May 4, 2011

Happy Wednesday!

As promised, I am giving away another gorgeous handmade necklace to celebrate the release of my new e-book, The Tantric Principle! 

This piece is one of a kind and is specifically inspired from my book. But beware: this necklace will inspire many complements and attract gorgeous men, so be careful!

How do you win it?

So glad you asked.

  1. Like My Facebook Fan Page. Click the link, hit the like button, and your name goes in the hat to win.

 2.     Check out my other site, and leave a comment. We’re talking about the many things that make us feel like a bad mommy. Humor and support is what motherhood is all about!

 3.       Hop over to the Red Sage Author blog and leave me a comment. Writers will love this article on All About Character.

 4. Leave a comment on my blog here. Stop in and say hello or share your thoughts on any of my books. Anything goes – I love to hear from my readers.

 5. Write a review on Amazon for Buffy and the Carrot – my latest children’s release.  Since reviews are so important to authors – anyone who takes the time to write up a quick review and post it will receive an extra chance to win! Click here

 If you do all the above, you get SIX chances to win! The contest runs through next week.

Interested in obtaining a piece created on an individual basis? Create one of a kind and limited addition jewelry. To inquire about commissioning a piece or to be updated about newly created designs please contact

***Check out the first official rave review of The Tantric Principle!

5 Alpha Howls!

I absolutely loved this book!!! I should not have picked this book up right before bed thinking I could read a few pages, sleep, and read the rest tomorrow. No! I could not go to bed until I finished it. I absolutely had to know what was going to happen next. This was a simple story of boy & girl meet & fall in love but have some issues they have to work through before they can spend their lives together. However, it was done perfectly. The writing was so smooth and the words just flowed across the pages making me lose myself in the story.

This is a keeper to be read again! I just wish Ms. Probst had a library of books that I could start devouring now!  –Kris, Bitten by Paranormal Romance

❤️ Leave a comment → 


  1. JOYE says:

    I enjoy reading your books.
    Happy Spring

  2. Congratulations on that rave review! So deserving, you are. The necklace is gorgeous and I love the fact that it comes with a warning. Happy Mother’s Day. ♥ Diane

  3. Really beautiful necklace!
    Wonderful, wonderful review!

  4. Jen

    I just wanted to agree with the offical first rave book review of the “Tantric Principle”. Your writing is so alluring, it was easy to to be taken away by the intense romance and passion.

    Thank you… great book!

  5. Jen, When will it be out for the Kindle.

  6. KLZ says:

    I liked you on Facebook!

  7. Hey Jen,

    I think I covered all the directions and I tweeted and facebooked… heading to amazon NOW. If anyone hasn’t read Jen’s post on Love Letter’s start there….
    Have a great day!

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