March 30, 2011

Happy Wednesday!

I’m celebrating hump day with a new blog on the eredsage site to promote my new release, The Tantric Principle, coming Friday April 1st to a Kindle or Nook near you!

Want to learn the truth about tantra? Hope on over to http://www.eredsage.com/blog/ and leave me a comment!

For all of you mommies out there – you will find an hysterical post by Wild Rose Press Author Clover Autrey and the the joys of teen embarassment at my other blog:

http://4badmommies.com Comment and show her some love!

Then to top it all off, I will be with the other Red Sage Authors on Thursday evening, 3/31, for a Red Hot Author Chat at Coffeetime Romance. This is a fantastic opportunity to chat with the authors, win awesome prizes, and have some fun. My feature is from 10:00pm – 11:00pm but I will be there from 8:00pm onward to peek in so come visit us!

Prizes will be issued every hour – you don’t want to miss it!

Click on the following link: http://coffeetimeromance.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=435

Stay tuned for more in the upcoming week!

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  1. Jen, Don’t know if I’ll make the chat. By that time I’m usually finding my fingers slow.

    • jennifer121 says:

      LOL, I will be a big sluggish myself at that hour – the kiddies take most of my energy by 7!!! But you can stop by the next day and check out all the comments/conversations!

  2. Hooray! Can’t wait for April first. Saving a place on my Kindle for the Tantric Principle and will stop by the coffee chat this evening. looking forward to listening in.

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