Six Sentence Sundays…

August 28, 2011

I decided to jump on the literal bandwagon today and post a six sentence snippet from my upcoming novella from Red Sage, Sex, Lies and Contracts, coming early 2012.

Here we go!

“And if I’m not satisfied with the work?” Her haughty tone deliberately contradicted her sudden unease with this man’s presence. As if he sensed her emotions, the corner of his lip twitched slightly and he took a step forward. The scents of fresh grass and sweat and musk drifted on the late morning breeze. “You don’t pay unless you’re satisfied.” His gaze dropped to her mouth. “I guarantee I’ve never left a client hanging.”

Read the other wonderful entries at this link!


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  1. Liz says:

    Nice to see you here! Love the six – so much promise in that last line :)!

  2. Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday. So glad you’re playing along! Nice six!

  3. Suzie Quint says:

    You don’t mention what he does for a living, so my imagination is filling in the blanks. Please don’t disillusion me. 😉

  4. Very nicely written! I love your use of smells!

  5. Welcome to the bandwagon *G*! it’s alot of fun! And great six, I love the description


  6. Bree Younger says:

    Whew! Do I sense a double entendre????

  7. Alix says:

    Fantastic six! Great description and I’m ready to read more right now.

  8. Sounds like he promises to deliver 🙂 Fun six!

  9. Now THERE’S a suggestive snippet of dialogue 😉

  10. Kimberly says:

    Great brief intro regarding the hero, I’m all for any man who promises not to leave me hanging. lol

  11. Hey Jen,
    I can’t wait for your new book to come out… very cool… as you know I loved the first one.
    Take care,
    Have a super holiday weekend!
    Take care,

  12. jennifer121 says:

    Thanks so much, Lisa. You are one of my BFF Twitter friends! I am so glad you liked the first book!

  13. Lisa Fox says:

    I’m sorry I missed this last week! Yay! Welcome to SSS!!!

  14. Cate Masters says:

    Congrats on your upcoming release! Hope he makes good on his guarantee. 🙂 Nice six!

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