Last Chance! 48 Hours Left…and One Final Surprise

February 6, 2023

There’s only 48 hours left before my Kickstarter disappears.

48 hours left before the large print hard cover editions, trade paperbacks, and special edition signed ebooks are gone.

48 hours left to get a customized necklace, tote bags, swag, VIP calls, book art, and personal thank yous.

But I have one last surprise for all of you before it’s gone.

Back in these final hours at the $25 level and up, and I’ll send you a signed exclusive postcard as a special thank you!

Aren’t they pretty?

This is the perfect time to upgrade your pledge to grab a paperback, hard cover, bonus scenes and the postcard.

A big thank you to everyone who backed and shared for this special project!

I have so much more to come this year…I can’t wait to share.

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