Principle. If anyone would like one please drop me a request at romancewriter121@yahoo.com and I will send one out to you.

Thanks to everyone for their support, their humor, and their following!

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  1. Read A Life Worth Living, Jen. Poor puppy!

    Have A blast in New York!

  2. Lurking around, and found your site here. Excited to take note of your books, and especially Buffy and the Carrot. 😉

    Enjoy your conference!

    • jennifer121 says:

      So glad to see you here too!!! Thanks so much for checking out the books – I had a great time at conference – got completely inspired – and this week I need to ramp things up! Hope you are doing well!

  3. Hope the conference has been fun and you learned a lot.

  4. mamamash says:

    What have you been up to with all your new inspiration?

  5. jennifer121 says:

    Ah, a new blog is coming from all that inspiration if I can sit down and write it! Kids very demaning, fireworks to see, places to go, and I’ve been gone so it’s mommy time for a bit!!

  6. I hope you have a blast! I cant wait to read all about it! Take care… Have too much fun!

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