Giveaway and RT!

April 6, 2012

Happy Easter and Passover everyone!

I’m really excited to be featured at the Romance Author Hotspot today, and I’m giving away a free ebook of The Marriage Bargain! Stop by and leave a comment:

Another big smooch to my awesome peeps for pushing The Marriage Bargain to #32 on the USA Today Bestseller list!

I’m going to be in Chicago next week at the fabulous RT Convention and signing books on Thursday April 12th and Saturday April 14th. Please stop by, get some cool swag and visit!

Wanna sneak peek at the super cool tanks I’ll be giving away?

Pop into my Facebook Author Page at the right!

Stay tuned for a CafePress store for more yummy items for sale!

Have a great weekend everyone!


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  1. Have fun at RT! I can’t wait to read all about it. Every detail! And drunk tweeting would be much appreciated!

  2. Have fun at RT! Can’t wait to read about it. Every. Single. Detail. And drunk tweeting would be much appreciated!

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