RT, Writing, And The Marriage Merger…

May 17, 2013

In the nonstop excitement and fun that defines the RT conference, I think I have finally recovered. Two weeks later. Yes, my age is showing, when late nights, extra wine, and constant networking kills both my feet and stifles my sleep gene. My lovely roommate, Aimee Carson, coaxed me from bed by preparing homemade lattes from her very own personal coffee/cappuccino maker she drags to every conference. This time she even brought a juicer and a cooler.

Don’t ask.
I’m seriously delinquent on posting so feedback has been varied with what my wonderful readers want to hear from me. So, I’ll give you everything!

I read so many posts about RT experiences I feel late to the game so I’ll keep it short and sweet. I’ve posted many photos and been tagged all over Facebook but here are some highlights.
The authors – I met the most amazing people and fell in love over and over again. I ended up spending most of my time by the bar surrounded by interesting writers of all genres, sharing war stories, laughing, and fangirling over each other. I finally met Abbi Glines and Colleen Hoover and it was a sheer pleasure. I adored Ruth Cardello and could’ve taken her home with me. I jumped into Alice Clayton’s arms and refused to let go until it got a bit embarrassing. Raine Miller was amazing and easy to talk to. Jen Talty and Bob Mayer are always fun to be with, full of information, humor, and good conversation. Renee Bernard made me laugh so hard I almost had an accident. I finally met the greatest reader of ALL TIME – the lovely Karen Lawson. She rocked and ended up introducing me to any author I fan girled over. My core crew of Megan Mulry, Aimee Carson, and Abbi Wilder kept me company through it all.

The bloggers and readers – What can I say? Fans streamed by my table and took my breath away, bringing their copies of the Marriage series for signing. I signed Kindle covers, billboards, books, journals, anything they came up with, and got to really chat with the people who read and enjoy my books. Simply put, it doesn’t get any better than that.

The laughs – With my crew, there are always INCIDENTS. Not sure if it’s me, but it’s very possible. Some examples?
1) Aimee and I tried to get inside this Japanese restaurant at the hotel for lunch. We couldn’t find the entrance though, so we pressed our noses against the glass toward the back and watched diners eat. They drew back in surprise at our puppy dog faces while we whined: But how do we get in??? A lovely gentleman from the hotel escorted us around to the front door and didn’t even make fun of us. Well, not much.

2) When the book signing began, Aimee told me she’d be my number one minion, checking up to see if I needed a bathroom break, water, or the well needed caffeine. Halfway through, my energy seeping out because I had stayed up too late partying, I wondered why she hadn’t come to check up on me. I battled through, and fifteen minutes before close, she bounded over and asked if everything was ok. So, being good friends I immediately launched at her and said, “Dude! I was dying, where were you?”
Her guilty expression told it all. “I thought you’d text me if you needed anything.”
“I didn’t have time, not even a few minutes to spare. Were you busy?”
A pause. Then the truth. “Well, you’re gonna be mad.” I forced her to tell. “I took a nap.”
She immediately got demoted to number 2 minion. The lovely and talented Liia Ann White took her spot happily enough.

3)Aimee received the RT Reviewer Choice Award for her Harlequin Presents novel, Secret History of A Good Girl. She got to bring me as a guest, and when we got there, I drooled over all the signs lined up in the front row where all the pioneers of romance sat, along with a number of authors I love to stalk. When I finally recovered, she stood there tapping her heel. “Are you here for me or them?” My answer? “Ugh…both?”

And a good time was had by all.

Mark your calendars! I have TWO brand new series hitting stores soon. The first begins with Searching for Someday and will morph the characters we all love from the marriage series. You’ll see Alexa’s younger sisters all grown up and ready to play, my yummy character from Merger getting his own story, and lots of updates on all your faves. Searching for Beautiful comes out May 2014. Add to your Goodreads page and available soon for preorder!
My second series will begin February 2014 – the Posse series – about a group of men who grew up together and are like brothers. One More Time releases February. Blurb and cover will be posted soon!

The Marriage Merger
OK, I’ve been swamped by begging readers for a taste, a snippet, a tease to hold them over till July. I always share things with my Probst Posse first– my street team – so if you’re interested email my assistant at lhamelsoldano@gmail.com and say SIGN ME UP!
But I should give you guys something because I love you. So take a peek. I was claimed and seduced by Sawyer Wells. I hope you are too! Remember, it’s up for preorder NOW so if I hook you, please pop on over and hit the magic button! Enjoy…

“Hell of a bike for a hell of a rider. Mind sharing how you learned to handle that thing let alone know what it can do?”
Pride etched her face. “My brother Michael raced cars on the circuit. His love of good and fast machinery extended to motorcycles, and I got hooked. He was kind enough not to tell me good girls don’t ride bad bikes and taught me everything he knew.”
Sawyer shook his head and took a long slug of water. “Nice. Most women overcompensate for their lack of brute strength. But you used it to your advantage. It was like watching a poetry slam. Heat and beauty and grace at top speed. What’s the best bike you ever owned?”
“I still have it. The classic Moto Morini 3 1/2 Vintage.”
“No. Fucking. Way.”
She leaned forward. “Yes, way. Bright red, classic lines, and if you ever heard the motor you’d swear you’re dreaming. Took years to restore and people are begging to buy it all the time.” Julietta pursed her lips. “Like I’d sell to anyone who wouldn’t ride it. That would be a tragedy.”
His gaze dropped and rested on her mouth. Her next breath came at a struggle, but she dug her nail into her palm to ground herself. This man was dangerous and she refused to mix business with pleasure. Even though he had a love and respect for bikes. “I agree. Beautiful things that are underused is a crime.”
The double innuendo stole her sanity and immediately her nipples peaked to attention. He leaned forward and lifted his hand. Slowly, he closed the distance, obviously reaching out to touch her. Mesmerized by the hunter he was, it took her a few seconds to react to his intentions.
“Don’t.” She jerked her chin away. “I thought we agreed to stick to business.”
He lifted his palm up. “Sorry. You have a smear of butter on your cheek. I was just going to wipe it off.”
She ducked her head to hide the faint blush and grabbed a napkin. Again, that distant amusement emanated from his aura. Like he cared. But didn’t. Like he was above all the messiness of emotion and drama and she was the current plaything. “What was the issue with the contract?”
“Section B, clause three. You forgot to initial.”
She stared at him. “You hunted me down, bullied me into a bike ride, and it was about my signature? Our lawyers could have handled the issue in a second.”
“I like to use a hands on approach. In all aspects.”
Julietta snorted. “Where do you come up with this stuff? It’s like a landmine of a conversation with you, all roads leading to sex.”
That got him. He lifted his brow and shifted his weight on the bench. “Is there something wrong with sex?”
She couldn’t help it. The dare was all over his face, and his desire to play her for a fool using business as an excuse burned within. Julietta moved in slowly, and stopped inches from his mouth. His breath caught, then the sweet rush of air released over her lips, smelling of mint and sugar and sin. Her tongue slid out to lick her lower lip and a tiny groan escaped him. Her hand settled on the hard muscle of his thigh and squeezed. “So do I. When the situation calls for it.”
His voice dragged like the scrape of gravel. “How about this situation?”
A husky laugh escaped her. “Not gonna happen when we’re working together.”
“You didn’t initial. Technically the contract is void.”

❤️ Leave a comment → 


  1. Karen Lawson says:

    Can you see my smile all the way from Ohio? My bucket list is so much shorter after RT and you were a big part of that! This can’t be just a once in a lifetime meeting—we must do it again. Thanks for the wonderful mention and giving your fans all the scoop on meeting such a great group of authors and fans. We love your writing and your wonderful interactions with all your fans. I’m looking forward to The Marriage Merger and any future books of yours. (and New Orleans next year…) 🙂

  2. Jennifer says:

    Very nice thanks for the snippet looking forward to July 🙂

  3. Gurpreet says:

    OMG i am dying over here can’t wait until July sounds like this one is going to be hotter than all the rest 🙂

  4. Marisol says:

    OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    No puedo esperar a leerlo, ya me estoy muriendo de ansiedad!!!!
    Esta serie de libros es muy buena, desde que la comencé a leer el año pasado estoy más que enganchada!!!
    Congratulations Mrs. Probst!!!! Go ahead!!!
    Regards from Argentina

    (I can´t wait to read it, and I’m dying of anxiety!!!!
    This book serie is very very good, since I started reading last year I’m trapped!!!)

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