Movie Deal, Beach Reads, and Keeping Sane…

July 4, 2012

Funny, as a writer I should be able to express my overwhelming gratitude and humility regarding the success of The Marriage Bargain, but most of the time I feel as if I’ve dropped into a really awesome Twilight Zone episode and I DO NOT WANT TO WAKE UP.

I came home from dinner with my family and found two amazing articles that rocked my world.

The first was from the well respected and revered Variety Magazine, who broke the news that The Marriage Bargain is being seriously considered by Hollywood for a major motion picture. I’ve had tons of readers email me about their wish for a movie to be made, and truly enjoyed everyone’s ideas for casting. I’m hoping we’ll be making an announcement soon and I’ll be able to converse with my readers on their dream roles. Should be tons of fun!

Here’s the direct link to the article, which also mentions some other wonderful books I have read and adored:

The second article was from Self magazine which picked The Marriage Bargain as a top beach read! I adore Self and almost swooned at being picked for such an awesome honor.

Here’s the link:

Finally, I wanted to share with my readers who have already purchased The Marriage Bargain that the prologue and epilogue will be available for my newsletter subscribers so make sure you sign up! It will be in the new print and e-book version of the book, but we refused to let our core e-readers who already supported the book to miss out. No need to buy it again – just sign up at my website and I’ll send it over to you. Don’t miss it!

Happy Fourth of July!


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  1. Nita says:

    So excited for you! Just signed up for your newsletter.So if you could send me the extras for The Marriage Bargain that would be awesome.

    • Jennifer says:

      Thanks so much Nita! You will automatically get my next newsletter with those scenes probably in about a month – maybe even sooner!

  2. tina brimlow says:

    Since I have already subscribed how do I get the proluge and the epilogue for The Marriage Bargain? for

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Tina! You will automatically receive the updates in the next newsletter probably going out in a month!!

  3. Maryann says:

    Congrats Jen you deserve it the Marriage Bargain was great. Hope I can get the new updates for the book. Keep writing love your books.

    • Jennifer says:

      Thanks so much Maryann! Yes, you will def get those updates. Everyone signed up for the newsletter will get them soon in the next installment I’ll send out in about a month!

  4. Netty (@Wordy1504) says:

    So happy for you! I picked up the book (again) last night I needed my Nick fix. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve reread The Marriage Bargain. I cannot wait for the next book, though I have to say Nick and Alexa will be hard to beat. Really looking forward to the extra bits too.

    • Jennifer says:

      Aww, thanks Netty! I know what you mean but I must say Maggie and Michael completely intoxicated me as much as Nick and Alexa so am hoping you will LOVE Trap as much!

  5. Lacey Devlin says:

    BIG congrats on TMB’s Self mag appearance! I’m so, SO excited that TMB could soon be in our cinemas. How absolutely freaking fantastic would that be? What author wouldn’t love to see one of their babies make the jump across mediums? You so deserve that, Jen!

    I just know I’ll turn into a total stalker for your premiere outfits and interviews. You may want to start drafting that restraining order…

    • Jennifer says:

      OMG, Lacey, I love you stalking me – you r so cool! Yes, it feels completely surreal and I’m walking about with a fog around my head! Thanks so much for the wonderful comments!

  6. Beth R says:

    Congrats on the book and movie deals. I love it when books I feel like I “discovered” are now main stream. I have recommended Bargain to many of my friends and now they believe me! Can’t wait to reread it before the new ones come out.

    • Jennifer says:

      Thanks so much, Beth! Deal not official yet but hopefully soon and I SO appreciate you recommending the book – it means the world to me!!

  7. Kathy Lewis says:


    That is exciting news. I will definitely be in line for the movie. Wish you all the success you can obtain.

  8. Kimberly says:

    Better and better news all the time! ! ! It’s so exciting !

  9. I wanted to say huge congrats on all the success of your book. This is truly wonderful.

  10. Wow! Congrats, Jen! You put in the time an d worked really hard for this type of success and I am so happy for you. I’ll be the first in line at the theater!

  11. Jen, it seriously could not happen to a nicer person. So happy for the success you and Entangled are having with TMB. We’re happy to have your Steele brothers at Decadent Publishing and really excited for you!

    Heather Bennett
    Decadent Publishing

    • Jennifer says:

      So honored Heather! What a lovely complement – I adored writing the STeele Brother series and think I have two more that may need to be written – lol! Thanks again!

  12. Amanda says:

    I truly enjoyed reading this book that I couldn’t put it down. I am so happy that they are looking at making this book into a movie. I am looking forward to hearing more about Nick and Andrea as well as Michael and Maggie. I’m really interested to see how Nick responds when he sees his own child for the first time. :0) Looking forward to the newsletter.

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Amanda! Thanks so much for the wonderful complement – am so thrilled you loved the book!

  13. Joanne H says:


    I am on my summer vacation and bought the e version of The Marriage Bargain! I loved it so I read it all in one day! I couldn’t put it down. I didn’t move from the porch swing until I was done!

    It was so much fun to read. I hope to get the updates to this book when they come out. It will make me want to read about Nick and Alexa all over again.

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Joanne! Thanks so much for the awesome comments – I am thrilled you loved the book! Yes, I will send you over the deleted scenes and make sure you sign up for my newsletter because I’m sending the new epilogue and prologue in August to all subscribers!! Thanks again – you will see them in The Marriage Trap again so mark your calendar for Oct 4th!!

  14. Kelly Foster says:

    Oh my gosh this is just too fantastic! I guess I wasn’t crazy after all when I messaged you about it on Facebook! Now if only you had some pull in getting me a job on the film (wink, wink). I mean I AM essentially unemployed and I DO have a degree and strong resume in film. So hey, a girl’s gotta try right?
    Can’t wait to here more developments! Kudos to your agent on getting it optioned! My stepmom, Dolores (Lori) Foster is a writer so I’ve heard all the horror stories;)

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Kelly! I LOVE Lori Foster she completely rocks! If I ever meet any cool Hollywood people when the movie goes through (fingers crossed!) I will keep you in mind!! Thanks so much for the lovely comments – meant the world to me!

      • Kelly Foster says:

        ooops! I always forget to clarify that point – she is not THAT Lori Foster haha, which is why most of her stuff on Amazon etc is under Lori Duffy Foster haha. The funny thing is that they both lived in Cincinnati at one point and did meet at a writers conference. 🙂 Thanks!

  15. Heather says:

    I loved The Marriage Bargain. It was the first book I purchased on my new kindle. I would love to see it come to the bring screen. Congratulations on your success.

    Also, I signed up for your newsletter. How did I get to read the prologue and epilogue?

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Heather! I’ll be getting those scenes out to my newsletter subscribers in August! SO happy you loved the book – means the world to me!

  16. I am so happy for you! I really loved the book 🙂

  17. Casey Collier says:

    I love love love The Marraige Bargain!! I have recommended it to all my friends. I can’t wait to read the next books! I just signed up for your newsletter. Have you posted the prologue/epilogue? I did not want to miss them yet! Thank you:)

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Casey! Thanks for the lovely comment – I am so happy you loved the book! Nope, the new stuff is coming this weekend so you haven’t missed a thing! Putting it together to send in the next few days!!

  18. Anna says:

    Greetings Jennifer,

    I feel in love with The Marriage Bargain.

    I just signed up for your newsletter. It appears that you have already emailed the prologue and epilogue. Any chance that I fiuld get that emailed to me?

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