The Marriage Mistake Hits Stores Election Day! Tuesday, November 6th…

November 1, 2012

The third installment in my marriage to a billionaire series is finally here! Look for Carina and Max’s story in bookstores and cyberspace everywhere.

While I was writing Mistake, a yummy new hero showed up on my page and tried to take over the book. HIs name?

Sawyer Wells.

I wrestled control away from him but he made sure to torture me until I promised him his own story. And of course, I have one heroine left with no happily ever after.  I think they were meant for one another, and I won’t be able to sleep until I watch their story unfold.

The big announcement?

I am writing book 4 in the series now entitled The Marriage Merger. Look for sneak peeks as I work, and some fun new blog posts and giveaways as I embark on another blog tour to promote The Marriage Mistake.

The Marriage Bargain is up for Goodreads Best Romance of the Year!

Imagine my surprise and excitement when I got the news The Marriage Bargain has been nominated for Best Romance of the Year by Goodreads! The company is amazing – and I need your help to get to the next round.

Please vote for The Marriage Bargain at the link below:

If I get to the final round, I’ll make sure my readers get a special surprise for being so wonderful!


The popular Bookie award is bestowed annually from the Authors After Dark and Dare Me has been nominated as a finalist in the short erotic category! This short, BDSM story stole readers hearts and pushed limits – please take a moment and click on the link below to vote for this story!

Thank you!



I’m looking for readers who love a sexy, humorous romance. In the next year, there will be a bunch of new projects and books released, and I need a street team to get the word out.

What is a street team and what does it involve?

Simple stuff. If you love my work, you help me spread the news. Drop a note on Twitter. Post a line or review on Facebook. Tell your friends. Tell your family. Write up a blog post. Host me on your website. Anything YOU feel comfortable with to get the word out on my books and hook new readers.

What do you get?

Ah, let me count the ways. Exclusivity. I’ve decided my street team is my core group of fans who deserve only the best. I’ll get you swag of any type. Totes, mugs, shirts, pens. I will provide you with exclusive excerpts of the new stories I’m creating. You will get advanced reading copies of my new work – whether it’s a short story, novella or full length book. I will make sure you get my personal attention for your questions, and be involved in everything I write and promote.

How does that sound?

If you are interested in helping me with this new project, please email me at

I’ll get you all the information you need.

The Holiday Hoax issues November 7th!

Are you ready for the holidays?

How about a sweet holiday romance to get you in the mood? My new short story releases Wednesday, November 7th for only $1.50! This one is for digital readers only – available on Nook, Kindle, Kobo, and everywhere else digital books are sold.


Finally, November is Nanowrimo month. What does this mean? Writers everywhere will be trying to achieve the goal of writing 50,000 word in one month. I encourage everyone who hasn’t tried this to sign up. The Holiday Hoax was an actual story written during Nanowrimo two years ago!

Get in touch with your inner creative soul and write. If a book isn’t your goal, try journaling, or letters to your children, or a memoir. Words are eternal and remind us who we are. Forget your outline or your limitations and just write words…you will be surprised what you learn.

Happy Writing everyone!

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  1. stefter says:

    I cannot wait for The Marriage Mistake!!! Tuesday can’t get here soon enough!
    I’m so happy to hear that there will be a 4th book.

  2. Nickie Adler says:

    Jennifer, you are the woman! I can’t wait til Nov 6, if who I voted for in the elections doesn’t win, your book will help me drown my unhappiness. Either way it’s a win win situation as far as your book is concerned. I love this series!

  3. Thank you Nickie! I love the way you think – either way it’s a win on election day lol!

  4. Janell says:

    I voted for you and I hope you win. You have a great gift and have allowed me to “escape” from stress, worries, etc. while I am reading your books. Thank you for writing such page turners. I can’t wait for the new book….I often have to slow down (reading) because I don’t want to have to wait between sotries for too long. I wish you the best. I have been telling my friends and coworkers about your books. I hope they will enjoy them as much as I do.

    • Jennifer says:

      Thank you so much Janell, your comments absolutely mean the world to me! Thanks for your vote, and knowing I can entertain you for a few hours in this stressful life we have made my day!!

  5. Sharon Cooper says:

    I am looking forward to the Marriage Mistake! I already have friends reading the Marriage Bargain and the Marriage Trap! And Voted for Marriage Bargain on Goodreads! Great Books! Love the Series!

  6. Sharon Cooper says:

    I enjoyed the Marriage Mistake!!

  7. Rose says:

    I love all your books so far, but the one I am really looking forward too is Sawyer and Juliette’s story. You had me hooked when you mentioned the scar….I love a good less then perfect hero…lol….

    • Jennifer says:

      Sawyer is becoming a very interesting character as I’m writing him! Thanks for stopping by and letting me know you are enjoying the books – made my day!

  8. Jennifer says:

    I bought the Marriage Bargain as a 99 cent buy on my Kindle and it was my first Romance novel ever. Now I’m hooked! I bought and read The Marriage Trap and the Marriage Mistake. I thought that the Marriage Mistake would be the last book but I was so excited to read that it would have another sequel. I’m going to be so sad when these stories end. PS. I have told all my friends to read your books and I keep thinking these would make a really great movie(s)! I love happy endings!

    • Jennifer says:

      HI Jennifer! I’m so happy you loved the series and thank you tons for recommending it to your friends. I think we can never have too many happy endings in this world! Thank you again for taking the time to stop by and I’m planning on continuing the series in a fresh, new way – stay tuned!

  9. Anita says:

    I bought the Marriage Bargin looking for a new series to read and fell in love with the book. Then I bought Marriage Trap and bacame even more in love. I could not wait until the third book was realeasted. I have to say I think the Marriage Mistake was my favorite of the series. I could not put it down and wanted more when I finished the book. I am so excited that you are writing the fourth book but I really would like to know more about Max and Carina. I have shared these books with my friends. They are also loving the books. Thank you so much for these books.

  10. Fran Gold says:

    Just finished reading the Holiday Hoax and loved that one too! Can’t get enough of your books Jennifer! Have loved every story so far and have to say that Alexa is still my favorite character. :o) Her attitude is the best! Keep them coming! Can’t get enough of your stories!

  11. Valerie McCormick says:

    Thanks so much for you books. I have enjoyed the “Marriage Trio”. I can’t wait for the Merger to see if the spell works and find out more about Sawyer Wells

  12. Thanks so much for the “marriage trio”. They were all great. Can’t wait to read the merger to see what happens between Julietta and Sawyer. Thanks again for such enjoyable stories. Valerie

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