Fun Stuff!

February 16, 2024

I thought it would be a good idea to bundle a bunch of fun stuff together so here we go!

First, there’s a brand new Goodreads giveaway for A Wedding in Lake Como going on. The book goes live in less than 90 days and I’m doing a special week-to-week countdown to celebrate. Hop on over and enter – good luck!

Second, I’m giving away a PRINT ARC of the book also on my Instagram page. Just comment and tag some people and you’re entered to win. Go here, and good luck!

Third, I’m currently polling my Posse members to vote on what they want me to write for their monthly short story and I’d love for you to join in!

I love re-visiting older, beloved couples, creating some short steamy stories, or dropping a fun holiday short – maybe for Valentine’s Day?

Check it out here – and remember, you can also follow my posts for free!

**I will also be posting my serial VanderPump Rules fan fiction in the group!

That’s it – much more to come as we get closer to release day! Please make sure you’re following me everywhere so you don’t miss a thing – SMOOCHES!


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