February 22, 2011

I was excited to launch my first children’s book, Buffy and the Carrot.

Now, it’s time to switch gears.

I’m thrilled to announce my new release coming April 1, 2011


Power up your Kindle or Nook because this one is in ebook form. Here is a brief excerpt:

 Arianna Devlin is a high powered advertising executive with ambition and too much stress. Desperate for balance, she enrolls in a yoga school to teach her certain lessons. Breathe. Stay calm. Be in the moment. And ignore her sexy yoga teacher who is becoming a major distraction…

          Grant Madison runs a yoga school and lives by one code: don’t get involved with the students. But when Arianna walks into his studio, his resolve begins to crumble. He offers her a deal: a secret affair while in the studio, and the practice of tantric sex in the bedroom…

          But when lust turns into love, Arianna and Grant are forced to make a difficult choice. Can Arianna reject the career opportunity of a lifetime for the possibility of love? Can Grant ignore his past and take a chance on the future? 

Stay tuned…

 I will be giving away another gorgeous necklace in April to launch the release.

In the mean time…please hop on over to my 4 BAD MOMMIES site at the following link to hear about my current bad mommy moments. Drop me a comment so I don’t feel all alone and check out the previous posts about the famous F word and the other F word as in…faking it!!


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  1. Beautiful cover. Best wishes with your new book, my friend.

  2. LOVE the cover! And the book sounds great. I’d wondered the title came about. Can’t wait to read it!!!

    • jennifer121 says:

      Thanks, Wendy! I’m so glad you like the title – unfortunately I’ve been asked by many people what tantra means, including a family member! I think I actually blushed and said it had to do with yoga!!

  3. Liz says:

    Love the cover and the strategically placed flowers -lol

    • jennifer121 says:

      Thanks, Liz. The first draft had the heroine pretty much unclothed and I kind of freaked out! Was sooo funny – but they made the changes I suggested very quickly and I’m happy with the turnout.

  4. Nicole North says:

    Gorgeous cover!!! Congratulations!!!

  5. Regina Richards says:

    Yummy ocver, Jen. Looking forward to getting my copy!

  6. Jen–
    Beautiful cover! Best of luck in sales!

  7. Oh my *fans self* that Hero is HAWT

  8. Kimberly says:

    I would master the bow yoga pose if most yoga instructors looked like that. lol

  9. What a great cover. My yoga instructor never looked like that, not did I when I was an instructor.

  10. Diane says:

    Congratulations on your book release, Jennifer. Looks like I have the first book for my Spring/Summer reading list.

  11. Lori Dyan says:

    I’d love to ask you some questions about self-publishing if you have some time…e-mail me if you’re interested – this sounds like a great read!

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