Updated News!

June 30, 2012

It’s Friday and I promised everyone an update on the new release for The Marriage Trap, and the reason we needed  to change the issue date.

First off, I want to thank my readers and fans for their patience. I have been truly awed by the wonderful and supportive comments, even those who were frustrated by the wait.

A bit of history is needed to round out the announcement. When The Marriage Bargain first hit, it was primarily made exclusively for e-book. As I’ve told everyone before, this book had gone through several years of re-writes and several heartbreaking rejections before finding a forever home at Entangled. When the success of the book grew and landed The Marriage Bargain on the New York Times list and USA Today, we knew we had a winner.

With success, comes hard choices. The series was originally slotted specifically for e-book, with release dates of June 15th and October 15th for the second and third book. The Marriage Trap was completed, edited, and ready to be released for June.

Then opportunity came knocking. As most things in life, it appeared in rare form so close to the issue date, we had no choice but to stop the release of the book. This included having to pull The Marriage Bargain from print in July also.

The series had a shot at becoming larger, with less restrictions on word count, and finally a chance to be issued in both mass market and trade paperback.


In order to greet this new opportunity, we needed to adhere to some guidelines, and both my publisher and I decided it was the right decision.

On September 4th, The Marriage Bargain will be released in stores including Barnes and Noble, Target, grocery stores, airports, and independent bookstores  in both mass market and trade paperback. It will also include a brand new prologue and epilogue to round out the book and lead neatly into the second one.

On October 4th, The Marriage Trap will be released in both e-book AND paperback.

On November 4th, The Marriage Mistake will be released in both e-book AND paperback.

I cannot tell you what a rare and wonderful opportunity this is. I know many of you will be upset that The Marriage Trap will not be available this summer – but I used this time to expand the word count and write additional scenes to deepen the story.

A writer needs to look deep in her gut and truly know she has done everything possible to make each new story the very best it can be. I can now honestly say I adored writing Michael and Maggie’s story just as much as Alexa and Nick.

Over the summer, I will be tempting readers with lots of SWAG, interviews, book club chats, speaking engagements and a variety of public opportunities. I will do my best to provide you with some new material this summer while you wait. Maybe a short story. Maybe a novella. Maybe even a whole new book.

Maybe an additional book in the Marriage Series?

And there may be something even bigger on the horizon to announce soon…fingers crossed…

Thanks for being with me through this fantastic, crazy, wonderful journey.

It’s time to start the next chapter. Sit down and read with me.


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  1. Heather says:

    Congrats! I guess as difficult as it will be to wait I will have no other choice! Since there is going to be a prologue and epilogue for the first book, will you be releasing that to your fans as most have already purchased and read the book, and most likely would like to read the additions.

    • Jennifer says:

      Thanks for the congrats and understanding Heather – means a lot!!! I will talk ASAP to my publisher and see what we can do to get those to the e fans who already bought the book! Will let you know.

  2. Maida Khalid says:

    This is such wonderful news!!! WOOT WOOT!! 😀 I can just buy all the new books now!! *jumping with excitement* =) I am very happy for you! You really deserve this and more! The Marriage Bargain was absolutely brilliant! <3

    I just have one question. You remember how you had the deal to buy The Marriage Bargain on paperback from Barnes and Noble for a discounted price? Well, I already pre-ordered it (paid and everything). Will I still get the book on September 4, with the new prologue and epilogue? What happens to my already ordered book?

  3. Kimberly says:

    Well finally, lol. This is all wonderful news. I cannot wait to see what new success this will bring to your series. After all (no offense to the kindle and nook) but in my opinion nothing beats curling up with a real book on a cold, crisp fall evening. Plus you can take it into the tub. lol

    • Jennifer says:

      Yes, love, so well said!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the congrats -miss you much and hope to see you very soon!

  4. Liz Matis says:

    Congrats Jen! Such dedication and restraint in your and the publishers choices!
    Good luck!

  5. Isabel says:

    Please write another book for the series and I can’t wait for part 2 to come out I keep re-reading the marriage bargain and see how you would do the second part, I just can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Lacey Devlin says:

    That’s fantastic news, Jenn! Congratulations!!

  7. Maryann says:

    Congrats to you Jen sad to hear I have to wait until October but I’m sure it will be worth it. I hope some how we will be able to get the updates to the book but if I had to rebuy I would please keep me updated and again congrats and good luck.

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Maryann! I know you have to wait a bit longer but I think you’ll be getting a bigger, better book! Thanks so much for your patience and I will check to see how you can get the new additions in Sept for your ebook!

  8. Netty says:

    Well done! Such a great achievement. Would love to read the new rewrites to The Marriage Bargain will you be publishing them seperatley for us fans that already have the eBook?

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Netty! Thanks so much I appreciate the support! I will check and make sure you get those updates when the print is released with the new ebook additions!

  9. Stacy says:

    Congratulations, great news for everyone! I happen to be an e fan too, will be waiting to see if we can get the update to book 1.

    • Jennifer says:

      I will make sure I ask my publisher how that works for my readers who already bought the ebook. I am positive it will work out! Thanks so much for the congrats!

  10. Jemi Fraser says:

    Congrats! That’s fabulous news!! 🙂

  11. Jessi says:

    What fabulous news for both you AND Entangled! Y’all definitely hit a home run with The Marriage Bargain and it’s exciting to see the series get all the love and attention that it deserves! Also, all the paperback release excitement means I can make sure that my library buys them, too! Win! 🙂

  12. Gaby says:

    That’s fabulous! Congratulations!

  13. Your books are worth the wait!!! So happy for all your success. People have no idea what a long road it’s been and how hard you’ve worked to get where you are. You are an inspiration.

    • Jennifer says:

      You are simply the best Wendy, an awesome writer and great friend who saw me through it all! Thanks.

  14. Marla says:

    We have to wait, but if I’m reading this correctly we only have to wait a month between each one and not a year between! That will come later when all your books go best seller and they go to hardback (if that process doesn’t die out). I still prefer a book over electronic readers and only bought one because another author I like was only releasing a book that tied in with a new release via electronic means only. Congratulations! I want to thank you again for providing a good read.

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Marla! Yes, you got it! You don’t have to wait a ton of time in between now, you can actually preorder at B&N the other two books and get them all back to back! Thanks so much for being such a great reader!

  15. Nita says:

    Sad we have to wait til October, but I’m sure it’ll totally be worth it!

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Nita, I promise it will – I am madly in love with Maggie and Michael’s story and now I have the opportunity to share it with everyone in both ebook and paperback! Thanks so much for your support and patience!

  16. Congrats, Jennifer!! I’m so excited for you. This is a dream come true for sure. Enjoy every second!!

  17. LisaR says:

    Congrats Jen! That is so exciting for you! I loved Marriage Bargain and can’t wait to read more!

  18. Jenny says:

    I would totally buy The Marriage Bargain again in ebook form just for the new prologue and epilogue because the book was just amazing! Do you know if the new stuff will be included in ebook form? I absolutely loved Nick & Alexa’s book and can’t wait for Maggie and Michael!

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Jenny! Since you already bought it, I am sending the prologue and epilogue to all my newsletter subscribers because it’s not fair to make you rebuy the book! Sign up and you’ll get it in August – so happy you loved the book!

  19. Juli F says:

    I absolutely LOVED the Marriage Bargain! I cant wait until fall the read the next two books! So I see that Maggie will be book two, and 3? Or will we get more about Alexa and Nick??? I LOVED THEM!!!

    Congrats! I happened to order it on kindle without knowing anything about it and I am so thankful to have done it!!

    • Jennifer says:

      Yay Juli! So happy you loved it and gave it a chance!The Marriage Trap is Michael and Maggie’ story coming in October, and you will see scenes with Nick and Alexa. Then you will get a brand new prologue and epilogue to The Marriage Bargain also going out to all my newsletter subscribers in August! Book 3 is from characters you will meet in Book 2 so it all ties together but can also be read separately! Make sure you sign up so you can get the new stuff and thanks again for commenting!

  20. Jessica says:

    I just got done reading The Marriage Bargain and it was GREAT! So I am kind of confused…..lol So is there going to be a continuation about Alexa and Nick? Because I really want to know what happens! And if I have to wait til October then I will soooooo do it! Congratulations by the way! 🙂

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Jessica! So happy you loved the book! The Marriage Trap is about Michael aned Maggie, and you will see scenes with Alexa and Nick and how they are doing. I am also adding a prologue and epilogue to the Marriage Bargain and I will send to all my newsletter subscribers in August so make sure you sign up!

  21. Tanya Jofre says:

    Hi Jennifer,

    I just want to say how much I LOVE the Marriage Bargain and I myself already have both the book and the e-book. I have read it at least 4 times and have told all my friends about it! It was such an easy read and I loved the characters! I can’t wait for the second and third book and would love for you to add another one. I am such a fan of your writing! Congratulations to you! : )

    • Jennifer says:

      Thank you so much, Tanya! I’m so happy you love the book and are recommending to your friends, you rock!! I may add a fourth in the installment – there is one character who doesn’t get her happy ever after and that may bug me – lol! Thanks again for stopping by and letting me know you love the book!

  22. Dolores says:

    Awesome, can’t wait…really enjoyed “The Marriage Bargain”. Is the hero/heroine in the third book (The Marriage Mistake) a new character or someone we’ve already been introduced to? Thank you and congratulations on your success…well deserved!

    • Jennifer says:

      Thank you so much, Dolores! I am thrilled you loved the book – means the world to me. The Marriage Mistake will detail the relationship between two characters you meet in the Marriage Trap – Michael’s younger sister and a close friend of Michael’s. Stay tuned – the summer is flying by – lol!

  23. Sara says:

    Hi Jennifer,

    I’ve read The Marriage Bargain and have almost finished Heart of Steel. Love your books; they’re absolutely delicious reads 🙂 Just wondering if The Marriage Trap and The Marriage Mistake will be released for Kindles or the iTunes bookstore in addition to the nook??


    • Jennifer says:

      HI Sara! I’m so thrilled you loved the books – you made my day! Yes, the Marriage Trap and the Marriage Mistake will be made available everywhere, in stores, kindle, nook, kobo and itunes. Eveywhere! Thanks agian for taking the time to comment!!

  24. Sara says:

    Awesome! Thanks Jennifer!

  25. Karina says:

    Hi Jennifer. The Marriage Bargain was absolutely amazing! I am so in love with Alexa and Nick’s story. I cannot wait for the rest of the series. Thank you for writing such fabulous love stories 🙂

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Karina! Thanks so much for the lovely comments – you simply made my day! Thrilled you enjoyed the book and thank you for being such a great reader!

  26. Tania says:

    Congrats on all the success! I loved the Marriage Bargain! Please tell me you will write an additional book about Nick and Alexa…know you said new addition epilogue and prologue will come out in your news letter in August for ebooks but I need more! Im addicted! Can’t wait for the rest of the series to be released!

    • Jennifer says:

      Thank you so much Tania! I’m thrilled you are loving the series so far, and yes, you will definitely see more of Nick and Alexa -I promise!!

      • tania says:

        Are you still sending the prologue and epilogue of marriage bargain to newsletter subscribers this month?

  27. Elizabeth DePergola says:

    I fell in love with The Marriage Bargain and want to know if you are writing more on Alexa and Nick? I read the book in one day could not put it down.. Is the Marriage trap also with Alexa and Nick. Did you re-write The Marriage Bargin?

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Elizabeth! Thanks so much for stopping by! I am thrilled you loved the book and yes, you will see lots more on Alexa and Nick in books 2 – the marriage trap and 3 – the marriage mistake. If you signed up for my newsletter, I’ll also send you the brand new epilogue and prologue for the Marriage Bargain!

  28. Ana says:

    Dear Jennifer– thank you so much for such a wonderful, heart-warming story and for making us fall in love with Nick & Alexa! I loved Maggie in the 1st book and can’t wait for her story! Of course also looking forward to more of Nick & Alexa, I just can’t get enough of these two!! Signed up to the newsletter to get the additions and eagerly waiting for the next books! Thank you again for creating and sharing these wonderful stories and congrats on your well deserved success! 😉

    • Jennifer says:

      Thank YOU for the lovely comment and I am thrilled you loved the book! Will make sure you get the newsletter asap for the additional prologue and epilogue!!

      • Ana says:

        I have not gotten the newsletter with the additional prologue and epilogue yet! 🙁 Can I get it pretty please?? I have been excitedly waiting for a little more of my beloved Nick & Alexa! Thank you very much! 🙂

  29. Amanda says:

    I just finished reading The Marriage Baragin book and LOVED it. I saw that you will be sending out the new prologue and epilogue to readers that already own the books. I just signed up for your newsletter….have you already sent out that newsletter? I hope I didn’t miss it and can still get a copy?!

  30. Sara says:

    Hi Jennifer,

    I thought that I had signed up to receive your updates, etc., and a copy of the epilogue and prologue of The Marriage Bargain…can you please send it to me to? I’m dying to read it!!


  31. Sara says:

    One follow up…I am (not) fully signed up for your posts and your newsletter 🙂

  32. Sara says:

    And another follow up…I am NOW fully signed up for your posts and newsletters 🙂

  33. Meredith says:

    I just finished The Marriage Bargain and loved it! I signed up for the newsletter but haven’t received the new epilogue/ prologue yet… Looking forward to reading book 2. Would love a continuation of Nick and Alexa too!!!

  34. deepthi says:

    Finished reading The Marriage Bargain few mins back and i just loved it! Alexa and Nick are Amazing oh n so is Maggie, sad that Marriage Trap isnt out yet, but m totally fine waiting for it!!
    This was your first book i read, intend to finish rest of them this week.
    You are an absolutely amazing writer:)

  35. Tiffany says:

    Hi Jennifer–

    I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed The Marriage Bargain! I literally read it in one day :-)It was a great summer read, and then when I got to the end, I saw that there are two more coming up, which lead me to look you up, which lead to your blog! Now that I’m all caught up with your good news and the release dates for the other books, I’m looking forward to the new prologue and epilogue! (I also signed up for the newsletter– I know how to follow your notes! :-))


    • Jennifer says:

      Thank you SO much Tiffany! You should have gotten the prologue and epilogue so please let me know if you didn’t! Appreciate your wonderful comments so much!

  36. Tiffany says:

    oh– and Congrats by the way on the wide release!! I just assumed it was available everywhere when I downloaded it on Amazon! Shows what I know! lol

  37. Stephanie says:

    Just finished reading the marriage bargain and it was amazing! I read all the time and it kept my interest throughout the entire book. I loved the storyline and the characters! I honestly couldn’t find many flaws at all. It?’Funny cuz i just finished 50 shades and i don’t understand all the hipe. The plot was good but the writing was pre-mature for my taste. It reminded me of a ya book with erotic scenes/words. Point being, i loved your writing style from beginning to end. I usually read paranormal romance so i was surprised by how much i fell into your book. I’m an avid book reader so i critique a lot of books but i only have positive things to say about this book. Thanks so much for writing these books!

  38. Janice says:

    I have signed up for tout subcriptikn 3 timed and still have received the epilogue for the Marriage Bargain and I would hats to buy the book again.

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Janice! Forgive me – I am unsure what happened but emailed it to you just now – enjoy and thanks for your patience!

  39. Victoria says:


    Just picked up your book The Marriage Bargain from the library. I am enjoying it very much and am thrilled to have a new author to add to my list of favorite writers! I am looking forward to reading the next two installments of this series.

  40. Bop says:

    Hi, I super love the Marriage Bargain (I own an e-book copy). Can I get a prologue/epilogue for the Marriage Trap as well? You promised one of the readers you will send one to her. I’d like to get mine too. Please.

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