From My Family to Yours…

December 22, 2015



Searching for Beautiful and Searching for Always – two of my all time favorite books I ever wrote. I launched two huge promo campaigns to celebrate – the Bride on the Run, and Searching for Rescues.




An installment in the Rising Storm series – the very first soap opera created by J. Kenner and Dee Davis, which I think is a brilliant concept and one of the most addicting series of the year.



The re-release of my Steele Brother series which I created additional material for: Catch Me, Play Me, Dare Me.
A brand new novella for the Steele brother series – Beg Me.



A brand new novella in the Hot in the Hamptons series – Summer Sins.



And a re-release of my holiday novella, Searching for You.



I attended the RT and RWA conferences this year and taught many workshops and hosted reader parties.
I achieved my dream to sign with Nora Roberts at her bookstore, Turn the Page, in Boosnboro, Maryland.

I travelled to Montreal and Philadelphia to meet my readers and sign books.
No wonder I had some crankiness and break downs this year. Still, it was all worth it. I’m so proud of what I was able to offer readers this year, and I’m looking forward to continuing to grow as an author and keep things fresh. Each year, I try to push myself as a writer, and make sure I expand my reach to meet new readers all over the world.
Here’s a working itinerary of what to expect in 2016!

1. The release of my brand new Billionaire Builders series – Everywhere and Every Way! It releases in May and I’m really excited about introducing these new characters to everyone. Think Property Brothers meets The Marriage Bargain. I wrote some scenes that made me laugh out loud. That’s always a good sign.


2. Searching for Mine – February 9th.
The Searching for series continues with Connor’s story. You met Connor in Searching for Perfect – the older brother of Nate who had so many issues, I never thought he could be the hero of his own story. But readers insisted, and I love a good challenge. Connor almost killed me trying to find his story, but once I did, it was an emotional, joyous ride and I hope you love it as much as I do.

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3. Searching for Disaster – Fall 2016.
Izzy’s story from the Searching for series! Finally! I don’t have a blurb for this one since I write it this spring, but get ready because I have high hopes for this one!

4. Miscellaneous.
A holiday novella in an anthology. The 2nd and 3rd books after Dante’s Fire to finish up the trilogy. Maybe a spin off of the Steele Brother series. Maybe a sequel to Executive Seduction. Maybe a brand new erotic story I’ve been secretly working on. A story for Mama Conte? So many ideas…so little time…

5. Write Naked – my very first nonfiction writing book coming out from Writer’s Digest. Technically it will be released February of 2017 but you’ll be getting lots of goodies before then, like articles and excerpts from the book, so I wanted to put this on my list.


Travel includes these exciting places and maybe some surprises along the way!
1. RT – April – Vegas. This is gonna be epic.
2. August – Sydney, Australia. The trip of a lifetime. I can’t believe this is really going to happen. I can’t wait to hug my Aussie readers.
There are other conferences and signings popping up consistently, I just haven’t committed to any others yet until I confirm my final schedule.

Any places you are dying for me to visit? Any series or books you are dying to see from me in the future?

Finally, and most importantly, I want to express my gratitude and love to each and every one of you. You’ve read my books, told others about it, supported me, been my friends, and family, and every damn day I get up to do this job, I thank God. That’s the simple truth. I’m living the dream. It took a lot of work to get here. And perseverance, patience, faith, belief, and practice. Then more work. And a little good luck. But I never take it for granted. I wish all of you the same type of happiness in your life, and healing if you are going through a difficult time.
Blessings, peace, and love, from my family to yours.
Merry Christmas.

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  1. Ruth says:

    Thank you for sharing your gift with us. Best to you and your family! Hugs and Happy Holidays!!

  2. Marti Peterson says:

    Thanks so much for what you do. You bring many hours of happy reading to your loyal fans. I wish you a very merry Christmas and a New year full of love, happiness and successful career. Hold those dear to you close and enjoy the little moments. Have much laughter and joy.

  3. Angie says:

    What an amazing year. I thank you so much for sharing your incredible talent. For me your books have been my friend, companion, mental escape many long nights while caring for my parents in hospice. I thank you for sharing such characters, that stay in our hearts and minds long after we turn that final page. Looking forward to reading more of your phenomenal work in the new year. Merry Christmas!!!!

    • Jennifer says:

      Thank you so much Angie, your words are a gift unto itself. Postive and healing thoughts coming your way for your parents.

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