The Print Debut of The Marriage Bargain is Here! Win a Kindle Fire and Gift Card…

September 4, 2012

I am thrilled to celebrate my print debut of The Marriage Bargain for September 4th, and I’m giving away a Kindle Fire with a gift card to buy lots of goodies!

How do you win? Gather as many points as possible for a better chance.

How do you gain points?

Ah, let me count the ways…

The following three items will give you five points and are mandatory:

Follow Me on Twitter – 1 point

Like my Facebook Page – 1 point

Sign up for my newsletter – 3 points

All three buttons are located on the right hand side of this page. If you’ve already done the above, you automatically get your five points.

Let’s up the ante!

The following two items will give you ten additional points!

Share a message or favorite quote about The Marriage Bargain on Twitter (You must leave the URL!) – 5 points

Share a message or favorite quote about The Marriage Bargain on Facebook (You must leave the URL) – 5 points

That’s it!

I’ll pick the winner from Rafflecopter in three weeks.

Don’t forget to pop over to Goodreads for an open Q&A session on the Marriage series, the film, and other cool things going on the month of September!

Have a great week!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Rose says:

    LOVE THIS BOOK! One of my FAVS!

  2. rubyswan says:

    Hello Ms. Probst,
    Congrats 2 U on the release of UR Paperback version of : D..The Marriage Bargain!! I have not had the honor of reading UR lovely Read yet but I l@@k4ward 2..!! I’m sooo Not the Techy person I’m Not on facebook nor do I twitter..I do live on http://www.goodreads I’ve her some wonderful things through goodreads Pals /on amazon about ..:D….I’m a Mom of a college age.,/high schooler. that has such a Grand passion 4 books & Authors..! I’m in love with being N love mostly Romance Reads..! thanQQQ!!

    • Jennifer says:

      Hi! So glad you took the time to stop by and please enter the contest! You are one busy lady and need some down time for yourself so I hope you enjoy the book!

  3. Sujeidy says:

    Hi 🙂
    I absolutely loved your book! & I cannot wait until the other two in this series are released. I already have them down on my goodreads ‘to-read’ ^_^

    I really hope that I win this giveaway! I am so excited. I read like a book a day (slight exaggeration, LOL) but I have to resort to my iPhone for now 🙂

  4. Stephanie says:

    Congrats, Jenn! I cannot wait for the next two books in the series! Your writing is magnificent! I’ve told everyone I know and all the strangers I feel like I know on Twitter about the Married to a Millionaire series. I love it and so does everyone else! Take care, hon!

  5. Michelle says:

    So exciting! Congratulations on getting this to print :o) Can’t wait for the rest of the series. :o) Loved this book, and would have to say that my favorite scenes involved the banter about the NY baseball teams and of course the hiding/discovering of the fostered dogs! :o)

  6. Kathleen says:

    I just saw The Marriage Bargain at Target today!!! I was so excited 🙂 Congratulations!

  7. Jen says:

    Loved The Marriage Bargain soooo much and have been looking forward to the next in the series to be released. I recently signed up for the newsletter and hadn’t received the newly released prologue and epilogue – would be so grateful if it could be forwarded. Congratulations on all of your success – very excited for the new stories to come!!! 🙂

  8. Christie Parks says:

    Hey Jennifer! I am so excited to tell you that your book has make it to our number one spot in our Book Club that has started this month. I have told everyone about your book and can’t wait to the other two books come out. I am like a kid in the candy store. Congrats on all of your success with the book and I am looking forward to movies to come about from these books!
    Keep up the GREAT work!

    • Jennifer says:

      Squee! I LOVE book clubs! Let me know if you want me to Skype with you guys after you’re done reading or answer any questions via email or phone..thanks so much for the lovely comments!!

      • Christie Parks says:

        I will let the ladies know that you will be willing to do that for us! You are so welcome!
        I sometimes wish I had finished where my sister left off in writing stories but she left us way to soon.

  9. Christie Parks says:

    My favorite quote from book is in the Prologue when Alexa and Ryan kiss for the first time as kids and after the kiss she told Ryan that “I’m going to marry you one day.”
    This is priceless because in the future they are married but it’s for all the wrong reasons but she gets Ryan to see what he had been/would be missing without her in his life.

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Christie! You picked such a good line and caught the whole circle of events that came back around. After all, fiction is always so close to real life! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. This book sounds wonderful – I’ve heard so many great things about it. It has been on my TBR list for awhile now. It would definitely be one of the books I’d buy with the $25 gift card. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway!

  11. Karen Lawson says:


    I loved your book and talking to you last week! And now a chance to win a Kindle Fire! Now that’s exciting! I am so looking forward to the next release. Thank you so much this contest, but mostly, for writing such a great read!

  12. Cimmaron says:

    Congrats on all the success of The Marriage Bargain. I’m patiently waiting for The Marriage Trap to be released.

  13. smeza says:

    How do you get the prologue and epilogue for this book? I thought I had signed up for the newsletter but I have not received anything and I would really like to read the rest of the story. Thank you for a wonderful story, I could not stop reading it!!

  14. Avi says:

    I was waiting for months now to read your book. I immediately planned to buy a copy but unfortunately I could not find one.

    When I saw that it would be available here in Japan from Sept. 4, I thought the long wait was over only to know that I have to wait for a few more weeks!!! I had it pre-ordered for weeks already but even Amazon doesn’t have estimated time of delivery.

    Sigh, this wait is killing me! I hope I could get hold of that book at the soonest.. And with all the nice reviews, I’m looking forward to read the next ones (soonest too, if you don’t mind). (^_^)


  15. KellMom says:

    LOVED ‘The Marriage Bargain’ and am counting down the days until the next two books in the series are available! My copy is on my Nook and I can’t share—so, I’m happy to know it is available in paperback and have a friend and a sister who will each be getting a surprise! I too signed up for your newsletter (actually tried two different email addresses-one a few weeks ago, the other tonight) and am still waiting for delivery… (very excited to read new prologue and epilogue!!!).

  16. Samantha says:

    Hi Jen, I loved reading The Marriage Bargain and read it three times. Can’t wait till the next book is out. Can you send me the newly released prologue and epilogue as I can’t seem to find it. Congratulations on your success

  17. Christina Viera says:

    Can not wait for book 2!

  18. Stacey says:

    Which URL should I leave when I’m posting on Facebook and Twitter? I want to get my ten extra points!! 🙂 Thanks again for such a great read. So looking forward to getting caught in the Trap!

  19. Victoria says:

    I cannot even begin to tell you how much I LOVED your book!! I happened to be walking around Target and saw it, read the back and knew I’d love it! I’ve re-read it maybe 4 times :] and it still gets me every time!! There were parts I laughed out loud and times i got teary eyed… I’m so excited to read the rest of the series!

    • Jennifer says:

      Victoria – you rock! Thanks so much for letting me know – am so happy you loved the book and hope you enjoy the rest of the series!

  20. Angela says:

    Jennifer you are a brilliant author. I just finished reading marriage trap and it was great.. Cant wait for the 3rd in the series….

    • Jennifer says:

      Thank you so much Angela! I’m thrilled you loved the book and took the time to tell me! Can’t wait to hear what you think of the Marriage Mistake!

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