Dreaming of Italy? Make it a reality…with ME!

January 4, 2024

Happy New Year!

Isn’t it wonderful to be gifted a shiny new piece of blank paper to write on for the new year? It can contain all our dreams and possibilities, but it can also be overwhelming. I know when I’m approaching a blank page, I worry I’m going to mess it up before I begin. Being a writer has taught me to attack that paper now with all the ferociousness and bravery and wildness we all own inside.

And if it’s wrong?

Who cares? If we don’t try anything or make lofty dreams, we won’t get any payoff!

So, my wish for you, my beloved readers, is to take the leap this year into the unknown, even if it’s on a very small scale. I think we worry too much about the monsters lurking around the corner.

We forget about the angels waiting there, ready to catch us.

Which leads me into my big word for the new year that will be driving me forward and become my True North.


Faith to believe in myself even when I fail. Faith to know in my heart everything is truly okay. Faith to release the fears and realize I got this, even when I don’t think I do. Faith to leap and be caught.

Last year, my word was BADASS and it fit perfectly. I did many new things and forged forward onto a new path. And there’s much more of that to come in 2024. I hope you will make the leap with me as I branch out in some new directions. But this year, it’s about cultivating the seeds I planted in 2023.

What is your word for 2024?

Now…onto some BIG things!

Talking about faith and badass and doing things that make you feel good, I’m putting out an official call to book your trip to Italy with me in August 2024!

As we begin to dream about summer vacation plans during this winter, I invite you to join me in Milan, Lake Como, and Venice as we explore Italy in preparation for my newest release, A Wedding in Lake Como (up for preorder AND available at Netgalley for ARCS!)

The opportunity to book will be closing soon and I don’t want you to miss this rare opportunity to travel with fellow readers and ME.

We’re going to:

Bicycle ride in Milan

Make pasta with an Italian chef

Go on an epic wine tasting

Ride on a boat in Lake Como to George Clooney’s house *well, we’ll see it!*

Go on a gondola ride in Venice.



Now is the time to hit the link below and sign up. All details are on the site including payments, itinerary, and answers to all your questions. August may seem far away, but the deadline to book is almost here. Get signed up before it closes out!

I wish you ALL the blessings and love for the new year…and a trip to ITALY!!!!


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