Blog Hops, Book Trailers, and a Bestseller

March 15, 2012

First off, I’m participating in a St. Patrick’s Day blog hop beginning Friday, March 16th with a bunch of fantastic, talented authors so don’t miss it. My post will go live on Friday morning, and it’s up to you to do the hop! I’m going to give away a $5.00 Amazon gift card so one lucky winner can go buy a book to celebrate.

Second, I’m thrilled to report I completed my book trailer for The Marriage Bargain! I hope you enjoy it – I really loved making it – and I’m featuring it below. It will also be a permanent fixture on my book page so feel free to share and comment!

Third, I received amazing news this morning.

The Marriage Bargain just hit the USA Today BestSeller List!!! My new lucky number is #57!

There is no way to describe such excitement! Thank you to all my wonderful readers who loved the book, left reviews, and sent me personal notes. You mean the world to me.

Finally, hop on over today, Thursday March 15th – for a character interview on Jack from Sex, Lies and Contracts at Simplistik:

See you Friday!


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  1. Woo hoo!!! #57 is just amazing, keep on going!!!

  2. Thanks so much, Rachel!!

  3. Aimee Carson says:

    Congrats, babe!!! SO SO happy for you!!

  4. Kimberly says:

    Wonderful! Wonderful news! cheers to you and all your hard work. Hope to see you soon. Love ya

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