Friday Celebration with Tina Vaughn

May 18, 2012

When I heard the fabulous Tina Vaughn had our debut book released, I knew we had to host her over here! She is a wonderful, talented author and I can’t wait to get my hands on her new book…take it away Tina!

My first real book and a fake bio by Tina Vaughn

I’m not so great at talking or writing about myself. I mean, really, it took me days to write a five-sentence author bio.

It’s not that I can’t write. As a journalist and newspaper editor, I write about people all the time. Shoot. As a romance writer, I create fictional characters and write about them.

So why is it so hard to tell you a little about myself?

Mostly, I fear I’m boring. There it is. I said it.

And maybe I’m a little bit of an introvert.

And, well, it feels weird to write about myself in third-person, almost like writing an obituary or something. Creepy.

A couple days ago, I delved into the limitless possibilities of the “fake bio.”

Now this was fun.

Here’s an excerpt: “After her voice talents were no longer needed for Jem and the Holograms, Tina joined the circus where she performed until a tight-rope-walking injury resulted in an early retirement. Alone and bored, she invented the travel mug.”

I love it.

Here’s my cousin’s version. “If not for Tina’s voice, the Four Nonblondes karaoke sing-a-long during road trips would not happen. Tina would have made a great Pizazz if not a Hologram. Also, travel mugs are overrated…everyone knows she invented the koozie.”

I love it.

So, do you have trouble writing or telling people about yourself? How do you overcome your insecurities? How do you break the ice?

Oh, and just in case you’re still interested, here’s the real bio. Not nearly as fun or interesting, but it’s true, at least.

Tina Vaughn is an award-winning journalist and romance author who’s always dreamed of being a writer. As a toddler, she pretended to be Lois Lane. While in elementary school, she wrote her friends’ love letters to their boyfriends in exchange for Mickey Mouse ice cream bars. In high school, she scribbled her first romance in a spiral notebook. Fast forward fifteen years… Tina is the editor of a community newspaper, which provides plenty of inspiration for the “small town, big scandal” romances she loves to write. She lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia with her husband and daughter, and is known for commemorating milestones with silver jewelry, tattoos and/or ice cream.

 Thank so much for joining me today. And a huge thank you, Jennifer, for your support and encouragement.

My debut release, No Sweeter Love, is available now from Ellora’s Cave. You can read the blurb and excerpt here:

For more information about me and what I’m doing, or probably not doing, find me here:



Twitter: @tinaevaughn

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  1. Bethanne says:

    I love the fake bio.
    Everyone should have a fake bio. 😀
    Good luck, Tina! I’m so excited for you and look forward to following in your footsteps, sorta. LOL

  2. Cindi Madsen says:

    Oo. I loved Jem & the Holograms. Tina cracks me up on twitter, so I’m sure that great humor is in her book. Congrats on the book!

  3. Ha! writing a fake bio is a great way to break the ice and not take yourself too seriously before attempting one. 🙂
    You did a GREAT job! Best wishes on your new release!!

  4. 😀 Love the fake bio! And I totally get the introvert thing, but I’ve talked to and read where authors struggle with writing a bio. I also hate writing blog posts because I wonder who would really care that I had to feed the chickens and pick up dog poo. Ahhhh, the glamorous life of a romance writer! Many congrats on the debut release!

  5. Tina Vaughn says:

    Thanks so much for your kind words, Jennifer. I’m so excited to be here today.

  6. Rebecca Rose says:

    I wish I thought of the fake bio! What a great exercise. 😉
    Congrats on the release, I can’t wait to read it. <3

  7. Nina Croft says:

    I’m definitely with you on this, Tina, I find writing about myself soooo hard and I have been tempted into the fake bio thing many times – I’m sure one day I’ll give in especially with yours for inspiration – love it! Actually I thought your real one was pretty good as well!

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