Top 5 Reasons to Use Goodreads

November 5, 2011

My blog entries have been fewer as my writing schedule has geared up, but I adore having this special place to talk about different topics and connect with all my friends out there in cyberspace. I will be posting about some great sales and upcoming books but thought it would be nice to talk about some writing stuff.

Like writing karma.

I believe in karma. Have noticed there are a lot of tags for it recently, for liking other facebook pages or blog links or the giving of special awards. But I’ve noticed a powerful tool for writers and readers lately from my own personal experience.


If you love reading, you should be on this site. If you are an author, you must be on this site. Besides being a free tool for publicity, this is where the readers are. And this tool, my friends, is a fantastic way to discover new authors and read great books.

Without further ado…here are the top five reasons you should be using Goodreads.

1. Goodreads helps you find great books.

The site allows you to make a free account and list all the books you have read or desire to read. You get to rate them, review them, share them, twitter about them. You get to label them as TO READ, READ, or CURRENTLY READING.

2. Goodreads will connect you with readers and writers.

You have the option to join many chat groups, which specifically list topic discussions to get involved with. You can invite people to become your friends, and then share you reviews and book reading lists with them. That way, you are able to find what other people are reading, and get wonderful suggestions for new authors and books.

3. Goodreads will help promote your author name.

The site allows you to make your own author page, hook up your blog, twitter, and  bookshelf. That way, if anyone wants to add you as a fan, your blog and twitter will be automatically sent to them. It’s a great way to keep your social network working for you . Pretty much a no brainer.

4. Goodreads sells books. 

How do I know? It’s worked for me. Goodreads sends me a list in my email like a daily digest with updates from all my friends who have reviewed books, added books to their shelf, etc. I scroll down the list, check out what everyone’s reading, and browse their comments.

Recently, my writing friend rated a book by another author as five stars and left a review. Curious, I clicked on the link, read the excerpt, the other reviews, and became hooked. Right there on the page is the link straight to the stores – Amazon, B& N, etc. I own a Kindle, so I clicked on Amazon, and was brought directly to the page. I was already warned the price was a bit steep but promised it was worth it. Since I trust her judgment, I was willing to pay. I clicked buy and it was downloaded on my Kindle. Sale. In one minute.

That’s pretty powerful.

5. Goodreads helps spread your reviews.

In my stream of friends, I also have reviewers. When the Long and Short of It Reviews rated an author as a must read with five stars, I immediately clicked to check it out. Same thing happened. Read the blurb, liked the reviews, clicked it and bought.


As for my own books, reviews have been priceless. Literally, priceless. The wonderful reviewers who took the time to read it and rate it and post on Goodreads have given me sales. I have seen the comments from readers stating they saw the review and now have The Tantric Principle on their to read list. All of my site information is there for any reader to click on my blog, twitter, website, or buy my books.

So, my advice is to join in the fun. Take advantage of the opportunity. Discover new authors.

My plea? In our very busy, busy lives, it is priceless to leave a good review. If you love a book, take a few minutes and post a review. A few sentences is fine. Word of mouth is the best way to sell books, and the karma will come back time and time again. Writers treasure their readers and work extra hard to try and make each book better and better. For them. By leaving a review, you are thanking writers for doing their job.

Happy Reading!

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