June 17, 2011

Let me tell you a story…

I’m a romance author. A children’s author. I’m trying to build a name for myself, write like crazy, and build a list. Get an agent. Etc. So, what does a person do when a dog’s voice mutters in her head for days?  Begging you to tell his story?

I said no. Absolutely not. I would not be distracted by my flirty muse, who is too social and interested in too many topics. My muse has ADD. I ignored the dog’s voice and concentrated on my new work in progress which actually has a home I can sell it to.

The dog’s voice got louder. He talked when I tried to go to sleep. During the intimate love scenes I tried to write. Finally, after a full week of torture, I surrendered.

I told him I’d write his story.

I sat down one morning, and emptied the words onto the paper. Took one full day. Exhausted, drained, and happier than I’ve been in a while, I realized a true hero was born in the shape of a shelter dog. But the question is…what the heck was I going to do with it?

I checked out some markets. Thought about offering it on my blog. But after a few people read it, I was inspired.

My hero needed more readers. He deserved to be heard, and to share his story. So, I decided to publish it on Kindle for .99. Half of all proceeds will be donated to my shelter, Pets Alive, where I received my own abused shelter dog, and watched him grow and strengthen into the loving,  sweet animal he always was.

I’m asking you to spread the word.  Take a moment to write a quick review on Amazon for me to help the exposure.


If you don’t have a Kindle, you can still download to your Ipad or your computer.

I’m back to writing my romances but this short story has strengthened me as a writer, and a human being.

Thanks, as always, for all of your support.

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  1. Liz says:

    Awesome Jen – will download this weekend!

  2. What a sweet little doggie! Will have to go read his story. 🙂

  3. You are always so inspiring! I will help spread the word! You rock Jen!
    Take care,

  4. Thanks for helping out Lisa!!! So glad you on my team – lol!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Thanks Liz and Regina – it means a lot to me and please let me know what you think!

  6. Niamh Clune says:

    I will download later when my husband shows me how to use PayPal. I love the idea and can’t wait to read it…I will facebook it and tweet it, if that helps!
    DONE! Niamh Clune

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