Writing in Different Genres

May 24, 2011

Happy Tuesday!

I am guest blogging today at the wonderful Shoshanna Ever’s blog: The Writer’s Challenge. I’m discussing the challenges of writing in different genres, so swing by and leave me a comment!


For all the mommies out there – come by http://4badmommies and get a laugh at my expense. An updated entry of The P Factor is open for comments!

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  1. Your post over at http://www.4badmommies.com was hilarious, Jen. I’m off to check you out at Shoshanna’s blog. Happy Wednesday!

  2. jennifer121 says:

    HI Regina! I am so glad you got a good laugh from it – thanks as always for always blog hopping with me!!

  3. Good Morning Jen,
    I am off to read your post… Have a wonderful day!
    Take care,

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