Can You Love Me All The Way?

March 13, 2013

New releases in a writer’s life is like having a newborn baby. We are so proud to see the finished product. So nervous about the care and treatment it will receive out in the cold world. We hope and pray and cross our fingers our book will be well received, generally liked, hopefully loved, and give a reader a few wonderful hours of bliss and escape and perhaps a yummy sigh of satisfaction at the end.

All the Way is out and looking for love! I’m so proud of the reviews it’s received so far, and the support of my fabulous readers and bloggers and reviewers is simply priceless. But like the hysterical phone commercial: more is better.

Please consider picking it up at only $2.99 and leaving a review or telling a friend. To celebrate, I’m everywhere in cyberspace, talking about some fun topics and giving away free books! Here’s a short list of my stops and there’s three today so stop by and hang!

I’ve been having so much fun with my street team lately and looking for new members. We brainstorm, chat, talk books, get goodies, and generally have a wonderful time. Please email my assistant, Lisa, if you’re interested in joining the Probst Posse and you will be welcomed with open arms!
Here’s my itinerary!

Today, Wednesday March 13th:
USA Today with the fabulous Elisabeth Barrett talking writing romance and mommyhood. And nipples. Don’t miss this one!

Harlequin Junkies – I’m talking voice and giving away a FREE book!

Talk Supe – I’m talking about how to write Italian!

Thursday, March 14th:
The fabulous Carly Phillips invited me to her blog Plot Monkeys – I’m talking about contempoary romance and giving away a FREE book!

I’m over at Guilty Pleasures talking about heroines!

Over the weekend, I’ll be at Liberty States in New Jersey doing two workshops with the fab Jen Talty and signing books, so please stop by if you can!

And stay tuned for a post on the hunky cover model from All the Way – you do not want to miss this one!
Happy March!

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  1. Jess says:

    I read All the way and LOVED it!!!! I’m need more 🙂 please write faster lol!!!

  2. Sue says:

    I agree with Jess, please write faster 🙂 I’m not quite finished but will be this evening.

  3. Maybelline says:

    I read it the same the it came out. It was such a great story! One a can relate to, especially about family, their support and loyalty. Loved it! Can’t wait for more stories.

  4. Linda says:

    I loved All the Way. I love all your books!

  5. Mhel says:

    I so love your books. And I think my new favorite is All The Way. It just gets me. I love the internal conflicts and realizations within the characters. I also noticed, there seemed to be a pattern in the heroines of the Married to a Billionaire Series and All the Way. I love how they crave control with their strong personalities but eventually the walls they built are crushed down and they surrender to love. I think I want to be part of the Probst Posse now haha! I will definitely wait for the sequel. More power Jennifer! 🙂

  6. Patty says:

    Hi Jennifer,
    First of all GREAT book, I loved it. I was taking a break from reading to concentrate on studying for boards. BUT, I caved in when i got the email that there was a new book out. I bought it and read it TODAY!!!! When are you going on a book tour, would love my books signed.

    Thanks and happy writing,

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