A Hard Headed Woman…by Jennifer Probst

February 3, 2023

Boy, do I love my heroes.

I love talking about them, dreaming about them, and creating them. Most of my readers jump right into my alpha men and dish the dirty, but lately I’ve been thinking about my leading ladies and figured it was time to talk WOMEN.

Throw in a hot domineering bullheaded man and you’ve got interest, but if he hasn’t met his match, you’ve got…disappointment.

I’ve read a few books where I drooled over the hero but once he met the heroine my reader gene just didn’t buy it. Either she was too soft and needy, too bitchy, or too distant. Creating the perfect balance to set off sparks between them and have a reader rooting for a happy ever after is a delicate dance.

With Unbreak my Heart, Gavin has screwed up. Big time. He pretty much ripped out the heart of his old lover, left, and now he’s returned to make things right. My challenge was in creating a woman who would give him a hard time and make him pay, but then allow herself to revisit old feelings and give him another chance. This has to happen slowly or the payoff will be flat, and readers will be screaming she’s an idiot.

Not good.

So, with my heroine Miranda Storme, I sketched out a fiery red-headed, celebrity food critic who’s moved on. But she has deep lingering feelings, issues galore (I like my heroines screwed up too!), and a big trust issue to overcome. Oh, and of course she’s hot for him and sparks fly off the page when they’re near each other. Miranda is a woman we can relate to—she’s real and flawed and a mess, but damn she’s determined to forge through. I like that type of heroine on the page and in life.

And Gavin needs it. No one else can possibly be his match. Here’s a quick peek of some of their banter:


“You’re too late,” she said.

“I don’t believe that.”

He stepped in front of her and laid both palms flat against the wood, trapping her head in between them. She let out a soft whoosh as the air left her body—faced with his full power. His warm breath struck her lips, a delicious mixture of whiskey and mint.

Miranda realized he was still in control.

The gleam in his eyes reflected a knowledge he affected her in the most primitive way possible and intended to use it to his advantage. The spicy scent of him teased her senses. She decided the best way to play the scene was flippant. “Seems we’ve been here before, huh? Me, Tarzan. You, Jane. Simply charming.”

His lower lips quirked. “You always were a hellcat, Red. Our battles were legendary, but the making up kept us both coming back for more. If you remember.”

She smiled sweetly. “I don’t. And I wouldn’t do a second review if you offered me a million dollars. I wouldn’t do a second review if I was sick, and dying, and you were the only man to help me. If you were the last man on Earth standing between me and a nuclear bomb blast I wouldn’t—”

“I get the message. You won’t do the review. Fine, I’ll change your mind later.” He ignored her outraged squeak and continued. “Time to take the first step, sweetheart. I’m going to prove your body hasn’t forgotten me, even if you want to deny your feelings.”

Her heart thundered and skipped like Derby day. “Arrogant, aren’t we? You were good, but not good enough to span three years. I’ve had better.” Did her nose grow longer from her lie?

He lifted her chin up, forcing her to face him. Grim resolution shot from blue-gray depths. His body heat was almost tangible, tempting her to surrender and reach out to touch him. “Ouch. That’s gonna make me up my game. But I want more than your body. There’s been an empty ache in my gut from the day I walked away from you. I searched Godforsaken places to fill it and I never got close. Until now. I want another chance, Miranda. I want to know how you changed and who you are. I have eight weeks to prove myself again and I’m not wasting another second.”


Creating the perfect foil for your hero is just as much fun as creating those hot men we love. After all…a man is only as good as the woman behind him. Or…something like that!


What type of heroines do you love to read about? What’s your favorite match for a hero? Drop me a comment and share with me!


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If we get 125 backers (3 more to go!) or reach 5K, I’ll release another special Stretch reward so please back and share!


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