Issue Date for The Marriage Trap Has Been Changed!

June 15, 2012

First off, I am really sorry I have to make this announcement last minute, since everyone has been incredible about the lead up to the second in the Marriage to a Billionaire series, The Marriage Trap.

But, due to WONDERFUL reasons I can’t announce just yet, we are moving the issue date and I promise it will be worth it!

Stay tuned for official news next week, and thanks to everyone for hanging in a bit longer for the wait!

In the mean time, I am going on a blog tour to promote my latest erotic short, Dare Me, the third installment in the Steele Brother series. Here are a list of my stops this week! And don’t forget…I’m giving away FREE BOOKS!!

June 19th – Hot Blogging With Heart – Cassandra Carr – talking about HEART-

June 20th –  Liia Ann White- talking about Secrets

June 21st –  My Secret Romance Book Reviews –

June 22nd –  Wickely Sexy Writers –


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  1. patricia says:

    Oh NO!!! I have been patiently waiting to read the counts story!!!! Oh well I guess I can wait a little while longer!!! Sigh!

  2. patricia says:

    PS Please dont make me wait toooooo long!!!! and I absolutley LOVED The Marriage Bargain, I lent it to my friend who is also waiting for The marriage trap! We were hoping to buy it at midnight! Haha

  3. patricia says:

    LPS Please dont make me wait toooooo long!!!! and I absolutley LOVED The Marriage Bargain, I lent it to my friend who is also waiting for The marriage trap! We were hoping to buy it at midnight! Haha

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Patricia! YOu completely rock! I LOVE that you were going to buy it at midnight -that is so awesome. I promise not too long, and truly it will be worth the wait and I should have news next week. I will try to come up with something fun for you in the meantime and post it on my blog!!! Thanks for being so patient!

  4. Kristin says:

    Oh no!!! I was so looking forward to going to and ordering my copy of The Marriage Trap. =( Awww…I know that the wait will be worth it, but I am so antsy and anxious to read the second installment to Marriage to a Billionaire series. I hope the wait is not long. *sad face*

    • Jennifer says:

      Kristin, I know – I HATED doing this last minute but I promise you will love the reason, and I will do something cool for you guys and put it on my blog. A teaser, or a short story or something just for you! Thanks again for being so patient!

  5. Nicki says:

    Ahhh!! Please not too long!! I was so excited I wrote it on my calendar, and remembered it this morning getting ready for work. Ahh, I am dying over here 🙂

  6. Jackie says:

    so excited for it!! hope it is soon! 🙂

    just wondering, i did not see any bonus material from the marriage bargain… i signed up for the newsletter do i have to do anything else to receive it?


  7. renee says:

    Oh no, my birthday is tomorrow and i was hoping to get it for myself at midnight. How much longer til its released?

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Renee! I feel so bad! I’m very sorry about the release date, I promise to tell more soon and it will be worth the wait. Can I send you some cool swag in the mail for your birthday? I have these awesome tank tops, or a mug, or magnets. You pick!

  8. renee says:


  9. Christina says:

    Hello! I too was ready to purchase at the stroke of MIDNIGHT! (Hmmm. Nice title for a book!) L.O.L. It’s like your teasing us! 😉 I know if you say its for WONDERFUL reasons, makes it a little easier to wait! I am really anxious now!;)

    • Jennifer says:

      Christina, I know, I am so sorry!! I promise to get you news very soon, it broke my heart to tell my readers to wait but it really is for a good reason. Next week I will let you know!

  10. Linda says:

    I am so sad. I finished yesterday re-reading The Marriage Bargain so it would be fresh in my mind. I was so excited the wait was over. Please say it won’t be months before we find out what happens!

    • Jennifer says:

      OH, no Linda I am so sorry! It won’t be long, I’ll be able to say more next week. In the meantime, let me work on a way to give you something fun!! Thanks for being so patient!

  11. Jen Berg says:

    Awww!! That is yucky that we have to wait, but I am sure it will be worth it! I am excited and curious to hear your news!!!

    • Jennifer says:

      Thanks so much Jen! I hate that you have to wait too and promise to keep you updated. Thanks a lot for your understanding and patience!!

  12. Renae says:

    I absolutely adored the marriage bargain! What a great story! I was totally looking forward to buying book two today, however, I would have done nothing but read until I was done, so my husband probably thanks you for this delay!! 🙂

    I just signed up for the newsletter, is it possible to get some of the bonus material also?

    PS I hope you are a fast writer.. and more books come of this series!

    Have a great weekend!

    • Jennifer says:

      Thank you so much Renae! You rock and so does your hubby! Just need a bit more time before I announce and I promise to write super fast and super good so you won’t be disappointed lol! Have a great weekend too!

  13. Nickie Adler says:

    Jennifer, all your books are worth waiting for. Can’t wait!

  14. kellie says:

    I had my little countdown going ever since I read the marriage bargain and was so excited there would be another book! I cant wait to hear the news! I’m sure it will be worth the wait. Thank you for your books!

  15. Letty says:

    I just read marriage bargain and was excited to read more. Please don’t make us wait too long. I hope we get to find out more about Nick and Alexa along with Maggie!!!! Thanks for providing a great story!

  16. D says:

    I Loved the Marriage Bargain and couldn’t wait for the sequel, have checked Amazon many times. I hope everything is OK for you and your family.

    • Jennifer says:

      Everything is fantastic and it was delayed for a good reason, but thank you so much for your sweet comment. Hang in D and I promise to get you the 2nd installment as soon as possible!!

  17. Linda says:

    While I wait I’ll read “Hearts of Steel”. Third of the way through it and I’m really enjoying it. Thanks for writing such addictive books!

    • Jennifer says:

      Yay Linda!! Thanks so much for the awesome complement – I’m thrilled you are enjoying Heart of Steel!! And thank you for reading them – lol!!!

      • Linda says:

        Finished the Heart of Steel and enjoyed it. I hope release date is coming soon. I’m so anxious to see what happens with Alexa and Nick.

        • Jennifer says:

          Hi Linda! I think you’ll love Maggie and Michael’s story, and of course you see Alexa and Nick and what they have been up to! I’m so happy you loved Heart of Steel, that has a special place in my heart. Hang in and thanks for letting me know!

  18. Jenn L. says:

    Oh no I was looking forward to the new release! I just finished rereading Alexa & Nick’s story. I hope the wait is not too long so I can get a copy in time for my best friend’s birthday. Oh it’s hard to be patient, but I’m sure the wait will be worth it!

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Jenn! Yes, it was delayed for great reasons but I hate making my awesome readers wait! Thanks so much for your patience, promise to update you next week!

  19. Stefani says:

    I just wanted to say that I am sooo excited for The Marriage Trap! I read The Marriage Bargain in less than a day! I couldn’t put it down! I also signed up for your newsletter, I am very excited to read the deleted scenes! 🙂

  20. christine says:

    Hi Jenn!

    I searched the kindle store for the last two days wondering where the book was! So sad to have to wait! I have had four friends purchase the first book this week as I couldn’t stop talking about it! Please release it sooner than later!!

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Christine! I know, I’m SO sorry you had to wait – I hate making you wait! But thanks for hanging in and you know I will hopefully get it out very, very soon. More news this upcoming week!! Hang in with me!!

  21. Shannon says:

    I loved loved loved the marriage bargain I read it in couple hours. Honestly didn’t want it to end. Can’t wait to read the Marriage trap I thought that world be my weekend get-a-way! Keep up the awesome work and just know we are all waiting to hear the exciting news!

    • Jennifer says:

      I cannot tell you how much your comment meant to me Shannon! Thanks so much for the support and promise to update you soon!!

  22. Michelle says:

    I am waiting for the next book. I have read The Marriage 3 times. Can’t wait for the next book.

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Michelle! I promise it’s coming!! Thanks so much for your patience, and it will be worth the wait!!

  23. Hilda says:

    Dear Jennifer

    I like marriage bargain very much! Can’t WAIT to read maggie’s story ! I have signed up for your newsletter last week, it would be great if you can send me the deleted scenes 😀

    Thank you very much!

    Hilda from sydney

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Hilda! A big wave all the way to Sydney! I will def send you those scenes and thanks somuch for the lovely comment – I’m thrilled you loved the book!

  24. Diane says:

    Had been checking daily since last week hoping maybe it would release early, so I am sad :(, but, as we all know, “good things come to those who wait”..So I will wait…..LOL

  25. Danielle says:

    I lOVED the The Marriage Bargain and I can’t wait to get the The Marriage Trap. was wondering how to get the deleted scenes for The Marriage Bargain. I tried to sign up for the newsletter but it won’t allow me to do so- it says invalid. I look forward to hearing from you.

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Danielle! Send me your email address and I will make sure you get the newsletter! Let me check and make sure there’s nothing wrong with the sign up button, email me at And thanks for letting me know you loved the book – yay!

  26. Looking forward to the Marriage Trap so I hope we won’t have to wait too long. And I can’t wait to hear the wonderful news. 🙂

  27. Erin N says:

    Jennifer…I love love loved The Marriage Bargain!! Just finished it and went to find The Marriage Trap and found out about the delay 🙁 Will it be a continuation of the Alexa/Nick story? Can’t wait to read it! I read that there is some deleted scenes from The Marriage Bargain? I would love to read them if you don’t mind…thanks for writing a great book! Really tug at my heartstrings <3

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Erin! Of course i”ll send you the deleted scenes! I hated delaying the release too, trust me, but will let you know soon! Thanks so much for the shoutout, I’m thrilled you loved the book! Yes, you will see Alexa and Nick and what they’ve been up to in The Marriage Trap!

  28. Michelle D says:

    Hey Jennifer,

    I keep waiting to hear the news and checking to see if it has been released. So excited, can’t wait too much longer! Fallen in love with your writing and characters, wanted to give ya a thumbs up. But please tell them to express this out, feel like I’m back in high school waiting on the cute boy to call my house before my Mom gets!

    Keep up the great work,
    Michelle D

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Michelle! I adored this comment! You are a writer at heart…I’m so honored to be compared to the cut boy from HS lol!!! I hate making you wait, but will spill everything soon, I promise! Thanks for letting me know how much you loved the book, meant the world to me.

  29. Shae C says:

    Hey Jennifer,

    I can’t wait to hear the new release date! I have been anxiously awaiting the release. I had open heart surgery on the 12th and was so excited to get to read the next installment! I am hoping it comes out in the next 6 weeks to cure my boredom! Can’t wait to hear the details! I am hooked on your writing! You are a very talented woman! <3

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Shae! OMG, I wish you all the best and hope to get you that book in hand! Please update me on how you are doing, and in the meantime, how about I send you a tank top in the mail to wear when you are all healed! Send me your address at Thanks for the lovely complement and will update you on everything as soon as it’s official! Will make sure you get those deleted scenes too!

  30. Lexi says:

    Hi Jennifer.. I just finished reading the Marriage Bargain, and I LOVED it! I’m definitely going to recommend it to all my girlfriends! 🙂 Can’t wait for your announcement because I’m dying to read the next book in the series. I also signed up for your newsletter. Could I get the deleted scenes as well? Thank you so much!

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Lexi! Aww, thanks so much for recommending it – that rocks! Promise to keep you updated -the final decision was delayed – but will get those deleted scenes out to you today! Thanks again!

  31. Marla Jackson says:

    Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed The Marriage Bargain. Really looking forward to The Marriage Trap so I’m also one of those who was eagerly anticipating to add it to my library on the 15th and was dismayed to see the release pushed back. I will definitely be adding the paperback version of TMB to my keeper section when it hits the store. Thanks for bringing hours of enjoyment to readers everywhere and will you add me to the list for the deleted scenes for TMB? Have a great day!

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Marla! Thanks so much for the lovely words – it means the world to me you enjoyed the book. I promise to let you know later this week – the final decision was delayed and I will update you later on! Hope you are having a great weekend! And thank you for being such an awesome reader!

  32. Brandy says:

    I have been checking everyday in hopes to see a release date for The Marriage Trap. There better be a very good reason for holding out on us!! lol Loved, loved, loooooooved The Marriage Bargain. I can’t wait to see what the next book has in store for them 🙂

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Brandy! Thanks for checking in and I hate making you wait! News was delayed so I will know this week and will update ASAP. Thanks!

  33. Linda says:

    Jennifer do we have a date yet? Anxiously waiting.

  34. Linda says:

    Is the re-release of the Marriage Bargain taking the place of The Marriage Trap? I got an email today to see if I want to pre-order.

  35. Kristin says:

    Hi Jennifer,

    Please let us know if we have to wait for the good deals much longer. I have been waiting very patiently for the release of The Marriage Trap, but I am really getting antsy!!! I check this site everyday for updates, but to no avail. I hope we will find out soon. I want to read!!!

    • Kristin says:

      *good news not good deals. I can’t even type now =(

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Kristin! I should know by this week – the decision got delayed and I didn’t have time to post here. PROMISE to let you know ASAP as soon as news is final – so sorry it’s taking long!

  36. Linda says:

    So sad we haven’t gotten the promised update this week. I’ve been checking daily. I’ve read several of the other books you have authored trying to hold off starting a recommended series by another author. Pleeeeaaaase help satisfy our curiosity about Nick and Alexa.

    • Jennifer says:

      Linda, hang in! I am very sorry I don’t know yet, but it’s out of my hands and am hoping to know final decision this week! Will post as soon as I know – I promise!!! You will get to see Nick and Alexa again soon!

  37. Maryann says:

    Any news on when the marriage trap will be out keep looking every day don’t wanna miss the day it comes out

  38. Mzryann says:

    Loved the book can’t wait for the Marriage Trap I keep checking sometimes 2x a day any news update as to when it will be available ? Keep writing those wonderful stories can I get the deleted scenes too?

    • Jennifer says:

      I’m so sorry Maryann! I am waiting patiently also and was hoping to know last week, but now they say this week is when the decision will be made. Wish I could tell you more but can’t until things are official. I promise to scream from the rooftops once I know when The Marriage Trap will be avaialble so look for an update later this week. Thanks SO much for your patience! Will send you those deleted scenes.

  39. Maryann says:

    sorry it’s Maryann

  40. Teresa says:

    I am a big fan of your The Marriage Bargain and like everyone else here, I am waiting anxiously for the release of The Marriage Trap!!! Could I also the deleted scenes mention here in your previous reply?

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Teresa! I will def send you those deleted scenes today and thanks so much for dropping by -am thrilled you loved the book!! Will let you know about the second this week hopefully!

      • teresa says:

        I was wondering if you got the chance to send me the deleted scences? Thank you and looking forward to reading it

  41. Caiti says:

    I lovEd the marriage bargain and am anxiously awaiting the release if book 2. I am also signed up for the newsletter and would love to read the deleted scenes to tie me over! Can’t wait to hear the news! Thanks again, you rock!

  42. daisy says:

    what is the update of the new release date, you posted on the 15th saying within a week you would have an update for the Marriage Trap.


    • Jennifer says:

      HI Daisy! The decision was pushed up and I should know this week. Waiting with baited breath with all of you too! Will let you know very soon – thanks fr your patience!

  43. Cara says:

    I LOVED the Marriage Bargain! I’ve probably read it three times just in the past week. Completely bummed the next book has been postponed but absolutely cannot wait! Is there anyway to get the deleted scenes to hold my Nick/Alexa fix?!

  44. Linda says:

    Can’t you give us a hint as to what happened or what good news we should hear?

  45. Ken says:

    Will we be seeing a trilogy like ’50 Shades’ being released? Is this the reason for the delay? Hope so!

  46. Marla says:

    With two active boys, I know you are busy but when you get a chance can you send me the deleted scenes from The Marriage Bargain to tide me over until The Marriage Trap is released? I signed up for a newsletter but haven’t received one yet. With my luck I’m in between issues. LOL! Thanks!

  47. Maryann says:

    Anything yet on the marriage trap

  48. Caiti says:

    Hi Jennifer-
    I wrote to you previous about getting the deleted scenes from the marriage bargain that you had mentioned in an earlier blog post- but I never received them. Just wondering if I still would be able to receive them.



  49. Maryann says:

    Hi Jennifer I never received the deleted scenes either can I get them also ? Hope the Marriage Trap will available soon.

  50. HI Caiti – I sent you those deleted scenes today – let me know if you get them!

  51. Rida says:

    What a great read! Very much looking forward to finding out this news! I can’t wait to see whats on the horizon for Maggie…

  52. Heather says:

    Hi Jennifer,

    Can’t wait to read The Marriage Trap. Any update on a new release date? Can’t wait to find out the ‘Wonderful’ news. I read the additional chapter that was sent through email. I just love your work and look forward to the new book. Patiently waiting as I have re-read The Marriage Bargain (5x).

  53. Julie says:

    Oh my. What deleted scenes?? I just finished The Marriage Bargain today and absolutely loved it!! Can’t wait for the next one! Now how do I get my hands on these deleted scenes??

  54. Kris says:

    I was so sad that the Marriage Trap was pushed back but excited to hear more news tomorrow! I loved the first book and am wondering if I could get the deleated scenes as I prepare to now re-read the Marriage Bargain to have it fresh in my mind. Jennifer, you are a talented writer and I can’t wait to hear the exciting news!

  55. Shannon says:

    It’s Friday…………………any news yet! My and a friend are waiting to find out what happens next! We check everyday and cannot to read the Marriage Trap!

    Still waiting for the deleted scenes! Ca you send them soon please!

    Hoping you say the book is coming out today – you have me totally addicted! You are an outstanding author – and i am getting antsy to read what you have in store for us next!

    Are you working on anyother exciting books!

    Please don’t leave us hanging too much longer!

  56. Linda says:

    Jennifer pleaaaaaase the suspense is nerve racking! Do we have a date yet?

  57. Kristen says:

    I have suspicions re: the cause of delay……hope I’m right!

  58. Nita says:

    So don’t wanna be that person, but slowly losing interest the longer we wait.

  59. Nicole says:


    Could I please get the deleted scenes as well? Anxiously waiting for the new release date!!


    • Jennifer says:

      HI Nicole! Did you sign up for the newsletter? Hit the sign up button and I get it right to you! In case I missed you, I’ll send it now. Thanks!!

      • Nicole says:

        Hi, I just signed up!! Looking forward to getting the deleted scenes and getting the Marriage Trap in October! Can I pre-order it now?


        • Jennifer says:

          HI Nicole! Yes, you can preorder the Marriage Trap to be delivered exactly on Oct 4th!! Will double check and make sure you get those deleted scenes. You will also get a new prologue and epilogue soon too!

  60. Linda says:

    Beginning to think we won’t be getting the next book any time in the near future. 2 weeks still no date.

  61. Nicki says:

    Deleted scenes please?? 🙂 Congrats on this wonderful opportunity! I cannot wait until the new date.

  62. Linda says:

    First thank you for the update! I do ebooks for 99% of my reads. Really sad about the October date. I will move on to the other author, SD, someone suggested to me and start her series. Hope all goes well for you. If I happen to run across those books in future visits to B&N I may pick them up.
    Thanks and Good Luck

  63. Nita says:

    October!! Boo:( but yeah for you.Looking forward to it.

  64. Jeri says:

    Just read the marriage bargain . I loved it . I want more . I am so ready to read the next book. I have to say i like this book better then the fifty shades books

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Jeri! I’m so excited you loved the book! Thanks so much for the awesome complement – means the world to me!

  65. Brandy says:

    Hey Jennifer!! I cannot wait until The Marriage Trap comes out! I was wondering if I could get the deleted scenes to hold me over until then?

  66. Kris says:

    Hi Jennifer,
    I was wondering if you could try sending the deleted scenes to me again, I never got them. Thank you 🙂

  67. Jeri says:

    deleted scenes I did not know you had deleted scenes may I please read them

  68. Jana says:

    I LOVE The Marriage Bargain! I have never laughed so hard at the things she does to her husband! The dogs! I woke up in the middle of the night laughing! I think some of the things she does in this book could happen in my household! I am excited for the next book!

    • Jennifer says:

      Oh, thank you so much for the awesome comments!! I’m thrilled you loved the book and enjoyed the humor, I adored writing it! I think you’ll love the 2nd one also, Maggie is such a kick butt character. Thanks for stopping in to comment and make sure you sign up for my newsletter for the prologue and epilogue!!

  69. Jeanne says:

    I just read the bargain OMG i love this book I cant wait for the second one is it going to be a trilogy. Can I please get the deleted scenes also I have talked about this book all day LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  70. Jessi says:

    I just read the first book and I loved it!! I can’t wait to read the next when!! Do you have a release date yet? Deleted scenes?? How do I get these?!

  71. Suzie says:

    I just finished The Marriage Bargain and it was beyond amazing. I also signed up for your newsletter, please send me deleted scenes. You’re an amazing writer.

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Suzie! I’m so happy you loved the book – thanks so much for the lovely complement! Will send you the deleted scenes now!

  72. Jennifer Ayala says:

    I loved the first book and have been scrambling to find out more about the release date. I read somewhere it would be 10/2/2012. Not loving the extra wait but I know it will be worth it. How can I get the deleted scenes from The Marriage Bargain?

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Jennifer! Yes, the Marriage Trap will be out in all bookstores everywhere AND ebook on October 4th. The Marriage Mistake will be out everywhere on November 4th. I will get you those deleted scenes now – make sure you sign up for my newsletter to get the brand new epilogue and prologue for The Marriage Bargain! So happy you loved the book!

  73. Natalija says:

    Hi Jennifer! Just to let you know, I loved the Marriage Bargain, actually I was addicted 🙂 I was wondering, would it be possible to get the deleted scenes?
    Best of luck in the future!

  74. melanie says:

    please send me the deleated scenes along with the epilogue and prologue for the Marriage Bargain. I also loved the book, have read it 3 times. Cant wait to hear more about Nick and Alexa. . . .

  75. Reina says:

    Loved the book!! but October 4th feels like its months away!!!

  76. Shawna says:

    Okay, so my Mother in Law & I just listened to the first book. She had purchased me a credit for my Birthady this month & I bought your book. CANNOT wait for the next one. It was AMAZING! Have to tell you, your choice of narrator is very well suited to your characters. Some authors don’t realize how important it is, that the narrator reads the book, the way the Author intended. Willing to wait for the next one & I am saving my monthly credit for it. Your books are now at the top of my wish lists.

    • Jennifer says:

      Yay Shawna! I’m so happy you loved the audio book!! I agree Coleen Marlo rocked it and did the book justice. Thanks for letting me know and for your support that has completely made my day!

  77. Jane says:

    I just finished The Marriage Bargain tonight got the book yesterday in the mail and finished it the next day. Sorry to hear that the other two books are months down the line in October and November wished they could be speeded up. But all good books eventually come to a person or thru the mail. I have both books on order. You are a fantastic writer bringing both tears and laufgter and love and a little of the unknown.

    • Jennifer says:

      Thank you for those lovely words, Jane! I’m so honored you loved the book and are looking forward to the series. Thanks so much for letting me know!

  78. shannon strausbaugh says:

    I just finished The Marriage Bargain and I absolutely loved it! I am so excited to read the next one! I will definitely be telling my friends about the series. I hope there are many more to come! Can I get the deleted scenes?

  79. Crystal R. says:

    Jennifer you are an amazing writer! I just finished the marriage bargain in one day. I’m a stay at home mom and enjoy reading as my outlet and you are one of my favorite authors. I am also surprised at how much you care about your fans. I’ve been on a lot of other blogs where the author never responds and you respond to almost all of your fans. You Rock!!! I can’t wait to read the rest of the series and I promise you I will go buy them on there release day and read them in one day as only a really good book can be read that easily! Hope you have a great day 🙂

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi Crystal! I think you rock! Thanks so much for making my day – I am thrilled you loved the book and can’t wait till you read the next one in the series. I’m also honored to be considered a fave writer – thanks again for stopping by and taking time to comment!

  80. Erin D says:

    Just finished Marriage Bargain!! I couldn’t put it down – I went to find the next book right away…but found this site… I guess I have to wait a few weeks. Anxiously awaiting!! Thanks Jennifer for a great book – I love Nick and Alexa and can’t wait to see what happens next with baby, the Count and Maggie!!

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Erin! So happy you loved the book -thanks so much for taking the time to drop me a comment! Countdown begins The Marriage Trap is coming soon and I know you will love it!!

  81. Victoria says:

    I just finished reading the Marriage Bargain (started it yesterday morning, went to work, came home and didn’t go to bed until I was finished reading it), can’t wait to read the Marriage Trap, The Marriage Bargain was such a wonderful book. So happy to find a new author!!! Thanks for brightening my day with Alexa and Nick!

  82. Deeps says:

    Hi jenny. I loved marriage bargains. It was wonderful. I just downloaded marriage trap . I want to know in tat whethernick & alexa plays a role other than Michael & Maggie… If not just tel me why . Because nick & alexa s the hero & heroin of marriage bargain. Y no importance to them in series2

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