Make My Match Contest!

April 23, 2014

It’s time to celebrate the upcoming release of Searching for Perfect coming April 29th! A big thank you to everyone who pre-ordered and a little incentive to do it TODAY if you haven’t already!

My newest heroine, Kennedy Ashe, is a matchmaker extraordinaire, who has to completely makeover my rocket scientist nerd hero and transform him into the hottie hiding underneath. This takes a lot of work…and it’s a journey filled with laugh out loud humor, hot sex, and a delicious satisfaction.

Want to win some awesome goodies? How about a specialized silver custom necklace that says Searching for Perfect?

How about a SIGNED copy of both Searching for Someday and Searching for Perfect?

Enter the Rafflecopter and answer one simple question.

Who would your match be? Anything goes. Celebrity, sports figure, or of course my fave – BOOK BOYFRIENDS!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Steph Nuss says:

    I can only pick one? Lol! …hmm, I’d have to say Nick (aka Jake Johnson) from the TV show “New Girl” would be my perfect match. He isn’t exactly “ripped” or anything like that, but his awkwardness seems like it would match mine.

  2. Monique D says:

    Jackie Chan. He’s not that young, but I was always in awe of his martial arts skills, but even more so of his dedication, his honesty, his humility, and his fantastic sense of humour. And the latter is why I think he would be my perfect match: there are younger, handsomer guys, but I think he has the most important things to me.

  3. Emma Fitzgerald says:

    My perfect match is anyone who can make me laugh, listen when I need an ear, hold me when I need a cuddle and bring me chocolate in those needy times! And I hope I can do the same in return.

  4. Jessica Hennes says:

    So many choices…my perfect match would be Simon Parker from Wallbanger.

  5. Ava Curtis says:

    I will have to pick Gibbs from NCIS (Mark Harmon) he is perfect. Thank you

  6. Rosa Newport says:

    Lately when my husband and I watch Modern family I seem to find that lately my husband says that so you to the character Clare Dunphy (aka Julie Bowen) now we do t look anything alike but her actions and reactions to certain situations do seem familiar to me…because I do them too!LOL!

  7. Debbie Rudder says:

    There would only b one for me. That would b Mark Harmon!

  8. […] sure to check out Jennifer Probst’s contest through her Facebook page! TAGS: Friendship, Funny, Jennifer Probst, Marriage to a Billionaire, searching for, sexy, themes, […]

  9. Rachel Brown says:

    Not sure who my perfect match would be. Definitely have not met him yet!!

  10. abbie ball says:

    I would have to say my perfect match would have to be john Hamm.

  11. Carrie Raasch says:

    I have so many “book boyfriends” but I have one “Book Husband” and That would be “Chris Knight” from Cassia Leo’s Shattered Hearts Series. One would think he’s a bad boy because of the tattoos and he’s a singer. Under all that he has a heart of gold and would give anything for his girl and family! he melts my heart! <3

  12. Sharon C says:

    Ryan Reynolds character Andrew from the “The Proposal”

  13. Jennifer says:

    Perfect match would definitely be Travis from The Bet by Rachel Van Dyken; for one he’s so much like my husband (even the name) and second he is just the sweetest guy with a hint of smart mouth! I love it!

  14. Debbie Watson says:

    I have no idea. I love listening to Eric Church just love his voice so that’s who I’ll go with

  15. Sara Sherman says:

    Hayden Stryker from Clipped Wings.

  16. Faith Godard says:

    Perfect match would always be RJWS/ Ryan Stevenson. Something about a drummer. 😉

  17. Delene says:

    In my mind it’s Kevin Costner . I’m sure not in his 🙂

  18. Kelley Perone says:

    My perfect match…me and Christian Grey!!!!

  19. Amanda Phillips says:

    I know this isn’t the answer most would want to read but my perfect match is my husband. We have survived so many obstacles and still love each other like we did when we first met.

  20. Ariana Glover says:

    My perfect book match would be Rule from the book Rule by Jay Crownover. I love his possessiveness and his tattoos. And that lip ring!

  21. Brandi Snow says:

    Ben Affleck from Pearl Harbor. I also gotta say Colin Farrell, yummy!

  22. Angela says:

    My perfect match would be honest,loving,faithful,and funny. Someone who loved to cuddle and hold hands. Somebody who took care of me ad much as I took care of him. Sure have kissed enough frogs in my life. I’m still hopeful.

  23. Terra says:

    Nicholas Ryan from Marriage Bargain!!

  24. Stacy Franey says:

    Brian Ross from the book Rock Me by Cherrie Lynn. He’s so strong and protective of those he loves. And the sex parts were amazingly written! Wow

  25. joann says:

    I would have to say Dominic Corisi…

  26. Liz Chim says:

    Can’t wait

  27. Liz Chim says:

    can’t wait… it sounds good

  28. Pamela Garza says:

    If i wasn’t already married to my perfect match, i would have to say it would be Ash McIntyre from the book BURN from Maya Banks. He is a true dominant. He knows how to please a woman in bed and out, plus is sooooo protective. I love me a dominant man who wants to take care of his woman.

  29. Vilma Akins says:

    I have two:
    Nick Ryan from The Marriage Bargain by Jennifer Probst AND
    Marcus Sullivan from From This Moment On by Bella Andre.

    Yummy hunks and caring, responsible brothers who take care of the clan.

  30. Crystal Peik says:

    Dare I say it? Jennifer, you already know it, but it ain’t changing. Before, it was MacAllister Booke from Heaven and Earth(Nora Roberts). He had that gorgeous, lean, funny nerd thing going for him. And a man in glasses? Be still my heart. Yeah, you know where this is going. My perfect match would be Nate Dunkle. Never a dull moment, and always something to learn. <3

  31. bn100 says:

    not sure

  32. Ty Wilson says:

    My perfect match would have to be Kate Winslet in The Holiday. That’s one of those movies I find myself watching every time it’s on and I just adore her in it.

  33. hc says:

    There are sooooo many swoon-worthy “perfect matches”! How does one choose? I think Mr Darcy has stood the test of time 😀

  34. Theresa says:

    Hmm there is a couple lol but I will choose one that stuck to my brain. I would have to say Slade from Searching for someday. I don’t know I think I need a little push when it comes to stuff like that I am shy. I tend to like the bad boy type lol.

  35. cshells says:

    Hmmm… perfect match would be Lenny Kravitz!
    Sexy and can he sing! His interviews are so insightful and they way he talks!
    He seems fun and interesting! He’s for me!!

  36. Monica says:

    Ian Somerhalder for sure. He is such a stunning man and he seems as nice as he is handsome.

  37. Can I choose two???????? George Clooney and Bradley Cooper…..sighhhhhhh

  38. Maybelline says:

    First, I love my husband. He is perfect for me. But my “book” boyfriend would be Mencheres from the Night Huntress series by Jeanine Frost and an “actor” boyfriend would be Oded Fehr. I like the tall, dark, quiet (but very manly and strong), and handsome.

  39. Amy says:

    My celebrity boyfriend would be Matthew mcgonaughey! Hot is an understatement I’d have him read to me so I could listen to he’s sexy cowboy drawl whilst only wearing a cowboy hat!! Mmmm delicious !! ;-p

  40. Carolyn Rhodes says:

    I met my match 21 years ago and married him 2 years later and we are still going strong! Love your work Jennifer and this looks like another goodie! Congrats

  41. anne says:

    My husband is my ideal match and soul mate. But I still think that Patrick Stewart is a dream.

  42. Negar says:

    I’m in a Bret Dalton state of mind.

  43. Viviana Varona says:

    Ryan Christensen from Love Unscripted by Tina Reber. I would love to fall in love with a star and then live happily ever after. 🙂

    Thanks for a chance to win.


    Viviana Varona

  44. Donna says:

    Mmmm let me see, so many to choose from! He’s every woman’s dream, he’s makes women swoon and salivate. He’s the perfect eye candy, He’s David Gandy!

  45. Anna Gibson says:

    My perfect match would be Hugh Jackman!! Sexy and that Austin accent!!

  46. Anna Gibson says:

    My perfect match would be Hugh Jackman. Sexy and that Aussie accent!!

  47. Brandi Harmon says:

    I would have to go with Brantley Gilbert. He has a way about him. Yum

  48. Vicki Figueroa says:

    I have surprised myself….there are so many book hotties and I love many of them but my match….would have to be the man I married twenty five years ago. No he doesn’t have the abs and the killer body, or spends every waking moment rupturing me, but in reality we work. I love my books because they are like fairy tales for adults, my HEA’s. Life just isn’t that way.

  49. Jackie Dickson says:

    Mine, besides my husband of course, would have to be Rafael Collier from the Savannah Martin Mysteries by Jenna Bennett. I LOVE that man!

  50. catslady says:

    I have to go with Nathan Fillion!!

  51. Eunice says:

    I definitely have a lot of book boyfriends!!!! But the one who would def get my labido going big time would be Christian Grey from Fifty Shades!!!!!

  52. Jan Meredith says:

    If I could have my fantasy match, it would be Gerard Butler. Fortunately, I married my real life match, my high school sweet heart a loooooong time ago, lol!

  53. Sharlene Wegner says:

    I choose Carter Maguire from Vision in White by Nora Roberts. Somewhat clueless, but very sexy!

  54. Sandy Xiong says:

    I would say that my perfect match is myself. Crazy but I don’t want to pick a book boyfriend since I have too many to choose from.

  55. Cara says:

    Picking just one in any category is difficult but here goes: David Gandy the man is intelligent, animal lover, great dresser, philanthropist, and sexy as hell!!!!

  56. Crystal Napper says:

    In reality my perfect match is my husband but in my fantasy world I would say Theo James is my perfect match.

  57. Kim Perry says:

    My perfect match would be Gavin Blake 🙂

  58. Ceren says:

    My perfect match would have to be James Dean; he was the epitome of bad boy wit and charm sprinkled with an dash of rugged masculinity and beneath the hard exterior: an soft and affectionate vulnerability.

  59. Tracey Kruger says:

    I’ve got tons of book boyfriends, but I’m going to have to stick with two of my faves:

    Gideon Cross for sheer hottie factor, he’s just, oh, lovely
    Luke Williams from ‘Come Away With Me’ by Kristen Proby. He’s romantic, sexy, and thoughtful, and totally a one-woman kind of guy.

    These two make me swoon; can I get a combo deal? 😉

  60. Kelley says:

    Henry Cavil

  61. Heather Joly says:

    Lately with each new book I read I have a new book boyfriend. After just reading Searching For Someday Slade is on my list…then I read my dear friend Steph Nuss’ book Wanted By You so Slade is now tied with Carter!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  62. Joanna Lessor says:

    My husband is & will always be my Perfect Match!

  63. BellaBookaholic says:

    My perfect match would be Travis Maddox baby..! my bad boy

  64. Cheryl Hart says:

    I married my perfect match nearly 30 years ago – but if I have to pick someone famous or fictional I’d choose Atticus Finch (in his younger years.) He’s much like my husband–loyal, selfless, moral, kind, handsome, fair… He’s my favorite book crush evah!

  65. Janhvi says:

    I would pick Lucas from Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh.

  66. Jennifer Essad says:

    I’ve never thought of this before, I’m thinking I might like to be around a guy like James Marsden

  67. Kate I. says:

    My perfect fantasy match would be Bruce Willis, on whom I’ve had a crush since his “Moonlighting” days. He seems like a genuine dude that does his very best to take care of his loved ones.

  68. Susan A says:

    I have 2- literary, Rhett Butler/actor, Robert Mitchum

  69. Samantha says:

    I looooooove this author!

  70. Samantha says:

    My book character match would have to be… Ryan from Dare You To. 🙂

  71. My perfect match would probably be Harry Styles. I know he’s too out of my limit considering he’s 1/5 of the UK’s renowned boyband One Direction, but I am still clinging into that sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, he’s my perfect match. Albeit we’re not exactly alike, I do believe that opposites do attract just like the raging colors of an abstract painting. Our paths might’ve not cross today, the next day or even the next year, but I knew someday we will meet. And if that happens, let’s just let the “magic” that everyone called, take over.

  72. Pam Flynn says:

    My perfect match would be a broke down handsome gentleman that would understand a broke down beautiful woman so we could enjoy our golden years together.

    • Pam Flynn says:

      and that broke down handsome gentleman would be William Shatner…
      Sorry…forgot the celebrity part…I was dreaming.

  73. Annette Edgell says:

    My perfect match is my high school sweetheart and husband. There are many attractive men in life and in books, but only he’s the perfect match to my weird personality! No one even comes close!

  74. Anita Powers says:

    My perfect match is my husband, we have been together for 25 years and still in love more then ever.

  75. tori says:

    thanks for the giveaway

  76. Allyson Brann says:

    I have lots of book boyfriends but truly my perfect match is my husband! We have had our ups and downs , but I wouldn’t change it for anything

  77. Jack Woodward or Nicholas Ryan

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