September 4, 2011

Another six sentence sunday snippet for your pleasure.

This is from my new novella, Sex, Lies and Contracts releasing early 2012 from Red Sage.  Take a peek:

“When are you going to let yourself go?” He lowered his voice to a hypnotic demand. “You teach poetry, for God’s sakes. Too much control and the writing lies flat and lifeless. Look at you – you’re practically shaking with need. I can make you shatter just by slipping my hand down your pants.”

That’s it! Check out the other particpants at the link below.

New blog post coming up this week so stay tuned!

Happy Sunday!

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  1. Emily Cale says:

    Very hot! Can’t wait to see more.

  2. Whoa!!! 6 sentences is not enough, I need the entire page! 🙂

  3. Very good. Glad I have power this week. Last Sunday was boring. No blogs to read.

  4. Okay, I need more than just six! Great job!

  5. Cara Bristol says:

    Very intriguing…hell of a motivator!

  6. Lindsay says:

    Love the visual here

  7. Alix says:

    wonderful six, you managed the dialogue beautifully.

  8. Vivien Dean says:

    Great dialogue. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Eleri Stone says:

    Love it. Something about this kind of setup pushes all my buttons.

  10. Yowza! Can’t wait to read it!

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