New Year’s Blog Hop! Big Prizes…

January 4, 2012

Welcome to our blog hop!

The mission? Visit as many authors as possible to read about their New Year Memory, win fabulous prizes, and go for the gold: an Amazon Fire and an $85.00 gift card at Amazon! The more comments you make on each author’s page, the more times you are eligible to win!

I will be giving away a copy of Heart of Steel for my winners. Here’s a teaser:

Chandler Santell avoids men—especially the rich and powerful ones who believe more in money than people. Desperate to save her struggling Yoga & Arts Center, her last hope is the most powerful man in the finance industry, a man reputed to have a “Heart of Steel.”

Logan Grant knew he was in trouble the moment Chandler Santell walked into his office. He agrees to her crazy deal only when she risks all and guarantees him a profit. Behind the scenes a dangerous game of love, power and greed begin to play out—a game Chandler knows nothing about. The payoff is worth millions to the man who can win Chandler’s heart. But is love worth the price?

Ready, set, go!

I’ve spent many new year’s wishing for a glamorous party with the perfect boyfriend on my arm, a cocktail in my hand, loud music in my ear, and three inch designer shoes on my feet. Imagine my surprise when I look back and remember one quiet December 31st, sititng in my living room with a chubby, bald little boy in my arms, drool leaking from his lips, eyes closed in slumber, and a peace in my heart that rivaled nothing as I looked at his face and watched him sleep. The television flickered in the dark, showing the beautiful crowd of revelers in the heart of Manhattan as the ball dropped. And I closed my eyes and whispered into my son’s ear…”Happy New Year, my sweet child.” And knew it was a night I’d never forget.

Click on the link below to visit as many authors as possible…it’s hop time!

Happy New Year!


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  1. miki says:

    thanks you for sharing this with us,i think that’s more precious than any time with your hubby in a way ^^

    all the best


  2. Anne says:

    That was a very sweet memory.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Lindsey E says:

    Kids do certainly have a way of sharpening the focus to what is truly needed for happiness. Also wash and wear clothing.
    linze_e at

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Lindsey, Oh yeah, kids def have a great way of making us know what’s important – including the clothing! Happy New Year!

  4. Kathryn H says:

    I love spending NYE with my family. richnkathy718 (at) msn (dot) com

  5. Miho Li says:

    Thank you for sharing such a beautiful memory. Happy new year!

    mihoxli at gmail dot com

  6. Eva P. says:

    That is the best memory ever! Thanks for sharing, as for me, I have spent pretty much all NYE with family, not quite memorable, but good times anyway. We watch the countdown on tv, eat snacks and just chat.

  7. Danielle says:

    aww!!! Happy New Year.. Heart of Steel sounds amazing!!


  8. Sherry S. says:

    That’s such a sweet memory. I usually spend New Year’s with my family.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  9. JeanP says:

    What a beautiful memory, thank you for sharing it with us.
    I enjoy spending time with my husband, just a quiet evening, don’t need to worry about crowds or drunks.
    Happy New Year

    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  10. jennifer says:

    Any new year spent with family or friends is the best.
    wocaworld @

  11. Savannah Miller says:

    Thank you for sharing that wonderful memory!
    2005 would have to be my Big new year’s eve to remember its the day me and my husband started dating now its 7 years later we are married and have 2 amazing kids! And my kids are the world to me and in a way it all started that night!

    • Jennifer says:

      That’s such an awesome story with a happily ever after ending – my favorite kind!! Happy New Year and thanks for stopping!

  12. Cathy M says:

    What a beautiful memory, Jennifer. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  13. Vojalyn says:

    Thanks for sharing it with us! I usually have great time at new year’s eve, and I remember of my best one: it was when I stayed up with my first boyfriend who kissed my for the very first time at midnight 🙂 It’s a nice memory 🙂

    Happy new year!

  14. Elizabeth (BookAttict) says:

    Thanks for sharing them memory. It just highlights that sometimes in life, what you think you want is sometimes diametrically opposed to what you really need to be happy!

    Thanks for the giveaway and have a Happy New Year!

    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  15. June M. says:

    Spending time with family is my idea of the perfect NYE. This year, I spent it with my sister and 2 of her kids, watching a zombie marathon on TV. Goofy, but fun.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  16. Gena Robertson says:

    Aww, from one mother to another, that is one of the best memories I’ve ever heard! Thank you for sharing that with us!

    You are a new author to me, and I thank you for participating in this blog hop and for the great giveaway chance =)

    I hope 2012 brings you every happiness and great opportunity!

  17. CrystalGB says:

    What a precious memory. Wishing you a prosperous New Year.

  18. Maria says:

    That is a wonderful New Year’s Eve memory! Thanks for sharing it with us.
    Staring the year with family is always a good way to start:)

    Thanks for the giveaway

    ringpop2010 at gmail dot com

  19. Amber says:

    Aww that is so sweet. Thanks for sharing that with us! Most of my New Years are spent with my family and just a few close friends.

  20. Kaye Manro says:

    Thanks for sharing! This is a great blog hop! I’m also trending the new year at my blog too!

    Happy New Year, Jennifer!

  21. desiree says:
    you must have what you want and many more for you hope you have great year with your books

  22. Joanne B says:

    Thanks for sharing that story. How precious. Family is the best. That’s how I spend my New Years- with family watching movies, playing games and eating and drinking too much.


  23. Bre A. says:

    Thanks for sharing and the giveaway!

  24. Sarah Ulfers says:

    My birthday is NYE and one of my sisters is NYD so we have a combined birthday party at midnight.
    snulfers at hotmail dot com

  25. reading mind says:

    what a sweet memory! Thanks so much for sharing!

    aliasgirl at libero dot it

  26. Heather Cox says:

    thank you so much for being part of this giveaway!!! Happy New Year!

    yankeedragon4 at gmail dotcom

  27. Shadow says:

    What a sweet memory! Thank you for sharing it with us! This new years was my favorite. My family stayed home and watched movies. We had tons of fun! We ate snacks and toasted the new year. It was great! Happy new year!

  28. Gloria says:

    Those quiet moments are the ones I love too. I like to hang with the family & play cards. Thanks!

    geschumann at live dot com

  29. Missy says:

    Memories are a great thing to keep reliving, especially when it involves your own children. I know I have many of my own. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy New Year!

  30. Sharita Lira says:

    Memories with the family are the best. 😀

  31. Meagan B says:

    My mom would make shirley temples and snacks for new years eve celebration- loved it!


  32. Ash Breen says:

    All of these memories have been amazing. Thank you for the hop 🙂


  33. Monica says:

    Yes, you are so right. Our kids and our families are the most important things in the world.
    Happy 2012!mcv111 at hotmail(dot)com

  34. Anne R says:

    My favorite NYE memory is the one I spend with my now husband. We went out with my best friend and her (then) husband. It was horrible. They fought the whole night but at one point during all that craziness he leaned over and told me that he loved me.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

    areeths at new dot rr dot com

  35. Juliana says:

    Thanks for being part of the blog hop! Happy New Year!

  36. Barbara says:

    VERY sweet memory!
    We usually spend the evening inside with family and friends, lots of good eats…playing cards (poker) and listening to music until the ball’s about to drop. Then the wine is poured, toasts made, kisses shared…and then the party usually continues for a little while longer. Those that drank a little too much, or came without a designated driver snuggle in for the night…that’s just how we play. Better safe than sorry. 🙂 Happy 2012!

  37. Donna B says:

    spending New Years Eve with family and friends

  38. Donna B says:

    Best memory is playing cards with family and friends and drinking Irish coffee’s after midnight

  39. Donna B says:

    Best memory is playing cards with family and friends and drinking Irish coffee’s after midnight

  40. elaing8 says:

    Thanks for sharing your memory

  41. Catherine Lee says:

    The Heart of Steel teaser sounds good!


  42. SiNn says:

    aww how sweet and your book sounds awesome too for me i relaly do nt celebrate new yrs other then staying in watching a horror flick andspending time with my better half who is awesomely awesome its atime we reflect and get to know eachother even more its great
    ty for the chance

  43. jeanette8042 says:

    Thanks for sharing the memory with us!

    My favorite new years was when I had a fun and crazy party with friends last year, the champagne was literally flowing everywhere since one of my friends tried to make a champagne fountain but it turned into a river instead!


  44. Susan W. says:

    What a wonderful way to spend New Year’s Eve. Happy New Year!

  45. latisha depoortere says:

    Thank you for sharing very sweet! Thank you so much for taking part in this fun blog hop! Great giveaway and Happy New Year too year!
    Latisha D

  46. Nathalia says:

    That was such a lovely memory! Thank you for sharing it with us. :] Hope you and yours have a wonderful and safe new years!

  47. Kim S. says:

    *sniffle* Too sweet! Them boys will getcha every time! 😉

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

    thewildtwo @ sbcglobal (dot) net

  48. Andrea I says:

    That’s a wonderful memory. Thanks for sharing it.


  49. deb pelletier says:

    Book sounds great.

  50. kimmyL says:

    thank you so much for being part of this giveaway!!! Happy New Year!
    I think my favorite new years eve memory was being together with friends and my children, watching the “ball fall” on TV and hugging and kissing at midnight.

  51. tammy ramey says:

    thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway.
    my favorite memory is the year my husband asked me to marry him.

    tammy ramey

  52. Pamela Jo says:

    Every year with my honey is my best. I hope to have many many more.

    Pamela Jo

  53. Gayle Oreluk says:

    My family parties at home with lots of good food and we watch the ball drop in Times Square.

    Thank you for the wonderful contest.

    I hope you have a very prosperous New Year.

    orelukjp0 at gmail dot com

    • Jennifer says:

      A big thanks to everyone for sharing your memories and supporting fellow authors. I loved hearing all the wonderful stories – it made my day! Will post who received the free book and stay tuned for the big prize announcement winners!!

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