The St. Patrick’s Blog Hop is Here!

March 16, 2012

What does St. Patrick’s Day mean to me? Ummm, I’m going to get hate mail from this post, I just know it.

It’s meant…nothing. Yes, I’m a quarter Irish. Yes, I like to party. But I grew up with a family that ignored the holiday for some strange reason, and I never got into the spirit in the way so many others have. Oh, it always looked like a great time, but St. Patty’s Day usually flew by me without a second glance. That’s my terrible, secret, awful confession.

Then I married my husband. Who’s all Irish. And he treated St. Patty’s Day like no one I’ve ever seen. He took the day off. Dressed in full uniform. And went to Manhattan for a drink fest to end all drink fests. This was a serious condition to our relationship – I was never, ever, ever to ask him to give up St. Patty’s day.

So, I didn’t. And I got a kick out of my husband enjoying something like a kid, full force energy, even though he did drink green beer.

And for me? Well, my fave St. Patty’s day took place in Port St. Lucie, Florida, with my best friend. I’m a crazy Mets fan (again, don’t judge me) and we took a trip down for Spring Training that year. We spoke with the players, watched a game, got autographs, and ended up in a bar drinking green beer and talking baseball. Pretty perfect day all around.

So…it’s time for you to confess. What is your craziest St. Patty’s day memory? Leave me a comment and I’ll give someone a $5.00 Amazon gift card to buy the book of your choice! And while you’re here, sign up for my blog or newsletter so you don’t miss a thing!

AND, keep clicking on the link to visit the other blogs for awesome prizes, along with your chance to win two GRAND PRIZES! The more links you follow, the more you comment, the better your chances are to win!

 Grand Prize 1: Winner’s Choice of a Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet

Grand Prize 2: Winner’s Choice of a $90 Amazon or Barnes&Noble Gift Card


❤️ Leave a comment → 


  1. LOL It’s crazy how huge St Patrick’s Day is here in the States, I don’t ever remember people partying or celebrating this hard in the UK. Of course, I never lived in Ireland (I’m sure they party hard on St Pat’s ) but in Wales, Scotland and England…nothing to major as I remember it.
    And so I see it as nothing to major, either. This year is the first time I’ve actually done anything to mark the occasion — promo to grab my Irish Romance story for free in most ebook stores. And it’s really got me in the mood for going green; I’ll be popping my green cherry tomorrow with my first party for St Pat’s! WOOT

  2. Opps, I forgot to leave my email. hayleyjoanne @ gmail dot com

  3. Amanda Beam says:

    I’ve always been terrified of getting pinched on St. Patrick’s Day, so I always wear head to toe green! One time I didn’t, and got pinched all day long. So, I never go without green on March 17th!!!

  4. It doesn’t mean much to me either! lol

  5. Catherine Lee says:

    I don’t have crazy memories, but I have fond memories of marching in the Jersey City St. Paddy’s Day parade in HS. Junior year was most special because I had a honest-to-goodness Irish boyfriend that year. I felt like I was marching in “his” parade.

    Erin Go Bragh!

    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  6. Not sure if I have a crazy memory of St. Patty’s…but every year we have some crazy fun at a friend’s house! They do a big party every year (it’s tonight!!) My family never celebrated either…no one drop of Irish in my house. Hubby is like 6.25% that he likes to point out every St. Patty’s day. LOL!

    haefner919 @ yahoo dot com

  7. Drea Becraft says:

    No special things here just a few drinks with some friends at a local bar. I wish I could see your hubby all dressed up sounds like fun 😉

    Happy St. Pattys Day!


  8. Happy St. Paddy’s Day! carrieannryanwrites(at)

  9. Maria Pronounced Mariah says:

    Since ii take medicine that doesn’t allow me to drink I have never really celebrated St. Patricks Day. I did go to the Mavericks game last year. It was a lot of fun watching every one else getting drunk in the suite!

  10. Sarah says:

    Crazy huh? Anytime one goes to a bar on St Patty’s day you are gonna get some crazy memories. It is very amusing watching all the drunks drink their green beer and think they are cool.

  11. petula winmill says:

    I am not Irish but have served green beer in my bar here in Spain

  12. You are not alone in the non-celebrating. The most I do is cook up the corned beef, LOL. I don’t even decorate. And will only wear green because I happen to like it. Of course, I’m Scottish not Irish 😀 Now if we’re talking Robbie Burns’ Day…

  13. I don’t really have any crazy memories of St. Patrick’s Day, but did go to an Irish pub one year with friends from University.

    All the best!

  14. sheba says:

    don’t have any memories of celebrating st patricks day. just wear the green so that i won’t get pinched.

  15. Pamela says:

    Dang, I have no St. Patrick’s Day stories to share. It’s not really a major holiday to me. There have been times I’ve completely forgotten it but when I remember I do try to dress up in green at least. Just for fun, you know. 🙂
    Thanks for the giveaway.

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day. At least your hubby should enjoy it. 😉


  16. JeanP says:

    No crazy memories for me. Just always wear green and cook up some corned beef and cabbage.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  17. Krista says:

    I don’t do much on St. Patrick’s Day. I pretty much wear green and then eat green food. That’s it.

    theangrypollo{ AT }yahoo{DOT }com

  18. Liz Crowe says:

    I love any excuse for a party. So I whoop it up every year. usually cook traditional have people over. Since opening my brewery/bar, it’s been a serious no-brainer.
    Beer! That’s what St. Paddy’s day means to me (not green. Craft)
    thanks for the post.

  19. Na says:

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day. I have my eye on your book, The Marriage Bargain.

  20. miki says:

    love is all about compromise^^

    happy ST Patrick’s day


  21. meninaiscrazy says:

    Thank you for participating in the blog hop! I don’t really have any traditions. 🙂

    menina.iscrazy @

  22. Cathy m says:

    Craziest St Patrick’s Day was being in the hospital giving birth to my twin boys.

    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  23. catherine c says:

    i have a few crazy St Patrick’s day memories…one would when witnessing some crazy drunk people at the NYC Parade…lol

  24. Elizabeth (BookAttict) says:

    It’s still kinda hazy, but it involved a bunch of us cutting school and going to New York City to see the parade, hanging in a bar with 2 guys named Yanig and Big John learning how to do shots of Tequila — missing the parade, and not having a ride home from the train station once we got back…

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  25. Shannon says:

    I don’t have a crazy St. Patrick’s Day story unless you count that time I entered over 100 blog posts just for a chance to win a Kindle or Nook – LOL. That’s about as crazy as I get.

    Thanks for the giveaway and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
    bas1chsemail at gmail dot com

  26. Nikki says:

    I don’t have a great Pattys day memory, but I did have one where we went bar hopping and I had to be carried out of the was a blast!Awesome contest!! I hope you have a great Saint Patty’s Day!!!

  27. Juliana says:

    I’m not Irish but I love some corned beef and hash!
    OceanAkers (at) aol (dot) com

  28. Sue Sattler says:

    It doesn’t really mean anything to me either, unless I go to another Irish fest and then the men in their kilts and their sexy accents…that makes me love St Patrick’s day and forget my name!!!


  29. Shadow says:

    I dont really do much for St. Patty’s Day. I wear green, go to a parade but thats about it. Thank you for sharing and for the giveaway! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  30. Allyson Brann says:

    I’m like you, I am part Irish but never really celebrated except wearing green to keep from getting pinched.

  31. donnas says:

    I dont have a crazy memory. Its always been another day we just wear green.

    Happy St Patricks Day!

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  32. Jeanine says:

    when St. Patty’s Day falls during the week, I usually walk from work over to the parade trying to catch my cousin marching with the FDNY. at 6’7″ he’s not that hard to miss!

    I also so look forward to the corn beef and cabbage dinner, we only have it once a year, but it’s so yum!

    jeanine (dot) denzer (at) gmail (dot) com

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