How Do I Look?

November 6, 2011

I’m a makeover show junkie. Perhaps that’s another reason I’m drawn to the theme of the ugly duckling turning into the swan in romance novels and life. I have seen movies galore about the nerdy girl transforming herself and catching the eye of the football star. Of course, he realizes he’d been an ass all that time, and she’s beautiful on the inside where it all counts. Sigh.

But I digress.

My rocking web designer, Del Dryden, has given me a new look. I was going through some growing pains, and with some new series on the horizon in 2012, I needed to step things up a bit. With humor and patience, she created the perfect site for me – with a fun, happy feel, able to highlight my wide array of tastes from sexy romance, erotic, to children’s and pet stories. Basically, I feel like it’s a home where everyone is welcome, no matter what taste you prefer.

Take a look around. Drop a comment and let me know what you think. With a simple click, please like my Facebook Fan page, or check out what I’m reading at Goodreads. I’m a huge Twitter fan and follow back so don’t forget to visit me there!

I’m also hosting a contest over at Fresh Fiction to highlight The Tantric Principle. Click on the link below and enter to win a $10.00 Amazon gift card on me. The contest runs for the month of November.

What’s coming up for the holiday season? A Rock Around December event at Red Sage where lots of prizes will be given out, along with a HUGE gift basket of goodies.  Check back often for eye candy, yummy excerpts, recipes, and holiday fun. I’ll be giving away some free copies of my books!

I’ll also be visiting Romance University for a special guest blog in December, and posting at my other site at 4badmommies.


How do I look??????


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  1. Great website, Jen. LOVE it. Del did a wonderful job.

    Abbi 🙂

  2. I’m so glad you like it, sweetie! It was so much fun to do, especially with all the bright, happy colors to match your bright, happy personality 🙂

  3. Jen, Interesting web site. I’ll miss the old one. Good luck.

  4. Looks great!! I love it!

  5. Roz Lee says:

    I love it! What a great new look!

  6. Love the new look Jennifer! (Though I recommend you change it so your comments don’t say “admin” as that’s impersonal compared to Jennifer. Oh, and add a way for me to get follow-up comments in my email like you had with the old site. Updating my blog roll.)

    So excited about the new series 🙂 Congrats.

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