Let’s Be Shameless…

November 29, 2011

What I find so interesting about writing is the solitary nature of this career.  Even when I began, I wonder if it was from a deep seated desire to completely disconnect with actual people and live in my own fantasy world.  After all, I’m quite happy there. Always have been. I used to believe being a writer meant writing your best stuff, learning craft, and just…writing. Sure, I’d be on a talk show here and there, and book signings. But that’s it.

Oh, how the world has changed.

In order to be sort of successful, you not only have to write, but sing your praises. Humbly. Make lots and lots of friends on Twitter and Facebook, rank on Klout, have a huge blog following,  be charming, outgoing, sociable, and everything that most writers are usually…not.

Well, at least not me.

God, I hate talking about myself. I love talking about the process of writing, and saying I wrote a book, but not pressing my business card into someone’s hand with savvy charm and a quick witted smile. Instead of “Call me” it’s “Buy me!”  How embarrassing!

And book signings? Well, to be truthful, most of the time I have to haul in the bushes beforehand. I was never good at public speaking, and still dread it. Yet, now, I push myself to speak at libraries about my craft and hopefully people will buy my books.

Such is this brave new world. And all is not lost. First off, I have met so many new friends through Twitter I’m amazed at the pool of talented, prolific, NICE people out there. And many hate the hard sale anyway. I have always preferred to meet and socialize with new friends and colleagues, then hope to sell my book down the road. Hell, I sold insurance for years and was quite good at it, and never, ever pushed a sale. If a policy was good for them, I’d suggest it. Same for my book.

Most of my work I’m quite proud of. My eclectic tastes run the gamut and all is reflected in my new website. So, the point of this new post? Well, to toot my own horn in my own home. Charmingly and tastingly, of course.

Love erotic romance? Boy, do I have something for you. Besides my new 2/1 release of Sex, Lies and Contracts, mark your calendars for a delicious romp with The Steele Brothers trilogy coming from Decadent Publishing for their 1NS (One Night Stand ) series..  Here’s a quick taste…


Catch Me – Steel Brothers #1

Rick Steele has avoided relationships since he caught his fiancée cheating, but when he’s talked into spending a one night stand through Madame Eve’s service, he’s not prepared for his emotional and physical reaction to his date. Tara shows him a raw passion and honesty he’s never encountered. For the first time, Rick wants more than one night…but he needs to catch her first.

Tara Denton escaped a brutal past and needs one night with a stranger to get past her sexual and emotional limitations. On the brink of recovering her strength and independence, she wants nothing to do with a relationship. But Rick Steele does more than rock her body…he rocks her heart. Tara has to make a choice, but is she ready to get caught?


Play Me – Steele Brothers #2

Professional gambler Sloane Keller is tired of dating weak willed men and longs to meet a man who challenges her dominant personality and forces her to submit. As the queen of the cards, she’s used to making her own rules, and craves the excitement of Vegas. But her inner heart cries out for someone who can be her match, both inside the casino and in the bedroom.

As the new dealer for the Bellagio, Roman Steele is burnt out on women looking for a quick penny and a man to follow. He craves a woman with fire in her soul and a keen intellect who can challenge him. When his brother recruits Madame Eve to help, Rome is amazed at the complicated woman he gets to spend the night with. But when the evening is over, will she be gutsy enough to offer him forever?

Dare Me – Steele Brothers #3

As a military leader back from the war, and the youngest of his two dominant older brothers, Rafe Steele struggles with a secret. He craves surrender in the bedroom under the controlled hands of a Dominatrix. When his brothers offer him a one night stand with Madame Eve, he jumps at the chance to enact his fantasy. Rafe is sure after one experiment he’ll be able to move on. But he never counted on Summer Preston to strip down his walls and make him want more than one night…

Summer Prescott is the typical girl next door. An elementary school teacher with a young, fresh face, she is constantly barraged by men who want to take care of her. She longs to meet a strong man who can handle her Dominatrix ways in the bedroom. Trapped in her own storybook life, she books a one night stand with Madame Eve to finally experience her fantasy. But she never counted on Rafe Steele to push her boundaries in both the bedroom…and her heart.


Love sexy, humorous romance? I am beyond thrilled to announce my new series, Marriage To A Millionaire with Entangled. Here is a  quick tease of my first book, The Marriage Bargain, coming March 1, 2012:


A marriage in name only…but neither bargained for love..

Alexandria Maria McKenzie casts a love spell for a man to help save her childhood home, but she never planned on her best friend’s older brother.  He offers her a bargain: marry him for one year and he will meet her price.  A marriage in name only with certain rules: no emotion, no attachments, no sex.  The terms should be easy to follow since he is the man who broke her heart years ago.  Or are they?

 Nicholas Ryan doesn’t believe in marriage or family, but he needs a wife in order to inherit DreamScape Enterprises.  He looks for a suitable candidate, but never planned on his sister’s childhood friend.  She is everything he usually avoids in a woman: too impulsive, too emotional, too demanding.  Of course, he intends to avoid any real entanglements and stick strictly to business.  Or can he?


The stakes are high, but neither bargained for love…


It’s going to be a hell of a year, folks.  You’re going to be seeing a lot of me, but I will spare you the hard sell, and hope the reviewers and the story sell themselves.

Drop me a note and share your good news with me. Let me know how you do with your shameless promotions.

❤️ Leave a comment → 


  1. They all sound exciting Jennifer! Congrats 🙂

  2. tara says:

    Another blogger prompted me to give out a “blog award” to my favorite bloggers and you are one of them. I just wanted to say thanks for the inspiration! Here is the post: http://taraisarockstar.wordpress.com/2011/12/02/632/

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Tara! I am so honored you chose me as one of your inspired blogs – it means a lot and I love having you as a reader – thanks so much!!!!

  3. Liz Matis says:

    Hi Jen: Love the covers!
    I hate self-promoting too. Good luck with your release.

  4. Julie says:

    I’m terrible at promoting myself. I think you do a great job at it, and I’m always SO impressed that you have actual books that can actually be signed with actual pages to turn.

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Julie! Thanks for the kind input, I think most people hate promoting themselves and find they have to! I love actual books too, but most of them, including mine, are becoming electronic pages so thank goodness for the ereaders now!

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