#WW – Writer’s Wednesday

April 25, 2012

It’s a pleasure to introduce fellow author Olivia Starke to the blog today. Olivia writes wonderful, erotic romances with Decadent Publishing, and is going to share a bit of book blurbs, cooking and fun! Take it away, Olivia!


 We are just days away from Cinco de Mayo, a huge celebration for those of Mexican heritage and for those of us who like a good reason to party and celebrate. While I lived in Colorado there were lots of festivities to be found, but not so much here in Missouri. I’m a huge fan of both Tex Mex food as well as authentic Mexican cuisine. I dug up some fun recipes at AllRecipes.com, including a video on how to make homemade tortillas (omg soooo good!) and wanted to share !






  • 10
    fresh jalapeno peppers
  • 2
  • 1
    white onion,
  • 1/4
    cup chopped fresh cilantro, or more to taste
  • 2
    cloves garlic, smashed
  • 1
    lime, juiced
  • 1
    teaspoon salt
  • 1
    teaspoon ground
    black pepper


  1. Place jalapenos in a saucepan with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil.
    Simmer until jalapenos soften and begin to lose their shine, about 10 to
    12 minutes. Remove the jalapenos with a slotted spoon, chop off the stem,
    and place them in a blender. Add the tomatoes and boil for 2 to 3 minutes
    to loosen the skin. Peel the skin from the tomatoes and add tomatoes to
    the blender.
  2. Place the onion, cilantro, garlic, lime juice, salt, and black
    in the blender with the jalapenos
    and tomatoes. Blend to desired consistency.

Serves 25.




  • 1
    cup white sugar
  • 1
    cup whole milk
  • 1
    (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
  • 3
  • 3
    egg yolks
  • 1/4
    cup freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1
    tablespoon grated orange peel
  • 1
    tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1
    tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1
    cup heavy


  1. Place
    sugar in a heavy saucepan over medium-high heat, and cook, stirring constantly,
    until the sugar melts and turns a golden amber color, about 10 minutes.
    Watch carefully once syrup begins to change color, because it burns
    easily. Carefully pour the melted sugar syrup into a flan mold. Let cool.
  2. Preheat
    oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  3. Pour
    whole milk, sweetened condensed milk, eggs, egg yolks, orange juice,
    orange peel, vanilla extract, and cornstarch into a blender, and blend for
    a minute or so, until the mixture is smooth. Pour in the cream,
    and pulse several times to incorporate the cream. Pour the mixture over
    the cooled caramel syrup in the flan mold.
  4. Line
    a roasting pan with a damp kitchen towel. Place the flan mold on the
    towel, inside roasting pan, and place roasting pan on oven rack. Fill
    roasting pan with boiling water to reach halfway up the sides of the
    baking dish.
  5. Bake
    in the preheated oven until the center of the flan is set but still
    slightly jiggly when moved, 45 minutes to 1 hour. Let the flan cool, then
    refrigerate for at least 4 hours. To serve, run a sharp paring knife
    around the inside of the mold to release the flan. Invert a plate on the mold,
    flip the mold over, and gently remove the mold to unmold the flan and
    reveal the syrupy caramel topping.

Serves 8

 Thank you, Olivia! Dont’ forget to check out her awesome new book. Here’s the blurb and links!

Available at Decadent Publishing, Amazon, and other favorite ebook retailers!

Sex is better when you’re one of the undead.

When her luggage is stolen at the Las Vegas airport, Kelly finds herself
stranded and broke. Lucky for her, sexy Detective Nick Rodriguez offers her a
room for the night. And when he whips out the handcuffs, she is ready to offer
gratitude for his hospitality all night long.

Of course, when in Vegas the party doesn’t stop even if someone wakes up dead….






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  1. Thanks so much for having me here today!

  2. I’m a fan of Mexican food, but when jalapenos are involved, it doesn’t like me. LOL

    Congrats on your newest release!

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