Let’s Be Decadent…

February 17, 2012

I’m thrilled to announce another official release day for my new series with the Steele Brothers!

Catch Me is a 1NS story and if you’ve read any others in the series, you will agree they are absolutely AMAZING!

To celebrate, I’m blogging at CoffeeTime Romance today on the topic, Satisfying Your Inner Vixen

Look for my upcoming guest blog at Books-n-Kisses entitled The Lust Factor on Monday, February 20th.

Hmmm, do we have a theme going on for the month of love?

Stay tuned for more free book giveaways, free jewelry, and more FREE stuff (I love free). Hit the Books page, click on the cover, and there’s all the handy dandy links to buy. An excerpt is found at the Decadent Blog and Allromance links for a taste.

Also, I’ve finally added a super handy Subscribe to Me button for the blog. Click on the right, sign up and stay with me for more updates and fun.

Happy February everyone!


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  1. unikorna says:

    wow I love the way your blog looks now. You added a bit of spice and I love it. I had no idea you were such a famous writer, I’d love to read something…I’ll search your blog for some fragments hopefully…:) Kisses and good luck with the new story.

  2. Jen, You’re moving ahead rapidly. I’m so proud of you. Keep them coming and solwly but surely I’ll manage to read them all.

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