Who I Am…by Jennifer Probst

July 28, 2019



I know it’s been a while since I’ve blogged and I’ve missed you all!

The last few months I’ve spent locked deep in the writing cave to give you some new books to read next year. I’m also celebrating my new release, All Roads Lead to You, which has been sparking some wonderful reviews and personal emails from readers.

It also cracked the top 100 of Amazon for the past few days. That type of response to my writing literally made me weep and want to personally thank every one of you for buying and reading my books.

But today I have a new unveiling – a private project I’m thrilled to finally share with all of you.

My first official author trailer.

Authors have different lifestyles today. We are no longer the broody, isolated, artists who drink whiskey and coffee and talk to our dogs and have no social connection with the world.

Hmm, well, I do drink wine and coffee, and my husband says I’m broody and isolated, and I’m an artist who talks to my dog all day long so the only thing different from above is social media!

Social media has opened up the writing industry so readers learn more about who we are. We not only share our stories with the world, we share our lives. I know when I personally meet an author and get to hear her own story, it makes her books more real and engaging.

I wanted to take the opportunity to share a bit of my life so you not only know the books I love to write, but my own personal outlook and struggles as a writer.

I partnered with Film 14 on this video and I think they did a fantastic job.

Please feel free to share or comment and let me know how you like it!

I hope everyone is having a happy summer!


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  1. eawells says:

    Loved the author trailer. I’ve seen book trailers before, but an author one is a new thing for me.

  2. Libby Schultz says:

    I absolutely loved your author trailer.. it’s a peak into your life and your enthusiasm for writing your books. Please keep writing and giving us the stories and characters we love ????

  3. Elvina says:

    Hi Jennifer, loved the author trailer. Absolutely love all your books. Especially the marriage series and that scary cat. Please continue writing these amazingly laugh out loud, romantic books.

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