An Amazing Tale…

February 23, 2012

So…I came down with a virus on Saturday night.

Not just the normal, 24 hour annoyance I’m used to. Oh, no, this was a sick, no holds barred, colonoscopy prep gone horribly wrong virus. When you’re writhing around naked on the bathroom floor negotiating with God (yes I did that in labor, too and didn’t work then either!) suddenly life returns to simplicity again.

All you want is to feel normal. Even eating a Saltine and keeping down water was sheer frikkin bliss.

I crawled into bed and didn’t surface for two days. This was enough time to drive my husband nearly to the mental ward, cause all sorts of problems and chaos, and have my poor boys sadly stare at me from the doorway calling out, “Hi, Mommy! Can we come in NOW???”

On Monday morning, I shuffled to the computer, knowing my email had exploded, I was on a deadline, and I had major things to accomplish. My head spun, but I hung in and logged on.

Then found my twitter and email had exploded.

The Marriage Bargain reached number# 14 on the Barnes and Noble best seller list!

Tweets and messages flashed madly before me. Huh? My book had launched for the Lori Wilde Indulgence line at Entangled on Valentine’s Day, which wasn’t even a week ago. Was this possible? I confirmed with my editor later that yes, it was more than possible. It had happened. And not only that, but as the hours ticked by I steadily climbed up the list.

On Tuesday, the news was finalized.

The Marriage Bargain reached number #1  on the Barnes and Noble best seller list in Romance and ALL Nook books!

Now, I must admit, today is the first day I am literally back to normal and I’m still trying to process such a big event. I am beyond humbled, and amazed, and excited. But most of all, I am so happy readers are loving this book. Because I adored writing it – every last page – and it has been one of my highlights in my writing career. It has been a book I always believed in when many others hadn’t. Until Entangled.

So, I’m not posting this to brag. I’m posting to thank my wonderful Entangled editor and team for making it the best book it can be. I’m posting to give my gratitude to the long list of writers who keep me sane and keep me writing, but most of all, who are so incredibly generous in their ability to share in the joy of this success.

Writing is really hard work, and honestly, we beat ourselves up way too much. Much more than we celebrate. There are so many pitfalls in this career, that when a wonderful success comes our way, we need to learn to savor, breathe, and say thank you.

Thank you.

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  1. Aimee Carson says:

    Congrats again, Jen! You deserve it!!!

  2. Stalker #2 chiming in to echo stalkter #1….Congrats again, Jen! You deserve it!!! I’m sooooooooo proud of you and happy for you!!!! Can’t wait to celebrate in person!!!! XO

  3. Aimee Carson says:

    Stalker#1 returns to say: we gotta celebrate at Nationals!!!

  4. It’s been an incredible week,hasn’t it? I’m so glad you’re recovering from the awful virus, Jennifer, savour some celebratory champagne soon!

  5. Ugh…so sorry you were sick. Hope you’re back to a 100% soon.

    Huge congrats Jennifer! That is so exciting! And what an awesome thing to come out of sick-fog to 🙂

  6. l says:

    Congratulations, Jennifer! I hope you’re feeling well enough by now to enjoy the thrill. 🙂

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Liz! Thank you SO much for stopping in! Yes, now I am sailing through and enjoying every moment!

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