Come Find Me At #RT2013 And Score Big In The #EntangledHunt!

April 30, 2013


The 2013 Romantic Times convention is just a week away! And there are so many fun events I’ll be participating in. Today, I want to tell you about the Entangled Publishing Scavenger Hunt! For all the days of the convention, 23 Entangled authors will be giving away almost 50 prizes to RT2013 convention goers – spot prizes for seeing one of our tweets (follow the #EntangledHunt hashtag) and coming to find us at the convention and grand prizes for completing the Scavenger Hunt. To enter to win in the Scavenger Hunt, you’ll need to pick up a game form at our table in Promo Alley or during the Entangled Spotlight and then find all 23 of us so we can affix a special sticker to the game form.

You’ll know who’s participating because our book covers are on the form – and we’ll all be wearing one of our stickers on our nametags to help you pick us out. You’ll want to find author Christine Bell last, because she’s the keeper of the grand prizes – and the first 3 people to show her they’ve gotten all 23 authors’ stickers will win BIG! (Keep an eye on the #EntangledHunt hashtag during the convention for more details!)

PRIZES!1st Prize: $300 Amazon/BN/Kobo/any e-book retailer gift card. Can be used for anything the winner would like, including an e-reader, tablet, books and more.
2nd Prize: A Kindle Fire & e-books from all the participating authors. Kindle will be given to the winner at RT. Winner will provide an email address so that each author can gift a copy of their e-book via Amazon to them (See all the books included on the back of this flyer).
3rd Prize: $50 Gift Card from e-book seller of winner’s choice.
Spot Giveaways: In addition to the above prizes, each of the 23 participating authors will be doing two spot giveaways during RT. Follow our hashtag on Twitter (#EntangledHunt) as each day, more than a dozen authors will tweet their location at the conference and a directive. Find the author first and follow their directive and YOU WIN! Prizes range from signed book copies, to handmade personalized gifts, from gift cards to fun-filled baskets and more.
Doesn’t this sound like fun??? I can’t wait to meet all of you and stick myself to you. Er, my sticker, that is! 😉 Who’s excited for RT???

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  1. Karen Lawson says:

    I’m so excited to meet you in Kansas City! The contest sounds like a fun time!

  2. Shari Bartholomew says:

    Will be arriving tomorrow . So excited!

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