A Little Thanks…

November 13, 2012

I had an early holiday gift this week, and with Thanksgiving coming up, I thought it would be nice to give back a little to my readers.

I’m thrilled to report The Marriage Mistake reached #5 on the Barnes and Noble bestseller list. This was closely followed by my new holiday short story, The Holiday Hoax. The Marriage Trap and The Marriage Bargain trailed shortly behind – making a total of four books in the top 100.


The numbers are amazing –but knowing readers are identifying with the type of stories I’m writing feeds my soul. That is the real gift.

So, I wanted to thank all the readers who took a chance on me. I took a poll on my Facebook page and many suggested gift cards and signed books as the giveaways they wanted the most.


Enter the Rafflecopter entry below and I’ll pick a winner for a $25.00 gift card for your choice: Amazon or Barnes and Noble. I’ll also give away three signed books – again, your choice of either The Marriage Bargain, The Marriage Trap, or The Marriage Mistake. I’ll stick some extra goodies in the mail with the books, too!

Some other short announcements.

The Marriage Bargain is in the semifinals for the Goodreads Choice of Best Romance for 2012. It’s a whole new round of voting, so I need everyone who loved the book to click on the link below and VOTE!


I’m also doing a LIVE twitter chat on Tuesday, November 13th at 8:00pm Eastern Time. The chat is sponsored by the amazing SubClub with fantastic members who talk about a variety of books.

The hashtag to follow the chat is #jplovespell

Fun, huh? I’ll answer questions and we’ll hang out and party.

On Thursday evening, November 15th, I’ll be visiting Talk At The Bistro radio show at 7:00pm. Click on the link and listen while I talk about a variety of topics and dish on hot billionaire men and my feisty heroines.


Thanks everyone.

To all the military service men and women – thank you for sacrificing your own family and lives for us. Happy Veterans Day.

And for my fellow Nanowrimo members – happy writing!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Allyson Brann says:

    I absolutely love your books! Everyone I have read so far are great must reads! Especially the Billionaire Series, once I started reading I was hooked with each and everyone! So I am not suprised that all of them are in the top 100, Congratulations! Now for my favorite character, I have been struggling withis one because each character has their own qualities that I love about them! But Maggie is so full fire, she is strong, independant, loyal, protective and passionate! But on the other hand I do love alpha males and Nicholas was a perfect example of an alpha male who fought his relationship with Alexa, but at the same time was strong and protective as well!

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Allyson! Maggie wrestled control of her book and told me the way she wanted it written! I absolutely adore her spitfire personality and her damaged soul. Great choice!

  2. Sharon Cooper says:

    I have my friends hooked on the Marriage Series with me! They are enjoying the books just as much as I did reading them! My favorite is still Marraige Bargain!

  3. Jennifer says:

    Congrats! I just started on Mistake so right now it’s Nick!

  4. Debbie says:

    Congratulations on you Marriage to a Billionaire series! It’s a series that I cannot praise enough to my friends and followers. I love all your characters but if I really had to choose I would have to say Alexa. Maybe it’s because she’s the first heroine that I fell in love with but there was just something about her that really connected with me. Maybe it was her selflessness to help out her family and all those poor puppies. She was just a really great character and I loved her being paired up with Nick.

    • Jennifer says:

      Thank you so much for all you’ve done for the series, Debbie – reviewing, blogging and recommending. I love hearing everyone’s answers on characters because they are all so unique but yes, Alexa holds a special place in my heart since I’ve lived with her the longest lol!!

  5. Well, you already know I LOVE them all so damn much that I want to squeal every time I think about your stories and if you had asked me 6 months ago I would have screamed ALEXA!!!! … BUT, your stories keep getting better and better, even more finger-licking-good and I am now seriously torn. I think MAX might have stolen my heart … β€œI am the big bad wolf, sweetheart. Now get your ass up to your room.” *sigh*

  6. Kelly says:

    Well, I have only read the Marriage Bargain,so I would have to say Nick. I loved the story and I can’t wait to read the others. Even though he could be haughty he still bended some for her! Swoon!!

  7. Jenn, I just finished rereading The Marriage Mistake. Another stellar read from you, girl. I’ve reread them all. but I think The Marriage Mistake is my favorite so far even though there’s something special about each one. I love that Max and Carina have a history and we get these flashback moments along the sexual tension that arises with them; it’s pretty magical. I love this series as does everyone I’ve talked to about it. I’m so excited for you and so pleased you decided to write a fourth book–I can’t wait! Your writing truly isn’t like any other authors I’ve ever read and I love that about you. You’re your own style and that’s what sets you apart from everyone else; you deserve to be in the top 100! Congratulations! Can’t wait for more! I also can’t wait for the The Marriage Bargain movie. And dear Earth Mother, if they don’t make the others into movies, I will start a protest or something! I’ve enjoyed making my casting videos and glad to see other fans enjoying them as well. Thank you for your amazing talent and connecting with us fans!

    The Marriage Bargain casting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66Hq7ra8u2k
    The Marriage Trap casting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwPv38uzd-s
    The Marriage Mistake casting: Coming soon!

    Thanks again, Jenn!

    • Jennifer says:

      I love your casting videos Stef! I look so forward to seeing them done, and thank you so much for your lovely words – you are simply the best!

  8. Teresa says:

    My favourite characters in the series (yes I say characters because I can’t just pick on) are Max and Carina. Max is so sexy and Carina is so strong even though most of the time she doesn’t realize it.

  9. Tiana says:

    My favorite character so far has been Michael Conte. My favorite book is The Marriage Bargain, though.

  10. Linda Lynch says:

    I really enjoy your books! If only we could all find our own billionaire. Wink! My favorite character is Alexa. Saving her family home turned out to be the best decision she could ever make!

  11. Nickie Adler says:

    Jennifer just finished The Marriage Mistake, it was wonderful! You are so gifted, the way you make your readers feel like they are in the story. I’m sure you hear that all the time, but hey, it doesn’t hurt to hear it again. Thanks for endless hours of enjoyment.

  12. I haven’t read the books yet, but I do have The Marriage Bargain in my nook waiting to be read. I can’t wait to get to it. It sounds so fantastic.

  13. Cathy Wilson says:

    I love The Marriage Bargain. I thought Alexa and Nicholas were so great.

  14. Danielle says:

    I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t gotten a chance to read The Marriage Bargain yet. I have had it requested at our local library for quite some time but they haven’t gotten it in. I may have to dig into my Christmas shopping stash and buy it for myself!!!

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Danielle! I can’t wait to hear what you think once you read it! All the local libraries have been getting them in slowly but surely but I think you deserve an early Christmas gift lol!! Or maybe you will win the giveaway for the gift card or signed book!!! Make sure you enter! Thanks so much for stopping in…

  15. Sasha says:

    Jeniffer has such a wonderful voice! Everyone I know whose read your books, especially The Marriage Bargain series, agrees with me πŸ˜€
    Congrats on having four books doing do well in the rankings at the same time!

  16. Maria Esquivel says:

    Congrats on being in the top 100. Enjoying the excitement right along with you! So keep them coming.

  17. Sasha says:

    My fave character for the series, Marriage To A Billionaire, (typed in book title instead before) is Nicholas from book 1. πŸ˜€ Reunion stories are among my fave story lines. Add a little magic… πŸ™‚

  18. Kelly Tannacore says:

    I loved The Marriage Bargain and absolutely loved Alexa! I can’t wait to dive into the other two books….

  19. Missy Emery says:

    Have a great Thanksgiving Jennifer ~ thanks for the chance to win your goodies.

  20. Melissa Morsi says:

    Hi Jennifer! I’ve read all three of your Billionaire books, and The Marriage Bargain is by far my favorite, (maybe because Alexa reminds me of my friend Lorraine).

  21. Donna Cheatle says:

    I have to say Maggie. She slowly but surely brings her man around to who he really is!

  22. Marulett says:

    Congrats!! I loved the 3 books, canΒ΄t wait for your upcoming work :))

  23. bn100 says:

    Congratulations! I like Nick.

  24. Lori says:

    I absolutely love all the books and how each character evolved through out the book. I think my favorites are Alexa and Nick. Enjoy your success!

  25. Jennifer V. says:

    It’s so hard to decide on my favorite character. I love them all! I guess I would have to say Alexa! I fell in love with her character from the beginning and so happy to see how she was doing in the second and third books.

  26. GraceDZ says:

    Congrats on the success of this series! It’s awesome! My fave has to be Max. I literally melted after the chocolate body paint scene! *fans self*

  27. Carrie says:

    Congrats! πŸ™‚ I love your books! I cant wait for the next one. I would have to say Carina and Max!

  28. Susana Rivera says:

    I love your books…. my Favorite character is Nick!!

  29. Stephanie Nuss says:

    I failed to mention my favorite character which would definitely have to be Maximus Gray. I love Carina, too, but the way Maximus comes to life when Carina comes to America is too amazing for words. So, my favorite character is Max because of what Carina brings out in him, but all the women in this series bring out something special in their men and that’s what makes this series amazing!

  30. Jennifer Murphy says:

    I love your books!

  31. Gaby says:

    I absolutely would have to say my favorite characters are Nick & Alexa . Nick because he is a beautiful man πŸ˜‰ and he grows as a person throughout the book and Alexa because she is a wonderful human being. Helping her parents and also helping animals. Wow i really loved this series.

  32. Lindsey says:

    I loved Maggie but I just finished The Marriage Mistake and couldn’t get enough of Max.

  33. Georgette says:

    I’ve just started reading your series, loving romance novels. Living vicariously through them I guess. The Nicholas Ryan character is so far my favorite. The way he is written shows his dynamic of being driven and single minded yet struggling with loving this other person so completely with no holds barred. He is completely believable in both contexts of his character. Looking forward to the next novel!

  34. Kim says:

    Sadly, I’ve only read The Marriage Bargain. I have The Marriage Trap & The Marriage Bargain on my Fire to read, I just need to find the time.

    So I have to say my favorites are Nick and Alexa. I love them. I love the way their story came together and the way they fell in love.

  35. Thi-Anh says:

    Love Love Love the series!…Fav character is definitely Max. πŸ™‚

  36. Connie says:

    I love both of the first two books in the Marriage To A Billionaire series. My favorite character is Michael Conte ! Congrats on your success and thanks for the great giveaway!

  37. Victoria says:

    I love all three books but something about the third one that has hit to the core of love, lust, and passion. Carnia is strong and overcame self doubt and went after your men.. You will not believe me if I told you, I have read the first two books four times and on the last chapter on the third. I love the story line as well as the sexual intensity in all three books but more with the last book. I have laugh. Been turn on and drool over these sexy characters. I hope it doesn’t end. Maybe Juliette and Sam????

  38. Linda F says:

    Hi Jennifer,

    Congrats on the success of The Billionaire Series!

    I absolutely love all your books and how all the characters envoled. It’s hard for me to choose my favorite character. They are all special. I especially like the scene with Max and the chocolate body paint, yummy. But, if I had to choose I would say Nick and Alexa are my favorites.

    Thank you for sharing their story with us!

    Happy Holidays!

  39. Malia says:

    Such a fan of your books!

  40. Stephanie Behill says:

    My favorite character is Alexa. I love her spunk.

  41. Nancy L.R says:

    Congratulations!! I love the books! But If I had to choose, i’d say Nick and Alexa. I just love their story, it’s the one that started it all.

  42. Brandy Smith says:

    Oh my gosh, you are my favorite. I definitely think my favorite character has been Carina. I love that we’ve gotten to “grow” with her as she changes from book 2 to book 3. (and then lust for her man!!) Can’t wait for book 4!!!!!

  43. Stephanie says:

    I’ve only had the chance to read the first, so I have to say Alexa and Nick are my favorites. Dying to get my hands on the others. They’re on my Christmas list for sure.

  44. Melody May says:

    I haven’t read any yet. I keep seeing them around. They seem to call my name. I need to go get them.

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Melody! Maybe you will win one and I will hook you on the series – lol! Thanks for stopping by and if you do read them, I hope you enjoy the books!

  45. Lisa says:

    I love your marriage to a billionnaire series!! The last one, the marriage mistake has been my favourite so far. Can I ask if you have a planned publication date for Juilette’s story?

  46. Linda says:

    I really love your writing! I just want more and more! I read all the time and l am really in love with all the books of yours I’ve read. Have you thought of another series for us book junkies? Is there another book possibly for The Billionaire series?

  47. Natascha van Oostrum says:

    Nick is my favourite character πŸ™‚

  48. Jenbug says:

    So far, my favorite character is Maggie. I love how she’s so straightforward. Thanks for writing such wonderful books for us!

  49. jayme says:

    I love Maggie and Michael conte

  50. Jennifer W says:

    I just finished reading The Marriage Mistake and now I want to re-read all them from the beginning!!! I have to say that Carina is my favorite character! What a transformation into a strong woman! I so hope there’s a fourth book!!

  51. I love Nick. He is my favourite

  52. Kathy Lewis says:

    My favorite character would have to be Carina. I understood her insecurities because they are mine.

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Kathy! Yes, I saw myself also in Carina and I think most readers can relate to growing up and finding your own way. Thanks fr stopping in!

  53. bela says:

    I absolutley love your series. I could not put them down. I cant really say i have a favorite character but If I had to pick one, I love Maggie. She has spunk! I spoke to my local Library and they have ordered the billionaire series. Im waiting on the Marriage Mistake. Should be here any day now.

  54. lisagk says:

    Thank you for the post. I haven’t read anything from this series yet so I don’t have a favorite character yet but I’m looking forward to finding a favorite. lisagk@yaho

  55. Misa T says:

    Congratulations Jennifer!!! You have become one of my new fave authors!! Your books are so sweet and endearing that they have a special place in my heart. My favorite book would have to be The Marriage Bargain…therefore it is not a surprise that my favorite hot billionaire would have to be Nicholas Ryan. When he fell in love with his childhood friend Alexa, it just melted my heart and made me gush like crazy. I also love the marriage trap, but I have not read the marriage mistake (saving it :)) I really hope I win your signed book. Is there any way to purchase a personalized and signed book for those who don’t win??

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Misa! Thank you so much for your kind words – you have no idea how happy it makes me to know you enjoyed reading Bargain. Yes, if you don’t win the contest, let me know when you purchase Mistake and I will get you a signed copy. Thanks again!

  56. Melanie says:

    I Love the Billionaire Series…I am so glad I stumbled across the Marriage Bargain. I fell in love with Alexa and Nick and couldn’t wait to see where Maggie and Conte went on to!! I am now reading the Marriage Mistake and I torn on how this book is going, definitely cannot put it down. I think we all can relate to these real life wants/needs and that just brings us in so much more!! I think I should have invested in the audio, I hate having to put the kindle down to drive..course it’s probably safer…Keep up the great stories !!!

  57. Kathy Pickett says:

    My favorite character is Nicholas Ryan. I fell in love with this first Billionaire book and your writing so Nicholas holds a special place πŸ˜‰

    • Jennifer says:

      Aww, thanks Kathy. I think Nick is my fave hero too because he had so many issues and I lived with him for so long!

  58. Michelle Lovell says:

    Thank goodness there are no wrong answers because I haven’t read any of these books yet. They are on my TBR but I haven’t yet. They look so great though.

  59. Angie says:

    I am looking forward to finishing reading the Billionaires series.

  60. rubyswan says:

    ****Nick****so swoon worthy((sigh):P)!
    Congrats 2 U Ms.Probst!

  61. Missy McKenzie says:

    Loved, loved, loved Nick and Alexa. Loved how she kept him on his toes, and he tried so hard not to fall in love, but couldn’t hold out. Can’t wait to read the next to books in the series.

  62. Emily says:

    I love them all!!!!!!! I can’t pick just one. πŸ™‚

  63. If I would have had to pick a favorite character before today, I would have said Alexa, all the way. I loved everything about her and I felt like I really connected with her. However, I started reading The Marriage Mistake today and I adore Carina. She’s so fiesty and yet her insecurities shine through at moments. She has this fierce, business woman facade but I feel like something is lurking beneath the surface waiting to break free and I can’t wait for the moment that it does!

  64. Cheri says:

    I lived all! But I think I like Carina best because I can relate more and for the guys I love Em all haha! But if I have to choose than nick or max

  65. Janhvi says:

    I love Nick and Max! I thoroughly enjoyed their stories πŸ™‚
    Congrats on reaching the top 100!hope u have many more books ahead!

  66. Angie McKeon says:

    I’m going to go with Nick! I just loved, loved, loved him!

  67. Joanne B says:

    Right now, I’m going to have to say Nick. He so didn’t want to fall in love but finally couldn’t help himself. Great series.

  68. Kelly says:

    Hmmm, I guess I’d have to say Alexa since she was who I first met and who started my love of all things Probst! And I remember seeing her so vividly the entire book that I could ‘ve written the screenplay right then. But in terms of who I actually relate to, I’ll have to say Dante! Haha.

  69. Sally says:

    Alexa from The Marriage Bargain! She’s one of my favorite characters from any book I’ve ever read!

  70. Maggie says:

    Just wanted to say I’m happy I found you. The Marriage series was my first introduction to your books. Absolutely loved them and can’t wait for the fourth one. I’ve also read Heart of Steel and look forward to finding more time of your books. Thanks for touching a spot in my heart. πŸ™‚

  71. Dawn Bush says:

    I really love Nick! I haven’t gotten to read the next books in the series, but I am so looking forward to it! Congratulations on your success! Can’t wait to read more…AND thank you for the chance at a great giveaway !

  72. *Pernille* says:

    Can we only choose one?! 0.0 lol this is a hard job
    I really love Maggie, and her story. I was vey surpriced when I read the story the marriage trap the first time, how tender it was – I guess my idea of Maggie was that she was very much that tiger, and nothing could make her bow. I felt really sorry for all the bads things that had happened to her, and I really love that Michael understands her, and give her what she need *sigh

  73. Annan Tiernan says:

    Love Nick and Alexas story!!

  74. Anna Marie says:

    I love Nick & Alexa.

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