Winner for the Free Necklace!

May 20, 2011

Thanks to everyone who particpated in the contest. I am very happy to announce the winner is:

Raelynn Barclay!

She posted a comment on my blog at Red Sage for All About Character. My son picked her name out of the hat so congratulations, Raelynn!

Don’t forget to check out our new post over at 4badmommies  – would you buy your son a convertible or a motorcycle?

More to come next week! I’m currently in the process of completing 50,000 words for the month of May so all my energies are going into finishing my new novella.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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  1. Congrats to the winner!

    Jen, aren’t you on a blog tour for your new release? Am I a complete dunderhead that I can’t find the list of blogs to follow you around?

  2. HI REgina! Nope, I have done a lot of blog hopping in the last few weeks and you have followed me everywhere! But Wendy is doing a two month blog tour so I think you were thinking of her. I have to double check her schedule too so I don’t miss any of her events! Thanks for commenting.

  3. Congradulations for winning the beautiful necklace.. Hey Jen.. where are you posting most of your writings these days?

  4. jennifer121 says:

    HI Lisa! I post here, at 4badmommies the third Tuesday of the month, and over at the Red Sage blog. I also do guest blogs here and there but have none set up since I am concentrating on finishing my new novella this month! I am always open to guest blog anywhere and will let you know – promise!!!

  5. Thank you very much…. Can’t wait to read!!!!

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