Writer’s Wednesday – #WW

April 18, 2012

Welcome to my first official Writer’s Wednesday!

Each Wednesday I will spotlight a new author here, which is a great way to broaden your reading pile and maybe find a new author to love!

My series begins with the incredibly talented Cari Quinn! Give her a big welcome – Cari will be giving away one of her backlisted books so leave a comment and I’ll draw a random name! Take it away my lovely….

Thanks so much to Jennifer for having me here for
the very first Writer Wednesday on her blog! I’m a huge fan of Jennifer and her work so it’s very cool to help start off her new blog feature!

Jennifer and I share three publishers and we both
had some pretty amazing things happen as a result of our books with Entangled
Publishing. My novella, NO DRESS REQUIRED, reached the top of the Barnes and
Noble Romance list in February and in March, reached #131 on the USA Today
bestseller list. Color me shocked! I couldn’t believe – and still can’t
believe, to be honest – that so many readers had found my story. It’s been a
thrill beyond belief that people have enjoyed Noelle and Jake’s story and I’m
really grateful to everyone who has given it a read.

I’m excited to say that I’m currently working on the
next book in the Love Required series, NO FLOWERS REQUIRED, about Jake’s sister,
Alexa. Her floral shop is in a bit of trouble and she’s fighting her way back
from the brink. Luckily her delish hero Dalton has more to offer than just his
plumbing skills!

Just for fun, I thought I’d share a short, unedited
snippet to whet your appetite for NO FLOWERS REQUIRED…and maybe to encourage
you to give NO DRESS REQUIRED a shot if you haven’t so far! While NDR is a 15K
Flirt, NFR will be category length, so there will definitely be hijinks – and playful
sexy times – galore!

NO FLOWERS REQUIRED short excerpt:

Abruptly Alexa stopped in front of an open apartment door and widened her eyes. Who was that?

A man wearing denim overalls and a tie-dyed T-shirt and matching bandanna knelt
in the middle of an apartment with a floorplan just like hers, methodically
ripping up strips of the laminate. His back was to her, which gave her the
perfect opportunity to study the bunch and flex of muscles in his sinewy
forearms. He wore some sort of copper cuff around one wrist and a tattoo crept
up the inside of the other. She couldn’t make out what it was, but one thing
she could discern with no trouble at all.

Beefcake boy had one hell of an ass.

She knocked on the open door, then knocked again when he kept working. “Excuse me?”


That he didn’t turn to face her moderately grated, but hey, she still had his ass to
observe. She didn’t mind talking to his backsi—err, back. “I’m assuming you’re
the Rison’s building handyman?”

His lengthy hesitation earned him a frown he didn’t bother to shift around to see.
“You need some service, ma’am?”

I hope you enjoyed the excerpt and thanks again to Jen for having me here today. In honor of Writer Wednesday, I’ll pose a question: Do you like your books funny or intense? Or does it depend on your

NO DRESS REQUIRED’s page at Entangled Publishing: http://www.entangledpublishing.com/no-dress-required/

Visit Cari Quinn at www.cariquinn.com

Thanks, Cari! I can’t wait to get my hands on this book!

❤️ Leave a comment → 


  1. Ooooh. I really liked No Dress Required – except it was too short – so I think I’m really gonna enjoy this one. Got a release date yet?

  2. Lisa Kessler says:

    Great excerpt Cari!!!

    Congratulations on hitting the USA Today list!!! And to Jennifer for NYT!!!


    Do you have a release date yet?

    Lisa 🙂

  3. Hi Jennifer and Cari! Thanks for the sneak peek, Cari! Loved it and can’t wait to read it!

  4. Oh, I love the snippet of No Flowers Required. Can’t wait to read it, Cari.

  5. Cari, Cute excerpt. Can’t wait to read the book. For me, a story with humor and a HEA is perfect. Congrats on the success of your first books, Cari and Jennifer!

  6. Amy Andrews says:

    HI Cari –
    mmmm, love love love the brief glimpse you gave us of Dalton – I’m sold!

    Me? I like funny in a book. I even like humour in a sex scene. Make me laugh and I’m yours 🙂

  7. Kathy says:

    I loved no dress required. I will be reading more from cari!

  8. bn100 says:

    Congratulations to you both on your success! I like intense and funny books. Very nice excerpt.

  9. Lacey Devlin says:

    I LOVED No Dress Required! I’m so excited that it’s going to be a series! Can’t wait to read it 🙂

  10. Jemi Fraser says:

    Sounds like a great set of stories! I like both intense and funny stories – totally depends on my mood at the time! 🙂

  11. Cari Quinn says:

    Hi everyone! I’m sorry it took me a bit of time to get over here – my allergies have been off the wall this week and I’m only just now crawling back online, LOL.

    Thanks again to Jen for having me and for all the great comments! I’m SO thrilled to hear that people have enjoyed No Dress Required! Since I’m a longer writer by nature, I’m excited to have the chance to really dig into Alexa and Dalton’s story. Hopefully it’ll be just as fun!

    As far as a release date, we’re hoping NO FLOWERS REQUIRED will be out this summer. I’ll definitely keep everyone posted!

    Thanks again all! 🙂

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