Hailey: A Dream of Hope – An Important Announcement for Children’s Cancer Awareness Month

September 9, 2019

Hailey: A Dream of Hope by [Niclaus, Kristen]

I’ve been blessed to meet many people in my journey here, and sometimes relationships spark for many different reasons—including friendship.

I met Kristen when I moved into my neighborhood, and her two beautiful daughters: Brooke and Hailey. I learned about Hailey being diagnosed with leukemia when she was just over a year old, and the painful struggles Kristen and her family dealt with over time. They were warriors – fierce in battle and strong of heart. They all believed, as did we, that Hailey would triumph.

But some stories don’t end in happy ever after, and when Hailey lost the war with cancer, the people she left behind were devastated beyond capacity.

Over the past two years, Kristen had wanted to write a book about her journey with Hailey to help other parents. It’s powerful to tell your story, and reach out to others with vulnerability and honesty.

I was lucky enough to know the writing business to guide her on the publishing journey, and I’m thrilled to share the result.

Hailey: A Dream of Hope is now available in ebook and print everywhere. The book is a compilation of daily and weekly blog posts by Kristen chronicling Hailey and her family’s journey with cancer. It is raw. It is heartbreaking. It is about love and strength, and healing and community.

Reading it changed my life.

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Hailey-Dream-Hope-Kristen-Niclaus-ebook/dp/B07XCFWHLM/

Print: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1689460296/

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hailey-kristen-niclaus/1133314395?ean=2940160812267

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/hailey-a-dream-of-hope

Ibooks: Coming Soon!

I hope you buy the book, or gift to a friend, or keep it in mind if you hear of someone who may need to read it. A portion of all proceeds will be donated to Hope and Heroes – an organization dedicated to childhood cancer research.

In our day to day routine, we forget how many people are dealing with this type of heartbreak, yet they face each morning like the superheroes we see on the movie screen. But these heroes are quieter. Braver. Somewhat broken.

And they are real.

I was shocked to learn how low the funding is for childhood cancer research. This is the direct link to donate to the Hailey Niclaus Fund for Hope & Heroes.

Let’s do all we can to help focus on this important cause, especially during September for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

I’m happy to be joining Kristen at her first book signing on Saturday, September 28th at The Barking Goose Bookstore at 1 N Plank Rd, Newburgh at 1PM. Please come by to get your book signed, and help donate towards Hope and Heroes. Looking forward to seeing you….and please share!!!!

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  1. Angie says:

    I don’t know Kristen, but I know this story too well. Thank you for sharing this info, and for supporting Hailey’s family with your friendship.

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